Friends fans have been given major hope of a new series or episodes after HBO Max confirmed the Friends reunion special for later this year. The show will be ‘unscripted,’ but nothing else is known about it so far, which had got plenty of people speculating that more could be coming.

With all the speculation about what may or may not be happening for the beloved series, it has certainly got people thinking about where the characters might be so many years later. One of the toughest to predict is Phoebe, simply because of her wild nature.

There are many great storylines that Friendscould do with Phoebe if the show was to return, and in this article, we will list 5 that fans would love, and 5 fans would run screaming from.

Would Love: The Search For A Home

Phoebe’s apartment is shown the least out of all members of the group, but everyone knows she has very particular interests and needs. That’s why seeing her and Mike search for a true home of their own could be absolutely hilarious considering how picky Phoebe can be.

Seeing them have their classic arguments that were always hilarious in the series as Mike questions some of Phoebe’s decisions would certainly be fun. On top of that, it would be the next logical step for them as a couple, which would be a great way of continuing their storyline.

Wouldn’t Love: Dating Joey

For a long time on the show, fans did think that there was a good chance Joey and Phoebe would end up together romantically. This would have meant everyone in the group ended up together, and there’s no doubt Joey and Phoebe had a great connection.

The show could easily write that in if Friends was to return, but this wouldn’t feel natural after all this time. This was something that could have worked during the original series, but at this point that ship has sailed.

Would Love: Spiritual Work

While Phoebe did a lot of massage work during Friends, she was always happy to tap into the spiritual side of things, connecting with the dead, for example. But nowadays the spiritual world has really become a big deal with things like reiki treatments becoming quite popular.

It isn’t hard to imagine Phoebe falling into that line of work as it became more popular. There could easily be some funny moments from Phoebe dipping into this occupation, just as her massage career provided some laughs, giving a nod to the series with a modern twist.

Wouldn’t Love: Searches For A Job

Perhaps with Phoebe getting married and potentially starting a family, things might change in her life and she might need a more dependable job. However, having a storyline where she actively goes and looks for a serious job, perhaps in an office, would be a storyline fans wouldn’t like.

While it could certainly be fun to see her in that environment as a one-off, doing it for a long period of time wouldn’t go down well. Phoebe’s character was always great because of her carefree attitude, so making her more serious is never going to go down well.

Would Love: Music Tour

One of the things that people remember best about Phoebe is her music career. While she only plays Central Perk, hearing her sing “Smelly Cat” is never not entertaining. Combine her catchy tunes with Mike’s keyboard playing ability and it’s easy to imagine them being a hit.

Having a storyline where they’ve managed to make music work for them would be a lot of fun. Seeing them tour around playing different shows, perhaps with the rest of the group traveling along with them would be a fun way to embrace Phoebe’s singing career.

Wouldn’t Love: Giving Up Singing

On the opposite side of the coin from the previous entry, seeing Phoebe totally abandon her singing career is not something that people want to see. While Phoebe’s singing might not make her a successful career, that doesn’t mean it should be taken away.

A storyline about her giving up singing just seems like a terrible idea as it would just take away one of her biggest passions, without much of a payoff. This storyline would only hurt Phoebe’s character, rather than making her stronger.

Would Love: Phoebe Finally Goes To London!

When Phoebe was pregnant on Friends, it created some amazing storyline moments for her character. However, it also meant that she missed out on the trip to London for Ross’ wedding to Emily. This may have been a blessing in disguise, but she was incredibly jealous of the group.

They talked about the trip constantly and it made Phoebe upset about missing out. So, a storyline where she finally gets to go to London with everyone for a big trip would be amazing, having her see all the sights and act as the ultimate tourist.

Wouldn’t Love: Hanging Out With Mike’s Friends

While Mike was developed quite well on the show, we never learned too much about his life away from Phoebe, such as his own personal friends that aren’t in the group. However, that was just fine with audiences because they only cared about the core group.

That’s why a storyline about Phoebe hanging out with Mike’s friends wouldn’t be great. This would mean lots of new characters being introduced, which would be unnecessary at this point. The main problem is that the interest just isn’t there.

Would Love: Having Children

While we have seen Phoebe pregnant before, with the birth scene being one of her greatest moments on the show, they weren’t her children. Imagine the emotions that went through that storyline, only with her own children this time with her husband Mike.

This would be a heartwarming story that really would allow Phoebe’s character to come full circle. She would be the greatest (albeit slightly out there) mom around, and it would open up the possibility of terrific storylines.

Wouldn’t Love: Split With Mike

While Mike was a latecomer to the show and not an original member of the group, fans grew to love him as if he had always been around. This was mainly due to Paul Rudd’s incredible performance, but that created amazing chemistry between his character and Phoebe.

Their marriage was a huge moment in Friends and therefore any return for the show would need him featured. Having them split up simply because he’s not a ‘main character’ would be the worst decision the show could make in regard to Phoebe’s character.