We all have our favorite character from our favorite sitcom, Friends. Of course, this ’90s show definitely has some outfits that, well, should stay in that decade. However, these characters have proven time and time again that they can actually do fashion pretty well.

While Chandler Bing is definitely no fashionista or Rachel Green, we definitely love some of his looks. Of course, Chandler is also incredibly guilty of giving us some real ’90s vibes. In case you’re wondering which outfits of this man’s to steal, and which ones to avoid, we’ve made a list. Here are Chandler’s 5 best outfits from the show, and his 5 worst.

Worst: The Bowling Shirt

This is from one of those “alternate-universe” scenes, and clearly that version of Chandler doesn’t have much of a fashion sense. We’ll ignore that beard for now, but that shirt isn’t doing this man any favors.

Seriously, he looks like he should be in a bowling league, and that’s not exactly a compliment in this sense, especially at a bar while he sits on a pool table. Monica on the other hand, is killing it. However, we’re sticking with the fact that Chandler’s outfits have definitely been better.

Best: The Half-Zip Sweater

As the series progresses, so does Chandler’s fashion sense. Sure, this is simple, and it’s totally dad-like. Honestly, though, that’s what we love about it.

He’s finally comfortable in his skin, and that sweater is super nice and classy. We’d actually love to borrow it, and it looks super comfy while still being pretty sleek and handsome. The moral of the story for Chandler is that simple is probably better.

Worst: The Loose Vest & Button-Up

Honestly, the first 6 seasons wouldn’t exactly be the same if Chandler didn’t wear sweater vests. While some of them are definitely endearing for his character, we’re going to venture to say that this one should definitely remain on the hangar.

In fact, he might as well not be wearing a vest, because it’s barely on his body. Plus, we’re not exactly sure what’s going on with the color scheme here. We love you Chandler, but we’re glad your style has matured over the seasons.

Best: The Grey Three-Piece Suit

You’ll remember this suit from Ross’s wedding to Emily in England. Honestly, the colors are absolutely stunning, and they look really good on this quirky man.

That jacket, vest, and tie are doing him all sorts of favors, and this is probably one of our favorite colors on Chandler. Of course, this is the day when these two friends become a bit more than that, and we’re guessing a lot of that might of had to do with this handsome suit.

Worst: The ’90s Guitar Shirt

This is a throwback scene to their high school days, but we’re going to go ahead and say that this outfit should definitely, DEFINITELY remain in the past.

Yes, it’s hilarious, and we’re sure that Chandler thought he was rocking it in that shirt and jacket. We love to think that it’s quirky, but we’re going to leave this moment here as a past event, and hope this outfit is never, ever dug up from the grave.

Best: The Grey Shirt & Black Suit Jacket

Again, the simpler the look, the more Chandler seems to look totally handsome and confident. That grey crew neck is a beautiful color, and it looks absolutely stunning beneath that sleek and simple black suit jacket.

Yes, he wears this on his date with Susie (Julia Roberts), and yes, it goes horribly wrong, but at least he started the date off looking this good. We’d borrow this outfit, any day.

Worst: The Button-Up Jean Shirt & Vest

Again with the vest and button-up. Honestly, that checkered vest with the large buttons isn’t even our biggest beef with this outfit. To be honest, we’re not loving that button-up jean shirt one bit.

Not only is it full on jean, but it even has a collar, and we’re not even sure what we’d do if it was buttoned all the way up. Again, this is endearing to his character, but we’re so glad he ditched this look for the latter seasons. Much love Chandler, but we’re not even sorry.

Best: The Red Crew Neck

We like to think that Monica was pretty helpful in establishing this man’s mature and handsome wardrobe. This is the episode where they try to take pictures, and of course, that handsome sweater doesn’t prevent Chandler from totally ruining the results.

However, we absolutely love that crew neck and those black pants, and he is slaying in that outfit. We’d definitely borrow this one, even by today’s standards, but we doubt we’d look as good as he does.

Worst: The Hawaiian Shirt

Clearly, this outfit is pre-Monica. While they’re on a beach vacation, that’s never an excuse to wear a tacky Hawaiian shirt. It’s kind of quirky and cute, but we’d definitely leave it at the beach, and probably leave it in the ’90s, too.

It actually fits him pretty well, but that’s the only positive thing we can say about this white button up with the very weird and indistinguishable print. At least he helps Monica while wearing it, right? Yeah, we don’t want to relive that, either.

Best: The Suits & Ties

As the series progresses, Chandler becomes pretty important at his office job. Honestly, he slays in just about every professional suit. While we never condone workplace harassment, it’s no wonder he’s got all these ladies crawling all over him.

The suit jackets are simple and elegant, and honestly, we kind of love that he always finishes the look off with a vibrant and wild tie. There always has to be some quirk to this man’s outfit, and we can handle a little pattern in the tie. Always handsome, Mr. Bing.