Joey Tribbiani is a character full of wit, charm, and some really weird habits. He can make any woman swoon, and his friendship with Chandler Bing could warm anyone’s heart. However, there are some not-so-great things Joey has done. He is not always the most reliable, and there’s no telling what he’s going to get into. The Friends gang were far from perfect, and made plenty of mistakes, regardless of how much we love them. Here are 10 of the worst things Joey has ever done.

The Wooden Leg

In season three, we see Chandler fall for a nice woman named Ginger. When Joey sees her at Central Perk he completely freaks out on her. Come to find out, Joey has a past with Ginger and it’s…less than perfect. Ginger has an artificial leg. When Joey was dating her, he woke up in the middle of the night once, very cold. The fire they had built was dying, so Joey decided to add some logs to it to prevent it from going out. Unbeknownst to him, he grabbed Ginger’s wooden leg by mistake. Suffice it to say, he was quite surprised to see her after that.

Dating Janine

When beautiful model Janine moves in with Joey, he is all in. He is head over heels for her, but she does not exactly reciprocate. Fast forward to New Years, and the pair share a passionate kiss that leads to a very brief romance. As soon as the start dating, Janine acquires a new attitude towards Chandler and Monica. All she can do is complain about them to Joey, and it does not take long for Monica and Chandler to find out. Note to self: never date someone who hates your friends.

The Award Show

When Joey is up for a Soapy award for his part as Dr. Drake Ramoray on Days of Our Lives, he brings Rachel along to the award show. He has practiced his gracious losing face, as well as his winning speech. However, when he actually loses his category, he freaks out on camera. He causes a big scene, cursing and muttering things. Later in the award show Joey gets to be a presenter. When the winner is not able to make it, Joey makes a speech for her. Although, the speech is more like his own way of pretending he won.

Dating Life

Joey is a player. He has a hard time settling down, and one of the only times we really see him truly in love, is when he falls for Rachel. Aside from that, he rotates through women pretty quickly. The problem is, he knows he is good looking. He knows he can get women almost every time by muttering those words, “How you doin?” Even though Joey is lovable, the way he treats women isn’t always the best.

Chandler In A Box

When Chandler reveals tat he has feelings for Kathy and that they kissed, Joey’s heart breaks. Even though he wasn’t completely set on Kathy, knowing Chandler would do that hurts him. However, this doesn’t really make sense seeing as how Joey was also seeing another woman. He decides to punish Chandler by putting him in a box during Thanksgiving, where he must be silent and think about what he has done. Seems extreme. Luckily, he comes to his senses and lets Chandler out in order to get Kathy back. Still, the fact that he punished Chandler so harshly isn’t very cool.


When baby Emma takes a liking to Huggsy the stuffed penguin, Joey grows angry. Huggsy was originally placed in Emma’s crib as a marker to note where Emma would sleep, should Rachel stay living with Joey. Quickly, Emma becomes attached to Huggsy and she can’t even sleep without it. Joey takes matters into his own hands and buys Emma a new Huggsy so he can keep the original. Unfortunately for him, she does not want the new one.

Using Monica

When Joey sees an ex flame Angela at Central Perk, he quickly realizes he wants her back. Angela confesses that she has a new man Bob. Not wanting to seem pathetic, Joey suggests a double date between them and he and Monica. The thing is, Monica is under the impression that Angela and Bob are brother and sister. The whole night she is trying to flirt with Bob, and feeling super uncomfortable about his flirty actions towards Angela. That’s a sure fire way to lose Monica’s trust.

Leaving Ben

Ross ends up having a bad allergic reaction to one of Monica’s pies, and he needs someone to watch Ben. Joey convinces Ross that he should leave Ben with him and Chandler. In typical Joey fashion, he gets distracted on the bus by two girls and ends up leaving Ben alone on the bus. After said girls ask him where the baby is, he and Chandler must go sprinting after the bus in the New York City streets. We will say, at least he wasn’t alone in this little mishap…but still not a super responsible move.

“Saving” Ross

Phoebe’s cop boyfriend takes Joey, Chandler, and Ross on a ride along in the squad car one night. Joey of course has to stop and get a sandwich for the ride. While cruising around a car backfires, emulating the sound of possible gunshots. During the slow mo action (such a good scene) Joey turns to shield Ross with his body. Later we find out, however, that Joey was simply trying to save his sandwich. So not only has he chosen to protect something of essentially no value in a life or death situation, but he chooses that object OVER his friend.

Kissing Rachel

There is so much debate over this couple. The one thing we know, is that Ross was clearly not okay with Joey and Rachel becoming an item. This is probably why they fizzle out pretty quickly. Normally it’s okay to go for whoever you love, but when it comes to Ross and Rachel they are just kind of a solid thing, even when they are apart.