Friends is still one of the most popular shows to ever grace the small screen. The series had a small cast of loveable and relatable characters that kept fans not only coming back for more, but religiously watching reruns over and over again.

The characters and their relationships were certainly the most memorable part of Friends. From Ross and Rachel’s unforgettable will-they-won’t-they dynamic, to Monica and Chandler’s somewhat surprising love story… not forgetting those less-than-significant flings in between.

Friends would not be as timeless as it is without these romances: the ones fans loved and the ones fans hated.

Worst: Rachel And Joey

This is perhaps the most controversial relationship that Friends ever produced. Perhaps it was inevitable, though: the storylines, characters and the relationships all began to suffer as the series neared its tenth and final season. The writers began making some questionable decisions.

One of these strange choices was changing the nature of Rachel and Joey’s endearing familial friendship into clichéd romantic drama. This decision was ultimately despised by just about everyone, but Friends’ writers milked the storyline for some time before burying it once and for all.

Joey and Rachel’s friendship is adorable, and most fans would rather forget about the whole romance storyline altogether.

Best: Phoebe And Mike

Paul Rudd’s character, Mike Hannigan, was introduced early in Friends’ penultimate season. With his sweet, charming nature, he won Phoebe over quickly.

The two dated throughout season 9. When Mike tells Phoebe that he is not interested in marriage (as he had already married and divorced once), they split up for a while. It’s then that Friends resurrects Phoebe’s relationship with David, who had been in Minsk for years. In the end, during a dramatic trip to Barbados, Phoebe and Mike reconcile and ultimately wind up marrying in the final season.

When Phoebe changed her name to “Princess Consuela Banana Hammock” and Mike responded by threatening to change his own name to “Crap Bag,” it was clear that these two were meant to be.

Worst: Monica And Richard

There were so many things wrong with this relationship. The fact that Richard was old enough to be Monica’s father was just one of them.

Monica and Richard dated on and off for a while and their relationship was a recurring theme, even when Monica began a relationship with Chandler. The repeated flings and encounters Monica and Richard had with each other got tiresome after a while, and eventually seemed a little pointless. It was made clear early on that they both wanted different things.

What made this relationship completely intolerable was the fact that Richard almost came between Monica and Chandler in season six, during Chandler’s well-meaning plan to propose to Monica.

Best: Carol And Susan

This often overlooked relationship was beautiful, despite not being featured on the series all that often. A same-sex relationship was still pretty controversial move for any show in the 90s, especially for a wildly popular sitcom like Friends.

Carol and Susan had a touching, heartwarming relationship. They married in a season 2 episode titled “The One With The Lesbian Wedding,” Carol and Susan’s beautiful ceremony was not well received at the time, so the episode itself is quite revolutionary, and Friends made history for airing it.

Worst: Chandler And Kathy

Monica and Chandler didn’t begin their romantic relationship until season four, but they always shared moments together that made fans wonder (and hope) that there was something more going on with them. Because of this, every relationship Chandler and Monica had with someone besides each other felt wrong.

Kathy was the source of much drama. She was dating Joey all the while falling in love with Chandler. This caused a rift between Chandler and Joey, and Chandler’s entire short-lived relationship with Kathy did nothing but cause drama and heartache all around.

Best: Ross And Janice

In all honesty, Ross was not a likeable guy. David Schwimmer’s portrayal of the arrogant paleontologist never failed to be hilarious, but as a character, and frankly, as a boyfriend, Ross was insufferable.

Who could be a better partner for him, then, than someone equally insufferable? Janice was a hilarious recurring character on the series, making rare but always unforgettable appearances throughout Friends’ ten seasons. In the season 5 episode “The One With Chandler’s Work Laugh,” Ross is upset that ex-wife Emily is getting married. As a result, he hooks up with Janice. The two are only together a very short time; Ross’ selfish, mopey attitude is too much for even Janice to take and she breaks it off with him.

Worst: Ross And Elizabeth

Yet another Friends relationship in which there is a major age gap between the characters. Elizabeth is a twenty-year-old university student, and a student in the class Ross teaches, no less.

When they begin dating, Ross’ friends (rightfully) tease and make fun of him for being with a woman who is ten years his junior. The entire relationship is very cringeworthy, as Elizabeth was very much still a little girl and Ross was a university professor. Oh, Dr. Gellar…

Best: Jack And Judy

The endearing parents of Monica and Ross were very affectionate with each other (even after decades of marriage) and it was completely adorable. Jack and Judy were known for expressing PDA to the point of inappropriateness, almost every time they appeared on Friends.

They had a very loving relationship, and their scenes on the show were always memorable and hilarious. Jack and Judy never bothered to hide their love for each other, and honestly, they’re kind of relationship goals.

Worst: Ross And Rachel

Though it is probably the most famous relationship that originated from Friends, Ross and Rachel were definitely the worst.

Some of the most romanticized, beloved relationships portrayed on TV are nowhere near as perfect as their fanbases would make it seem. Ross and Rachel definitely fall into that category. Not only did Ross cheat on Rachel and lamely justify it by being “ON A BREAK,” but he was also the reason she gave up her dream job in Paris. These two are in no way perfect and their relationship is not healthy at all. Ross and Rachel are certainly not worthy of all the hype that surrounds them.

Best: Monica And Chandler

Far too often overshadowed by the popularity of Ross and Rachel, Monica and Chandler deserve way more appreciation than they get.

Their bond was one of the best instances of the classic (but wonderful) friendship-to-romance trope. Monica and Chandler were close friends for four seasons of Friends, and there always seemed to be a spark of something more between them. Their romance began when Ross married Emily in London and Monica became depressed, due to her single status. After she and Chandler hooked up in London, their dynamic became arguably the best one on the show. It’s super hard not to love them, as they are completely perfect for each other.