The full Star Wars mural at Celebration Chicago - including the Episode IX section - has officially been revealed. This weekend, the galaxy far, far away takes center stage in the Windy City, with Lucasfilm going the extra mile to make their trademark convention a memorable experience for attendees. It goes without saying there are plenty of big panels planned over the next few days, spotlighting the various corners of the franchise and teasing upcoming projects.

It’s been said before, but 2019 is a massive year for Star Wars. More than four decades after George Lucas started the Skywalker saga with the original film, Lucasfilm is at long last bringing this story to a close in Episode IX. Though the studio has several other movies and television shows in the works, J.J. Abrams’ film will be the final chapter in a story audiences have been following since 1977, marking the end of an era. That incredible history is on display in full force during Celebration Chicago.

Those walking through McCormick Place have probably already seen the beautiful Star Wars mural, which acts as an illustrated timeline of the franchise to date. The 11 feature films and both animated shows are represented. When Celebration kicked off, the last part of the mural was covered in black tarp, keeping the Episode IX art hidden from public view. But now, it’s finally been revealed for all to see. Check it out in the space below, via @DanielKennedyDK:

It goes without saying there isn’t anything too spoilery here; the artists were likely working with minimal Episode IX assets to draw from, so they were limited with what they could include. Perhaps the biggest reveal is Kylo Ren’s reconstructed helmet, which is held together by the red adhesive material that was reported on late last year. The section is a nice blend of sequel trilogy and legacy characters, with the Resistance’s big three (Rey, Finn, and Poe) appearing alongside Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO. That works as a depiction of what the modern movies - and Episode IX in particular - represent. Chewie and the droids have been here since the very beginning, so it’s only right for them to have spots at the end of the mural. Odds are, this is their last rodeo on the big screen.

As great as it is to see Artoo and Threepio on the Episode IX portion, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll have sizable roles in the film. After all, Captain Phasma is a curious inclusion on the Last Jedi section, even though she hardly had any screen time in the sequels. It’s quite plausible everyone’s favorite dynamic droid duo were include for sentimental reasons than anything else; wile both have had moments in The Force Awakens and Last Jedi, they’ve been background players within the larger context of the plot. Many fans would enjoy to see that change for Episode IX, so it’ll be interesting to see how everything plays out.

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Source: @DanielKennedyDK

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