Friends is one of the most iconic television shows of all time, and at the heart of the show was Central Perk. To some, it might just be a random little coffee shop, but to fans of the show, this is one of the most important locations in the history of television.

The coffee shop is the location where the main group spend the vast majority of their time, catching up, sharing gossip and debating major life decisions. It’s the main ‘hub’ for the entire show, and because of that, it is the location of some amazing moments.

Whether it’s major decisions, arguments, or just some funny interactions, Central Perk has seen it all. It’s much more than just a coffee shop, and within this list, we will list the 10 most iconic moments from Central Perk.

“Smelly Cat”

One of the most iconic moments from Friends is Phoebe belting out the hilarious song, “Smelly Cat.” It’s a tune that everyone now knows the words to and can sing along with easily, proving just how popular this moment was from the show.

Phoebe’s singing was brought up several times throughout the show, including when she was poorly and had her “sexy” voice. But nothing will beat the original moment audiences first heard “Smelly Cat,” which just perfectly summed up Phoebe as a person.


Nope, we aren’t talking about the salmon skin roll here. That incredible moment comes later, but for now, we are focusing on the scene where Ross first teaches Phoebe and Rachel about “Unagi.” He claims it is a Japanese self-defence that allows people to be ready whenever danger is near.

It leads to some amazing moments throughout the episode as the girls try to scare Ross, but this moment is perfect as well. The hand movement that goes with it only goes on to cement how great this is, with Ross taking it so seriously that it’s impossible not to laugh at it.

The Piano Man

There’s a reason that Paul Rudd is considered to be one of the funniest characters in Friends. Every time he appears, it creates hilarious scenes and that is exactly what this epic Central Perk moment did as he showcased his piano playing skills.

Mike made it clear that he didn’t want to play as there isn’t a piano inside Central Perk, but as Phoebe rightfully points out, “That wouldn’t stand in the way of a true pianist.” This leads to Mike getting up and playing an invisible piano in the most hilarious way possible, as you would expect from Paul Rudd.

“Put The Mouse Back In The House”

When it comes to funny Central Perk moments, this one really is quite underrated, but it’s one of the best and deserves its place on the list. The group welcome several people to Central Perk throughout the show, and Phoebe’s boyfriend, Robert is one of those.

He just happens to ‘reveal’ a little more than most would want with his loose-fitting shorts. After several great moments where the rest of the group encounter the issue, it ends up being Gunther who addresses it, hilariously stating, “Put the mouse back in the house.”

“Joey Doesn’t Share Food”

This is another classic line from Friends that has ended up being said repeatedly by fans throughout the years as “Joey doesn’t share food!” It’s something any Friends fan would understand and is an absolutely hilarious scene as Joey informs Phoebe what her friend did wrong on their date.

She thinks they would have had a great time, but Joey makes it clear that the date was a disaster because she took some of his fries. The scene isn’t anything that really impacts the show in the long-run, but it just perfectly sums up Joey as a character and is very funny.

A Name Change

Mike was the perfect character to marry Phoebe and was someone that fans actually wished had shown up earlier in the series due to how many amazing moments he brought. Their unforgettable scene inside Central Perk just proved that, with Lisa Kudrow and Paul Rudd playing this to perfection.

This scene comes after they got married, with Phoebe set to change her name. However, instead of just taking his second name she became Princess Consuela Banana Hammock. Of course, because Mike was happy to embrace her insane style, he ended up becoming Crap Bag.

“I’m Sorry”

This isn’t just one of the funniest Central Perk moments ever, but it’s one of the funniest parts of the show. It isn’t often we see the characters argue, but at this moment Joey and Ross are doing just that. Joey tries to explain he didn’t mean to propose to Rachel, using air quotes signs to try and push how sorry he is.

Of course, Joey uses it wrong, and then he offers Ross the chance to punch him, only to duck leading to Ross breaking his hand. It’s hard to pick what is funnier, Gunther’s face after this moment or when Joey then tries to prove it’s a reflex to duck a punch, only for Ross to not move and be hit in the face.

Phoebe’s Wedding

While this moment technically takes place just outside of Central Perk, the coffee shop is certainly involved in this one as this is where Phoebe walks out from. Unlike others on this list, this moment isn’t funny but is instead incredibly emotional and memorable.

Few ever expected Phoebe to get a fairytale wedding during the show, but with Mike, there was an instant connection between them. This was an amazing episode that had so many heartfelt moments throughout it and was one that caused many a fan to shed a tear.

The Kiss

Who can forget this moment? An empty Central Perk, a moonlight setting, and tons of rain outside, it was just set up perfectly for Ross and Rachel’s epic first kiss. It was a moment fans had eagerly been waiting for and it certainly didn’t disappoint, with Central Perk being the location it happened.

After an argument where they did confess their feelings, but both felt that moment had passed, it seemed like it wasn’t going to happen. However, as Rachel turns to see Ross stood outside the coffee shop, it was clear what was going to happen and it was amazing.

Rachel Arrives

When it comes to Central Perk it doesn’t get much more iconic than the original opening scene of the show. This is the moment that Rachel first arrives, bursting through the doors in her wedding dress having run away on her big day, looking for her old friend Monica.

Luckily for Rachel, Monica just so happens to already have a tight-knit group of people, and she is instantly brought in like family. It’s not the funniest moment or perhaps not even the most important, but it’s one of the most memorable and is the scene that sets this journey off.