One of the most iconic sitcoms from the last few decades, Friends follows the lives of a close-knit group of adults navigating life in New York City. Monica is one of the core members of the group, known for her obsessive cleaning habits, intense competitiveness, and overall bossiness, among many other notable traits. These habits tend to either attract guys or drive them away, depending on who you ask. And Monica definitely has a decent-sized list of ex-boyfriends, which was somewhat revolutionary for the mainstream depictions of sexuality on TV at the time.

Here is the ultimate ranking of Monica’s boyfriends on the show, from worst to best. You can probably guess who made it to the top but enjoy re-living some of Monica’s best and worst dating moments.


Monica meets Julio when she worked at the Moondance Diner. In season three, episode 12, “The One With All The Jealousy,” she goes out with him. Julio is an amateur poet who turns out to be a huge misogynist and woman-hater. This is revealed when he reads a poem he’s written while dating Monica, called “The Empty Vase.” The poem turns out to be about all American women, calling them empty vases and stating they have nothing going on inside. Monica proceeds to break up with him by hiring a barbershop quartet to serenade him with a very unflattering break-up song.


This guy is a grade-A sleazebag. In the pilot episode, Monica goes on a date with him and he tells her that, since his wife left him, he hasn’t been able to be intimate with anyone. Of course, this turns out to be a lie just to get Monica to sleep with him, which she falls for. Despite the fact that she claims she isn’t planning on sleeping with him. Later, she finds out from a co-worker that he pulled the same line on her, and Monica puts an end to the romance by stepping on his watch.


Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to date their high school crush? That’s what Monica thinks when she goes on a date with Chip Matthews, the most popular guy from her and Rachel’s high school. Chip had dated Rachel in high school, dumping her for another girl because he heard she was promiscuous, and then taking her to the prom. With Rachel’s blessing, Monica goes on a date with Chip when she runs into him later on in season four. However, it turns out that Chip is literally the exact same guy he was in high school, and hasn’t grown up even one bit since graduation. He even works at the same movie theater job he had in high school. What a turn off.


In season one, Monica lies about her age to date a younger guy who she believes is a college senior. She tells him she’s 22, while she’s really 26. However, her lie isn’t as harmful as his is – it turns out he’s been lying about his age, too, and he’s only 17. So he is a senior… but not in college. While he genuinely wants to date Monica and probably is a nice guy, he ultimately puts her at risk for being criminally charged for sleeping with a minor. So, that’s a no on that one.


This guy was Monica’s prom date in high school. We see him in season two on the video of Monica and Rachel getting ready for the prom. While we don’t really know that much about him, we do know that he was in the newspaper because he saw Star Wars 317 times. In the video, Monica is clearly excited about her date, so that’s also a good sign. He even brings her a corsage. As the group waits for Chip Matthews shows up to take Rachel, Roy tells her to “take a chill pill” and then exclaims he’s going to kick Chip’s ass if he doesn’t show (because that means Monica probably won’t go either).


Monica’s on and off boyfriend, Fun Bobby, shows up in the first two seasons of the show. Everyone loves Fun Bobby until they find out that the reason he’s so fun is because he’s an alcoholic. However, when Monica helps him get sober, he becomes Ridiculously Dull Bobby. In fact, he’s so dull now that Monica starts getting drunk around him so that she’ll find him more entertaining. This leads him to think Monica has a drinking problem, which isn’t good for his sobriety, so he breaks it off.


Alan is one of Monica’s first season boyfriends. She is reluctant to introduce him to her friends because they generally don’t like anyone she dates. But it turns out that everyone loves him. He even helps the gang win their baseball game. He’s not a bad guy at all. But Monica isn’t really feeling a connection with him. When she breaks up with him because she just doesn’t feel that spark, he says he enjoyed his time with her but he’s actually a little relieved because he doesn’t really like her friends.


One of Monica’s more notable and longer-lasting relationships is with Pete Becker. After meeting during her shift at the Moondance Diner, Pete falls for Monica and is determined to woo her. It turns out that Pete is basically a millionaire and somewhat like a nicer, 90s version of Tony Stark with all the tech gadgets to prove it. Pete genuinely likes Monica and treats her very well, but the only problem is that Monica isn’t sure that she’s physically attracted to him. He even buys a restaurant and wants her to be the head chef there, but Monica is hesitant in taking the job because of this.

Finally, Monica does find herself attracted to him, but it comes at a bad time. He decides to become a UFC fighter and it turns out that he isn’t very good at it. Monica can’t bear the thought of always seeing him get so hurt, so she decides to let him go. We’re not really sure what became of him, but we hope that he somehow either got better at fighting or went back to his safe computer company.


Sure, some diehard Friends fans are divided by the age gap and the fact that Richard knew Monica since she was a child. But the whole judging a relationship based on an age gap mindset is pretty outdated, especially since Monica and Richard genuinely love each other. Richard is essentially the love of Monica’s life before she marries Chandler. They have a very mature, compatible relationship. Richard is also very established and sophisticated, something that brings Monica stability. Plus, he has a great mustache. However, Richard doesn’t want children, while Monica does, and this is a pretty major thing, so the two call it quits. He later tries to change his mind and win her back, but Chandler’s already swooped in by then.


If you don’t like Monica and Chandler together, you’re definitely in a minority of the fanbase. These two have the ultimate love story – starting as friends, getting to know one another, an unexpected fling, and then the development of real feelings and a marriage. While they have their ups and downs, they don’t deal with it like many other couples do (like Rachel and Ross, who continuously break up and get back together). In the perfect happy ending, they build their own little family and give each other everything they need out of life.