HBO Max got everyone talking recently by confirming that the Friends reunion special was finally happening. After years of fans begging and pleading for something from their favorite characters, it is now confirmed that it will be happening in the future.

While it’s not a movie or even a guaranteed episode, it is set to be “unscripted,” which means anything is possible. We don’t know yet what exactly this will be, but if there are to be some storylines it would certainly get a lot of people excited. So, with the potential of new storylines being added to the Friends universe, here are five storylines fans would love to see for Ross, and five that fans wouldn’t want.

Would Love: Dance Routine 2.0

One of the aspects of Friends that people absolutely loved was the physical comedy, and this is something that Ross often did more than others.  One of the best examples of that is when he and Monica do the dance routine for New Year’s Eve, and that’s something that the show could easily callback to.

Anytime reunions happen, fans want to see a blend of nostalgic moments with new and fresh ideas and this is a great way to do it. Whether it would be with just Monica again or adding someone else to the mix, this could be a whole lot of fun.

Wouldn’t Love: Work Struggles

Towards the end of Ross’ storyline on Friends, he was starting to have some serious anger issues, which led him to have time off work and to talk pills to calm him down. Because of that, it’s easy to see how the show could write him down for having work struggles, potentially being fired.

This would give a totally new dynamic to Ross’ character, but not in a great way. This isn’t something people want to see from Ross, as he was always doing well with work and that wasn’t an issue he suffered from, so adding that would be a storyline fans don’t want.

Would Love: Ben Is Growing Up

After the amount of time that has passed since the final episode of Friends aired, Ross’ son, Ben would be at a really interesting point in his life. Starting to become a man and having to make big decisions for himself, there is no doubt an amazing storyline that could come from this.

Having Ross try to guide him to not make the same mistakes he did would be fun to see, with the evolution of him as a father. Of course, there are a ton of comedic moments that could be created from this storyline if the writers went down this road.

Wouldn’t Love: Losing Custody

Speaking of Ben, there is a darker storyline that the show could go down to confirm a popular fan theory from Friends. Many people like to believe that Ross actually lost custody of Ben and didn’t have the right to see him towards the end of the show.

People believe because of his anger problems this is what happened, which is why Ben stopped appearing after Emma was born. It’s a storyline that the show could certainly work with if they wanted to, but it does feel a little too dark for Friends.

Would Love: Owning A Museum

Everyone knows Ross loves dinosaurs, so how could the show develop that with his line of work? Well, owning or being the manager of a museum might just do that. The show has always used the jobs of the main characters for comedic purposes, and this could do just that.

Showing him in the museum fumbling around would easily lead to some funny moments, especially if the rest of the group visited and had some fun with him. Things are always going to change in his occupation, and this seems a logical next step.

Wouldn’t Love: Drifted Apart

While nobody knows what the characters would truly be doing all these years later, something that everyone at least hopes for is that they’ll still be very close. The idea that Ross (With Rachel) might have drifted away is just something fans would hate.

However, with Rachel still dreaming of working in Europe, that is a very real possibility. He has considered moving to England before, so what if he was to move with Rachel and the group dynamic was to change? It’s not something even worth considering.

Would Love: Mental Health Storyline

Of course, this would need to be handled carefully, but with the character of Ross and today’s knowledge about mental health, there is a real opportunity to do some good. Out of all the characters, Ross was the one who showed signs of a potential mental health issue, with his fluctuating moods and serious anger being clear tells.

While back then, mental health wasn’t a prominent thing in society, nowadays it is. Having a show as big and popular as Friends address that could really help a lot of people in so many ways.

Wouldn’t Love: A Parent Death

While people might not like the idea of it, the reality is that after all this time, Jack and Judy Geller would sadly be getting close to the end of their lives in Friends. Of course, this means that the show could write one of both of them off.

However, absolutely nobody would ever want that storyline, even if it would bring an opportunity for some solid dramatic acting. The Geller parents were absolutely beloved, and therefore doing anything to them would only cause a major upset.

Would Love: Getting Married

With the amount of time that has passed since the Friends finale, it is very easy to believe that Ross and Rachel could have gotten married, after all, we know how much Ross loves wedding cake. However, it would have more of an emotional impact if that hadn’t happened yet.

Perhaps the special could see Ross propose to Rachel to make the relationship happen, or it could be just before the wedding day and the build-up. It’s what fans want to believe has happened for them, and hopefully, that will be the case.

Wouldn’t Love: We’re On A Break Part. 2

The main storyline that absolutely nobody wants to see is Ross and Rachel breaking up or having a ‘We’re on a break’ situation once again. The main storyline throughout Friends was getting them together and when that finally happened, it seems insane that they would break them off again.

People want to see them as a happy couple after all this time, not as two jaded individuals who have had a hard life. If they were to have split up, it feels hard to believe that they would stay friends as well, which would really cause a problem.