We’re not new to the wild and complex relationship that is Ross and Rachel, right? Well, for all Friends fans, it might be difficult to keep track of all the wonderful and terrible things these two do to each other. While it’s more than obvious that these two actually do some pretty selfless and amazing things for each other, they also have some pretty petty moments. In case you’ve forgotten, we’ve made a list.

Here are the 5 worst things Ross did to Rachel, and the 5 worst things Rachel did to Ross. You can decide who takes the crown for this one.

When Ross Makes the List (Season 2, Episode 8)

Ah, the list. We all know, and could even argue, that this is the dumbest and worst thing Ross did to Rachel. Sure, it wasn’t meant to be malicious, but do any of those guys have brains? You’ll remember that Ross is trying to decide between Julie and Rachel.

So, the boys suggest he makes a list of the pros and cons of each of the girls (on Chandler’s new fancy computer, we might add). Of course, Rachel finds out, and let’s just say that she’s pretty mad. We would be too, Rachel, and it definitely hit pause on their budding relationship.

When Rachel Gives Ross Bad Relationship Advice (Season 2, Episode 4)

Before the whole list fiasco, but after Rachel finds out that Ross had feelings for her, he’s happily dating Julie. Thinking that they’re friends, Ross confides in Rachel about how to move forward with Julie in their relationship, physically. Naturally, spiteful Rachel gives him some pretty bad advice.

It doesn’t work out for her, but still, that’s pretty low, Rachel. We get it, you don’t want them to be dating, but doesn’t Ross’s happiness count for anything?

When Ross Hates Rachel’s Job (Season 3, Episode 15)

We all remember the Mark fiasco. We all also know the endless debate about them being on a break, but do you remember what leads up to it? Well, Ross is super jealous that Rachel is spending so much time with Mark, the handsome fashion man who got Rachel the job.

If Ross’s petty behavior over that isn’t enough, he also gets incredibly mad at Rachel for spending long hours at her new job. We get it, it can be difficult, but can’t he at least try to be supportive? Sure enough, they “take a break”. Having a new job can be hard, and it takes some extra effort. Come on, Ross.

When Rachel Convinces Bonnie to Shave Her Head (Season 3, Episode 25)

In the episode where the gang goes to beach, Ross brings along his current girlfriend and Phoebe’s friend, Bonnie. She’s gorgeous, fun, and smart, and well, Rachel gets pretty jealous. Again, naturally, Rachel decides to sneakily sabotage the relationship by “playing the good guy”.

What does she do? Well, she convinces Bonnie that she should shave her head. Ross isn’t too pleased, and yeah, maybe he shouldn’t be so superficial, but those malicious intentions aren’t cool, Rachel.

When Ross Kisses Chloe (Season 3, Episode 16)

Ah, the one where they were (or weren’t!) on a break. We’re not even going to try and pretend to solve the everlasting fan debate over what Rachel and Ross’s current relationship status was. However, regardless, we’re not so sure you should hook up with a strange girl the NIGHT you break up with a serious girlfriend.

Even if they were “on a break”, this totally hurt Rachel’s feelings, and rightly so. Also, if Ross wanted to get back with Rachel, he knew he shouldn’t have done that. What was he thinking?

When Rachel Deletes Emily’s Message (Season 5, Episode 21)

Emily calls Ross’s apartment (while Rachel is there), and leaves a voicemail. The voicemail claims that she is about to get married to a new fiance, but she is having second thoughts. She wants to talk to Ross about a possible second chance regarding them getting back together.

Rachel, trying to be a good friend, knows how much their relationship devastated Ross, and knows that Emily is kind of bad news. However, it’s not really her decision, right? Still, she deletes the message. Again, not cool. She does eventually tell him, though, so yay Rachel.

When Ross Tells Her They Can’t Be Friends (Season 5, Episode 5)

Let’s be honest. Whatever worst thing these two did to each other, the one that probably broke your heart the most was when Ross told Rachel they could no longer be friends. Again, this is due to his and Emily’s relationship, where he accidentally says Rachel’s name at their wedding.

Honestly, we kind of understand where Emily is coming from, but we don’t care about Emily. We care about Ross and Rachel, and we were absolutely devastated when he decides to choose Emily over their friendship. This broke Rachel’s heart (and ours!), and it’s definitely one of the worst things that he does to her.

When Rachel Says “Yes” to Joey (Season 8, Episode 24)

This is most definitely Rachel’s worst moment. Whether you’re against Joey and Rachel or for them (that’s crazy, but whatever), this is UNARGUABLY a terrible, terrible thing to do. You know the episode, right? Right after Rachel gives birth to ROSS’S baby, she thinks that JOEY is proposing to her, and says YES.

We get it, she’s scared, and Joey isn’t the worst, but like, they’re best friends, Rachel, and you just had the other man’s baby. Did she really not think this wouldn’t go well? Also, poor, poor Ross. Regardless of what you think, you felt some empathy for him for this.

When Ross Doesn’t Get An Annulment (Season 6, Episode 4)

It goes without saying that sometimes Ross doesn’t think things through. For a pretty smart guy, he can do some pretty stupid stuff. Mainly, when him and Rachel get drunkenly married in Las Vegas. Whoops, right? Well, he’s supposed to get an annulment, but he DOESN’T.

Whoops? But there’s more - he doesn’t tell Rachel. He just keeps being married to her, because he doesn’t want another divorce. Rightfully so, Rachel bursts into his lecture and starts yelling at him for it, which is cringy and hilarious. But seriously, Ross, what the heck?

When Rachel Sleeps with Ross to “Say Goodbye” (Season 10, Episode 17)

This episode also tore our hearts in half. Sure, Ross does a lot of stupid things, but it seems like Rachel doesn’t seem to understand just how much Ross is absolutely smitten with her. In the final season, when Rachel is set to leave for Paris, she, at first, just doesn’t say goodbye to Ross. This was crazy in itself, but then when Ross confronts her, she confesses that it would just be too difficult.

Then they sleep together. Ross takes this as an assertion of love, only to be blindsided when Rachel says it was a “perfect way to say goodbye”. Yikes, that stung, Rachel. Sure, we were all blubbering messes by the end and you got off the plane, so we’ll forgive you.