Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow) of Friends is like no other. She follows the beat of her own drums and rocks it. Her friends love her, wackiness and all. You can expect that with a personality like Phoebe’s, it would call for some strange-looking outfits, or even an awesome outfit that you had no idea could be concocted.

Phoebe’s known for her creative and outside-of-the-box thinking. Still, while we may love her, there were definitely some outfits over the 10 years of episodes that we just didn’t care for. That said, here are Phoebe’s 5 best outfits and her 5 worst.

Worst: The Orange Coat

Okay, so maybe she was too busy finding out about Chandler and Monica to notice how badly the orange coat clashes with her outfit. Even the orange necklace is a touch much.

The fuzzy orange coat is outdated, even when Phoebe wore it. Plus, the orange color is just too tacky. It makes it hard to find anything that will even come close to matching it. Phoebe tried with the brown beneath, but it’s still a lost cause.

Best: The Onesie

Phoebe knew the popularity the onesie would become. She wears this while having a girls’ night in with Rachel and Monica as they commiserate over the woes of adulthood. In a world where staying in seems to be more popular than going out, the onesie is the perfect outfit to lounge in.

It’s comfortable, stretchy, and you can dress it up or down depending on the design. For Phoebe, she keeps the design simple with stripes. Seeing how relaxed she looks in the onesie makes us want to get onesies for ourselves.

Worst: The Pink Picnic Table Dress

The pinkish-red picnic table dress was all wrong for Phoebe. She’s too tall for the dress, and it doesn’t match the rest of her wardrobe. Granted she was trying to look good and impress her husband, but she would’ve done better to just stay within her wardrobe choices.

The earrings aren’t much better, as they’re too long and don’t really compliment the dress. Her hairstyle doesn’t even suit her personality, it’s too coiffed and controlled for Phoebe.

Best: Red, Peace, & Yin And Yang

It’s totally ’90s, but that’s what we love about it. Fashion trends are coming back around, so now would be the perfect time to revive this look. This cute red outfit, which Phoebe has paired with both a peace sign and a Ying and Yang necklace, is one of her best.

It’s simpler than most of her looks, but it still possesses that fun bohemian vibe. It’s a perfect Spring outfit, and with the way time flies, Spring will be here sooner rather than later. The necklaces aren’t a bad choice for accessories, either. 

Worst: The Grunge Look

Phoebe doesn’t look bad in this outfit. It’s just not her style. Phoebe wears bright colors with fun (or seizure-inducing) patterns. She’s got a bohemian kind of wardrobe for the remainder of the series.

Considering Phoebe wore this over-sized denim vest and darker colors, she’s exhibiting more of a 1990s grunge look. It was in at the time, but it just wasn’t Phoebe. Considering Phoebe wore this in the series’ pilot, the outfit of choice is a bit misleading as to who Phoebe really is, or who she becomes.

Best: The Black Dress

The simple black dress is an essential staple for many wardrobes. Phoebe’s choice in a black dress is sophisticated and accents her features nicely. She’s paired it with a sparkly bracelet and a fun black diamond necklace. Both the bracelet and the necklace are great selections in statement pieces.

Phoebe is originally ready to wear it to a dinner where she’ll run into Mike, who she was broken up with at the time and wanted to look amazing to show him how great she was doing, but she ends up on a date with her ex, David, instead. The dress certainly helped her work her magic.

Worst: The Bow Accessory

The yellow dress and sunflower pendant aren’t a bad combination. Phoebe could’ve worn a different pair of earrings, but otherwise, the outfit isn’t too bad. At least, until Phoebe uses an enormous bow to cover up a stain. Why she thinks this is an awesome accessory, we’ll never know.

We can admire her effort to cover up a stain, but since she was going to an important event of Ross’, the bow wouldn’t do. That said, it was Chandler and Joey’s fault for staining her dress, so Phoebe’s not entirely to blame for her wardrobe mishap.

Best: Color Coordination

It’s not often that Phoebe color coordinates to a T. That’s why she gets major points for this outfit. Her patterned dress is fun and edgy, which is Phoebe’s vibe. The solid red cardigan adds balance, as does her necklace.

Neither are over-the-top, thus the outfit is saved from being too overboard. She has rings on every finger on both hands, which we love because hey, it wouldn’t be Phoebe otherwise.

Worst: Mismatched & Multicolored

Without a doubt, this is one of Phoebe’s worst wardrobe malfunctions. The colors on her clothing are mashed together, not flowing with one another. Her chunky necklace further devastates the outfit.

It may slightly match the multicolored pattern of her clothing, but it’s too much of a statement. Not to mention Phoebe’s hair clips don’t even match the rest of the outfit. What was she thinking?

Best: The Wedding Dress

Phoebe’s winter wedding to Mike was beautiful, but Phoebe really stole the show with her wedding dress. The dress is elegant and finely detailed, while she adds some sparkle with her long necklace. Her veil features little flowers within it, which suits Phoebe’s sunshine personality completely and adds a personal touch to the outfit.

The dress looks effortlessly perfect, and on the happiest day of her life, Phoebe looks over the moon, her outfit emphasizing her bliss.