In layman’s term, you are checking the GUI – anything that is visible on screen, client -side. For a web application, front-end testing would involve checking functionalities like forms, graphs, menus, reports, etc. as well as associated Javascript. Frontend testing is a term that covers a variety of testing strategies. A tester needs a good understanding of business requirements to perform this type of testing.
What is Back-end Testing?
Backend testing is a type of testing that checks the Application and Database layer of a 3 Tier Architecture. In a complex software application like ERP, back-end testing would entail checking the business logic in the Application Layer. For simpler applications, backend testing checks the server-side or Database. It means that data entered in the front end will be checked in the back-end database. The database format can be SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, DB2, etc. The data will be organized in the tables as a record. Databases are checked for ACID properties, CRUD operations, their Schema, Business rule conformance. Databases is also checked for Security and Performance. In back-end testing, there is no need to use the GUI. You can directly pass the data using a browser with the parameters required for the function to get the response in some default format. For Example, XML or JSON. You also connect to the database directly and verify the data using SQL queries.
Difference between Frontend Testing and Backend Testing
Following are the key difference between Frontend Testing and Backend Testing
Top Front-end Testing Tools
There are many tools available for front-end testing. Here, given are three popular front-end testing tools.
- Grunt: Grunt is one of the preferred tools when it comes to task automation. It is a JavaScript task runner, offering plenty of bundled plugins for common tasks.
- Sauce Labs: Sauce Labs is an application that allows you to test your mobile applications and website across numerous browsers, physical devices, and OS.
- Karma: Karma is a JavaScript test runner tool. It allows you to execute tests from workstation to the production CI.
Top Backend Testing Tools
Database testing also refers to Back-end testing is very important. Here, are some important back-end testing tools which help to find issues like deadlocking, data corruption, and poor performance.
- Data Factory: Data factory is database testing tool. It works as data generator and data manager for database testing. It has very easy to use interface and capable of managing complicated data relationship.
- Data Generator: DTM Data Generator is another backend testing tool. It is used for generating data rows and schema objects for database testing. The tool supports Load Usability and performance testing on the database.
- TurboData Turbodata software tool can be used to generate test data with foreign keys. It allows to use Select, Updates, and Delete SQL commands. It also supports multiple sequential files and relational databases.