The secret to Friends’ success had a lot of ingredients in the recipe, one of them being the pop culture icon that Rachel Green became. Back in the day, the streets were filled with women attempting to replicate Rachel’s dressing style, and that trend has returned thanks to Friends being on streaming services.

And yet, it would be a lie if one claimed that Rachel had all her outfits stamped with a 100% approval rating, because she certainly had some get-ups that we didn’t take a shining to. In order to balance both good and bad perceptions, here are five each of Rachel’s hits and misses in her fashion choices.

Worst: Tiger-Print Top

Maybe Rachel was trying to get Joey to notice her, since this was a time she was supposed to be interested in him, but that top does nothing other than make her look like someone who stole the apparel from a college student.

Had there been sleeves on the side, maybe something could have been salvaged here, but the odd tiger-printed design makes the top appear to be horribly out of place. That, coupled with how the fabric seemed to be made out of those compression shirts you wear at the gym, results in this look being a no-no.

Best: Runaway Bride Dress

It was supposed to be played for laughs how Rachel suddenly burst on the scene wearing a wedding dress, but we’d be lying if we said she didn’t pull it off well. Even in the coffee house, Rachel looked like she belonged and heads needed to be turned her way.

You don’t appreciate the importance of the veil until you notice that Rachel’s hairstyle is by no means a winner, meaning that veil’s saving the whole look. Then again, the complementary shape of the dress does have a certain evergreen feel to it, and women like Rachel would look lovely in such a dress today as well.

Worst: Monochromatic Skirt-Suit

Oh dear, what was Rachel going for here? Maybe the intention was to come across as a strict businesswoman. If that indeed was the case, then consider this mission not accomplished. Rather than look sophisticated, the excessively long skirt seems like the one Mr. Bean wore in that one skit.

Those boots, which would have been a winner, are completely hidden by the skirt fabric — a travesty, as it kills the whole look. A length that stayed above the knees would’ve given the ensemble the edgy look that screams style and quality.

Best: Green Gown

So simple, yet so very elegant. Rachel took the entire episode to get down to the business of dressing up for Ross’ big event, and when she did, she knocked it out of the park. The crazy thing is that there’s really not much to say, since the look is so simple and understated.

A green gown for one Rachel Green was what Dr. Geller ordered, and the slight cut by the left side of the gown added to the elegance. It also helped that Rachel’s hairstyle complemented the gown very well.

Worst: Leopard-Print Outfit

Oddly enough, this coat has become popular in recent times as compared to two decades ago when the episode aired — but we’re still not buying it. The point of the look was supposed to highlight how high-class but fake the alternate reality Rachel was, and that’s how it appears to us.

The weird frizzles on the inner top do nothing to change our opinions, and there’s no real contrast between that color and the leopard print on the coat, which itself looks like something Cruella De Vil would have commissioned.

Best: Blue Velvet Top

Who would think this woman ever worked as a waitress at a coffee shop based on this look? And even if they did, that coffee shop’s reputation would skyrocket just by taking a look at Rachel’s classy attire. This was the kind of apparel one wears to impress someone’s parents. 

Rounding out the appearance are Rachel’s sheer tights, which adds in an air of elegance and makes her look like a woman who commands respect. Plus, that velvet blue top just screams high quality material.

Worst: Cheerleader Outfit

To be honest, Rachel does pull the cheerleader suit off quite well. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Halloween when she decided to put it on. That’s a costume that’s clearly meant for someone in their mid-teen years, and Rachel just seemed too grown-up for it.

Not to mention, those pom poms don’t even seem to be worthy of donning, and it’s easy to assume Rachel had the same pair from way back in her school days judging by the quality. The only thing that doesn’t look too bad is the giant “L” in the middle of the top, which for some reason reminds us of Superman’s insignia.

Best: Pantsuit

There weren’t any pantsuits that Rachel didn’t look good in, but special mention goes to this one, as she has that boss lady look nailed here. The straightened hairdo is what completes the appearance, as Rachel came across as a no-nonsense type.

The dark color of the coat had great contrast with the shirt, which was business casual perfection. Even Chandler couldn’t help but comment on how much he liked the pantsuit, although he might’ve been using flattery to get himself uncuffed.

Worst: White T-Shirt And Denim Skirt

One of the reasons why we didn’t like Rachel with Joey was because he wasn’t honest about her fashion disaster. This was the kind of look people wear when they have no intention of stepping out the house.

However, Rachel wore this all the way from Barbados to New York, coming across like a novice who didn’t know what to wear and threw on the first thing she could find. Furthermore, the denim skirt had no business going with that white shirt, being of two completely different materials.

Best: The Sporty Look

Some would argue against including this on the best list, but Rachel really had the idea of going out and competing down pat, as she looked like the only one on the field ready to rumble. Those pajamas pulled up to the highest point conveyed how she had no clue what she was doing, and the flipped cap confirmed it. 

However, wouldn’t you want to look distinct at all times? Plus, Rachel was injecting some of her unique spirit to the football game, and it was clear just by looking at her that she wasn’t there to win any beauty contests, but to compete. The pigtails were a nice touch too.