If there’s one wedge that definitely divides the Disney fandom, it’s the subject of Tangled vs. Frozen. Anna and Elsa might currently be Disney’s biggest cash-cow since The Lion King, but Rapunzel and Flynn have more dedicated fans. From the sunny kingdom of Corona to the icy mountains of Arendelle a battle of ice and fire has fans locking horns.

But which princess really holds the crown? Which soundtrack has us singing along? Which movie do we have on repeat? Join us for a Disney battle royale as we answer that dreaded debate of Disney fans everywhere. Which is better, Frozen or Tangled?

Best Source Material: Frozen

Though an unknown fact to some, Disney had been trying to get a Hans Christian Andersen film made since Walt’s Day. Anderson’s The Snow Queen is definitely a grim fairytale with all the trimmings and trappings, but easily one we wouldn’t mind reading on a cold winter’s night. Rapunzel, however, has kinda been on repeat for a few decades.

Everyone knows the story of Rapunzel’s golden hair, but how many people have actually read The Snow Queen? Granted, Tangled sticks a smidge closer to its inspiration than Frozen ever does, but it’s still a lesser-known fairytale.

Best Plot: Tangled

Although Frozen did offer some interesting twists with the sisterly love message of the film, we’ve gotta give this one to Tangled. It gives us the classic Disney-styled fairytale in a faraway kingdom with magic spells, animal sidekicks, and random musical numbers. It’s familiar, but at the same time still different from something like Cinderella.

Tangled is a Disney fairytale, but with a more human element present. It’s got its cliches and tropes, but you’re not beaten over the head with the metaphorical frying pan. Frozen, however, feels like it has to work from the Disney princess check-list. Hence the point goes to Tangled.

Best Leads: Frozen

To be fair, if this were just a one-on-one battle, Flynn Ryder would definitely smash Elsa, but since it comes down to Flynn and Rapunzel on their own versus Anna and Elsa together, we gotta give the couple the cold shoulder. Anna and Elsa definitely have a more interesting relationship than your standard-issue Disney couple.

Anna and Elsa work because of their polar opposite dynamic mixed with their strong, sisterly bond. They are quite literally a fire and ice pair of siblings, Elsa with her ice powers and cool demeanor and Anna with her firey red hair and sparky personality. It just sticks with us a little more than the regular romantic leads of every other Disney flick.

Best Villain: Tangled

Yeah, yeah, we can hear you groaning and booing already. But let’s look at the facts, the only memorable thing Hans has going for him in the terms of villainy is his surprise reveal. Mother Gothel, on the other hand, now there’s a wicked witch if there ever was one.

Gothel not only has a big brassy Broadway number of a villain song, but she’s also one of the most realistic and toxic Disney villains they’ve made since Frollo. She’s emotionally abusive, subtly cruel, and isn’t afraid to pull a knife on a guy. Definitely more active than the Prince of the Southern Isles.

Best Side Characters: Frozen

Aside from Maximus, Pascal, and the Thugs, Tangled doesn’t have as many memorable side characters as Frozen does. Arendell hosts the likes of Sven, Olaf, Oken, Marshmallow, Grand Pabbie, and the trolls, all memorable characters viewers can recognize by name.

Aside from a few quirks and one adorable musical number from the patrons of the Snuggly Duckling, Tangled’s supporting cast is a little bit on the limited side, but definitely more active. But Frozen’s players are more quotable and namable at the end of the day. It’s honestly just down to the numbers on this one.

Best Setting: Tangled

We’re not going to lie, this one was a really tough call. But we have to go with the Kingdom of Corona over Arendelle for the best setting. Don’t get us wrong, icy mountain peaks are always majestic, but aside from the trolls, Arendelle looks a little too much like its Scandinavian inspiration.

Corona looks like a fantasy land with swords, sorcery, and all the adventure Disney magic can bring. And if it’s one thing we look to Disney for, it’s magic. Come on, how cool would it be to start out a D&D campaign in the Snuggly Duckling, musical number and all?

Best Designs: Tie

We sat on this one a long while but the designs of both films are just too similar to pick a definite winner. Plus, if you subscribe to several fan-theories on the matter, they do seem to exist in the same world. There were definitely some shared animation geniuses on both projects and their hard work really shows.

Though we’d rather spend more time in Corona than Arendelle, we can’t say it’s too farfetched to think Flynn and Rapunzel wouldn’t look out of place in Anna and Elsa’s kingdom. Call it a blending of styles or simply Disney relying on a past design choice that worked, we’ll happily give them both a point.

Humor: Tangled

Though Frozen came close with a few of its zingers from Kristoff, we have to give it to Tangled in terms of both quantity and quality. Frozen just feels like your everyday Disney romp with most of its humor, Tangled, on the other hand, relies on jokes, one-liners, and visual humor we’d expect to see more out of The Princess Bride than your typical Disney fairytale.

From Flynn Rider’s self-aware status to Maximus’s hunting dog routine, Disney definitely brought their A-game when it came to the humor department. It’s witty and at times even dark brand of humor definitely puts Frozen’s on ice.

Songs: Tie

We really almost gave this category to Tangled for its use of Alan Menken’s dynamite gift for cranking out Disney hits, but both films genuinely have solid soundtracks. Even we weren’t immune to the infection that was “Let It Go.” Whether you like your soundtrack in that classic Disney style or prefer something a little more modern, you won’t be disappointed with either film.

Tangled has more upbeat and catchy tunes, but Frozen has more grand and sweeping scores. At the end of the day, it’s all a manner of taste and preference. And speaking of taste and preference, what better way to bring up our final round?

Rewatchability: Split Decision

Honestly, like all movies, the winner of this round is basically split by its audience. The younger Disney fans will probably flock to Frozen while the older kids tune in to Tangled. It all boils down to Disney doing what Disney does best, reaching not just one type of audience, but all of them.

We’d be lying if we said we didn’t pitch our tent in camp Tangled, but there’s no denying the effect Frozen has had on audiences everywhere. Whether you’ve succumbed to Frozen-Fever or way down deep inside you’ve got a dream, Disney’s definitely given us two fantastic fairytales.