Even though Friends ended a long time ago, there are lots of people that are still watching it, and some of them have some seriously strong feelings about some of the things that happened in the show. Lots of viewers were excited when the series ended with Rachel deciding to ditch her move to Paris so that she and Ross could be together.

But, on the other hand, some people believe Joey would have been the perfect guy for her. There are actually some reasons why Joey would have been better for Rachel, but there are also reasons why Ross was the right man for her. Here are the reasons why both men were great choices for Rachel.

Ross Had A Stable Job

Ross was a paleontologist and professor, which means that he had a very stable income, while Joey was an actor. Sometimes he saw lots of success, but most of the time he was struggling to find work, which is an unfortunate reality for lots of people who choose to go into that business.

Later on in the show, Rachel became a person who was very focused on her career, so it makes a lot of sense that she would pick someone else with a mind like hers. Joey was a great guy, but that doesn’t make up for the fact that his job was not the most reliable one.

Joey Matured For Her

Joey was always a goofy, yet slightly immature guy, but he seemed to become a bit more mature at the end of the series, which was when he decided to try to get Rachel to live in his apartment. Ross also tried to provide her with a place to live, but his attempts did not go as well as he would have liked.

Joey actually did a lot for Rachel during this time. He knew that she would be giving birth very soon, which is why he turned part of his apartment into a nursery for baby Emma. This episode is called “The One With The Stain.”

Ross Loved Her Since High School

While lots of Friends characters adore Rachel, Ross is the one who has been in love with her since they were both in high school. His feelings for her never truly ended, but, in the beginning of the series, he wasn’t always sure how to approach her and tell her how he felt.

In the episode called “The One With The Prom Video,” his true feelings for her were revealed. He loved her so much that he was willing to get dressed up and take her to the prom at the lost minute when he thought her date had ditched her.

Joey Had A Lot Of Sisters

Joey had multiple sisters, which means that he probably knows a bit more about women than Ross does, even if he does not always show it. There are multiple episodes that show that Joey has a rather huge family, and one of them is called “The One Where Chandler Can’t Remember Which Sister.”

During that episode, Chandler gets with one of Joey’s seven sisters, but he simply cannot remember which one it was, so he spends much of the episode trying to figure it out. Yet, Joey’s grandmother makes that a lot harder for him, and everyone eventually finds out what happened.

Ross Was Not Afraid Of Commitment

The number of weddings Ross had on the show is a running joke during the whole series, but it does show that he was never afraid to commit to someone (although some might say that he was not very committed to Emily, since he said Rachel’s name at the altar). It seems like Ross was married a lot, but he actually only walked down the aisle three times.

First, he married Carol Willick, who later left him for Susan Bunch. After that, he met Emily, and they got married, but that did not end well. Then, he and Rachel married one another on a whim when they were not in the right state of mind.

Joey Cared About Others

Selfish is definitely not a word that one could use to describe Joey, and that is one of the reasons why he would have been a much better choice for her than Ross. There are multiple points in the show where Ross is clearly only thinking about himself.

One of those times is when he let Rachel go on believing that their marriage had been annulled when they were actually still married to each other despite the fact that she did not want to be married to him at the time. That is not something Joey would have done since he puts others before himself.

Ross Was Willing To Help Her When She Needed Him

Ross does have some redeeming qualities, such as the fact that he gave up his chance to appear on television so that way he could help Rachel out when she had a broken rib. This is one of many moments in the series that proves that Ross is actually a pretty great guy and that it’s just hard to see sometimes. Ross could have got a lot of recognition in his field of work if he had attended the event he was supposed to go to that evening, but he knew that helping his ex-girlfriend out was a much bigger deal.

Joey Loved Rachel For Who She Was

Joey really dis not ask anyone to change, and that is what made him a great guy. Ross was not always like that, especially when it came to women he was dating at the time. Joey was a very kind person who always seemed to accept everybody who they are.

Since the start of the show, there was never a time when Joey expected Rachel to do something that was out of character for her. Joey was pretty much always comfortable with who Rachel was as a person, and that is a quality that is great to have in a significant other.

Ross Was Always Himself

Ross may not be the most enjoyable character on Friends, but at least he is always upfront with who he is. Ross really is not anything like his friends, and that is what makes him such a cool guy.

He is very nerdy, and that’s what makes him who he is. Lots of people are not quite as honest about their true personalities as Ross is. One of the reasons why Ross was the best choice for Rachel is because he is not afraid to simply be himself around her despite the fact that she does make him a bit nervous at times since he is so in love with her.

Joey Still Wanted To Be Friends With Rachel Even Though He Couldn’t Be With Her

One of Joey’s best qualities is the fact that he was totally cool with being friends with Rachel, even though they did not work out as a couple. They probably would have made a pretty awesome couple if things had been just a bit different.

Most of the fans of the show agree that Joey had some real feelings for Rachel, but they also seem to agree on the fact that her feelings for him did not appear to be as genuine. Nevertheless, Joey was more than happy to remain in her life as nothing more than a great friend.