While the characters on Friends incredibly iconic, so are many of their outfits. Rachel’s hair might have inspired a generation of women, but throughout the show, each character ends up wearing some incredibly memorable pieces of clothing. Of course, with any good sitcom, not all of those outfits are iconic and memorable for the right reasons. Some of the outfits that are worn on the show are truly horrendous, some by design and others simply due to the era.

One character who goes through a serious rollercoaster of outfits is Ross Geller. He may have spent a long time waxing his hair to perfection, but he also spends a long time focusing on what to wear as well. In this article, we will rank Ross’s five best and worst outfits from Friends.

Best: Wedding Day

Ross’s wedding to Emily might have been a total disaster, but at least he looked great throughout it. It isn’t often that Ross gets to really dress up throughout the show, and even though he wears plenty of suits, he obviously takes things to a different level for his wedding day.

Of course, this ends up being one of the worst days of the characters life as he utters Rachel’s name during the ceremony. But when it comes down to Ross Geller’s outfits from the show, this is certainly one of his best looks. With his hair not looking overly greasy and Ross still having a youthful look, it is clear to see why the ladies like him in this episode, as he looks great.

Worst: The Pink Sweater

One of Ross’s worst outfits is when he decides to start walking around in a woman’s shirt because of how it looks and feels. While there is nothing wrong with men wearing women’s clothes, there is something wrong with how hideous this particular top is. Of course, the main joke from this is the fact it is a woman’s shirt and Ross isn’t willing to believe anybody.

However, when he ends up going on a date and takes his jacket off to see he is wearing the exact same top as her, it all becomes clear. While all of that is hilarious to see, the top itself is just horrid. With a pattern that looks like it belongs on a wall during the hippie’s era, it is not a good look for him.

Best: Sporting

When watching Friends you quickly learn the different styles that each character has and none of them would be described as sporty. However, during a few different episodes, the group ends up needing to whip out their sporting gear and it’s always great.

While they are always baggy fitting, unlike what would be shown nowadays it is still always great to see them in a different way. Ross busts out his sporting gear for several episodes, including the famous Thanksgiving episode where they play football. Ross looks great as he battles against his friends to win the Geller Cup. While it isn’t his most famous outfit, it is certainly a good one.

Worst: Frankie Says Relax

There is so much to unpack with this particular outfit, but one thing that is for certain is that it’s one of Ross Geller’s worst. While it creates a hilarious moment on the show, as many of Ross’s poor outfit choices do, there’s no doubt it’s not a good look for him.

The main issue with Ross’s ‘Frankie Say Relax’ t-shirt is the fact that it doesn’t fit him. It’s not just a little bit small either, the shirt has been shrunk so badly that it looks like it could fit a child as he desperately squeezes into it. When the words are distorted due to how tight the shirt is, you know there is a problem.

Best: After Vegas

The Friends episodes in Las Vegas are absolutely incredible. They provide some hilarious moments, including the wedding between Ross and Rachel, but it is the morning after where Ross showcases one of his best outfits from the show.

It is a great smart-casual look for Ross that is slightly different from his normal work look. We normally see Ross in that type of outfit, with a smart shirt and tie, but here everything is more relaxed as he’s on vacation, and he looks fantastic for it.

Worst: Flashback Outfit

Throughout the course of Friends, the show likes to provide flashback scenes to the group in their younger days. You might think that in those moments, Ross would look a little cooler as he is really trying to impress people but that isn’t the case.

His hair never looks good in these moments, and during this particular outfit that is the case once again. However, it is his horrendous outfit that really catches the eye. With a bright blue open blazer (and matching pants), and a bright yellow t-shirt, this really is just a horrid outfit. The only saving grace for Ross in this situation is the fact that Chandler also looks absolutely ridiculous.

Best: Sweaters

Throughout Friends, it quickly becomes clear that Ross is the king of sweaters. He has one in seemingly every single color and style with this very much being his ‘classic outfit.’ While it is plain, there is nothing wrong with that and he manages to pull it off well.

Obviously, not every single sweater he wears is brilliant, but for the most part they are a good look for him. He’s not trying to be cool and hip or down with the kids here, he is just dressing as a dad would. Just because characters on television shows are often dressed up to be incredibly smart, that doesn’t always have to be the case. Ross dresses for the every day, which is why his sweaters are a great look.

Worst: Holiday Armadillo

What is Ross thinking here? In ‘The One With The Holiday Armadillo,’ Ross wants to surprise Ben, but he leaves it too late and isn’t able to rent a Christmas suit. To combat that, he gets the next best thing, which is apparently a Holiday Armadillo. The Armadillo tells Ben all about Hanukkah and the Festival of Lights, only for Chandler to upstage him as Santa.

While the reasoning behind Ross’s decision to get this fancy dress is a heartwarming one, it can’t be denied that he looks ridiculous. It’s one of the worst fancy dress costumes you are ever going to see and has nothing to do with what Ross is actually telling Ben. While it created a hilarious moment on the show, it’s certainly one of his worst looks.

Best: Barbados Look

The entire group goes to Barbados during the show, creating some of the most fun and well-known episodes in Friends’ history. The reason behind the trip is that Ross has a conference and is giving a keynote speech, and he looks great during the trip. Even though he doesn’t get to hit the swimming pool in these episodes, much to Joey’s disappointment, he does showcase one of his best outfits.

Providing a relaxed, but business outfit when he is around the hotel, Ross looks great. With his salmon colored shirt and some grey pants to go along with it, Ross doesn’t just look good but he also looks professional.

Worst: The Leather Pants

This is simultaneously the worst and best thing that Ross Geller ever wears. It’s ultimately the worst because he just doesn’t suit leather pants. However, it’s also the best because simply seeing him in them is hilarious throughout the episode. This creates one of the funniest moments from Friends, as the pants end up becoming stuck. Because they are too tight for him, Ross struggles actually getting them back on after a trip to the bathroom, and from then on it becomes a disaster.

Using lotions to try and slip them up, his legs end up with a paste on them as he is forced to just take the pants off. Creating a true moment of embarrassment for him, this is one look nobody will forget in a hurry.