Friends had plenty of opportunities for romance throughout its run. Rachel’s (Jennifer Aniston) romances were perhaps the most scrutinized, especially her relationship with Ross (David Schwimmer). Some believe Ross to be her true love, but others despise their relationship, considering it dysfunctional.

Rachel’s relationship with Joey (Matt LeBlanc) was also controversial, especially in the manner in which it played out. It seemed too quick and brushed over to be real, and it never got the chance for exploration that it needed. But what if it had? Here are five reasons Rachel should have been with Joey and five why Ross was the right choice.

Joey: Similar Interests

You’ve seen how excited Rachel becomes anytime she gets the chance to attend an event that will include Joey’s acting friends. She loves the filmmaking world more so than the rest of the gang (except for Joey, of course), keeping up with the soaps and Joey’s work. Unlike Chandler (Matthew Perry), Rachel would never fall asleep at any movie, especially Joey’s. Plus, with Rachel’s job in fashion, you can bet Joey’s always impeccably dressed no matter what the occasion — she’s even given him Ralph Lauren shirts. The two would be able to talk about said interests and enjoy one another’s perspectives — unless said perspectives clash; then it’d be a test on their parts to see who can be more open-minded.

Ross: Opposites Attract

Really, what did Ross and Rachel have in common? They worked in completely unrelated industries, they had different likes and dislikes, and they seemed to be going in opposite directions. However, sometimes opposites attract for a reason, making the other person very exciting. Think about it — they introduce you to a new kind of lifestyle and culture. They get you to do things you wouldn’t normally do, from trying a new food to maybe taking up skydiving as a hobby. Ross and Rachel were new territory for one another, likely introducing the other to new things and new experiences, which is good to keep a relationship going and keep one another interested.

Joey: More Secure

Joey never had a problem with his image or his confidence in getting women to go out with him. Not only that, but he was more than comfortable by way of satisfying women. Ross was shakier, always afraid of Rachel leaving him for someone better. With Joey being Joey, this fear either never occurred to him, or he simply just didn’t have issues with Rachel being near other guys. Joey’s confidence in himself, in Rachel, and in their relationship was all he needed, whereas Ross was always seeking confirmation.

Ross: The Almost Prom Date

Remember the Season 2 episode, “The One with the Prom Video?” Rachel learns about some behind-the-scenes details taking place during her and Monica’s (Courteney Cox) prom night back in the day that sealed the deal for her initial relationship with Ross. When it looked like Rachel’s date stood her up, Ross hastily got ready and was all set to take her, just in time to see her race off with her date. It was heartbreaking, and an opportunity missed. Still, it won him Rachel, albeit several years later. This sweet gesture is a good reflection of Ross’ thoughtful personality. Ross did have his moments where he treated Rachel like a princess.

Joey: Defends Rachel

Joey cares deeply for his friends, but especially Rachel. She is one of the more sensitive members of the group. Take for instance the time Mr. Treeger (Mike Hagerty) yelled at her for misusing the trash chute in their building. Joey heads right over to stand up for Rachel and make Treeger apologize, only to wind up ballroom dancing with Treeger to avoid getting Monica and Rachel kicked out of their apartment. That, the time Joey went to Ralph Lauren when he believed Rachel’s boss wanted to “buy her baby,” and even protecting Rachel from a scary movie are noteworthy examples of Joey defending her. He’ll stick by her side and stand up to those Rachel can’t, and that makes for a real team.

Ross: He Shares Emma With Rachel

The two are tied together forever via their daughter Emma. Though unplanned, Ross and Rachel came together to care for their daughter and despite their situation, Ross was there for Rachel. He went to appointments, ditched Mona (Bonnie Somerville) to be at Rachel’s side when she wound up in the hospital for a possible complication, and took on an active parenting after Emma’s birth. Ross had every chance to drop Rachel and he didn’t, so we give him points for being there for his daughter and his daughter’s mother, especially in their times of need.

Joey: He Let Emma Have Hugsy

Joey’s self-declared “bedtime penguin pal” was his most cherished possession. Joey’s favorite childhood toy is still something he can’t live without — really, don’t we all have something we cherish from childhood? — and he’s very protective of Hugsy. He doesn’t let just anybody take his lovable penguin buddy. When Emma comes across Hugsy and can’t sleep without him, Joey initially tries to steal him back. Yet when Rachel gets Joey to realize why Emma loves the penguin so much, Joey is happier to let Emma sleep with it and keep it. Joey was good to Emma, period. Being good to a child who is not your own is a big deal, which is something Rachel knew and appreciated about Joey.

Ross: Crushed Big Time On Rachel For Years

In a way, Ross and Rachel’s history has spanned across most of their lives. Ross crushed on Rachel big time when they were younger, but never did anything about it. Still, the fact that Ross’s crush lasted as long as it did and was as pure as it was has to mean something. It was more than just a crush at that point; Ross had fallen for her long before they ever got together. That kind of passion definitely has an impact on two people and can never be forgotten. If nothing else, Ross’ crush on Rachel reassures her that his love is genuine and more than just a phase.

Joey: Best Friends

Sure, Rachel was friends with Ross. But one of them always harbored feelings for the other before they got together, so it was never just a friendship. Even after their break-up, their history as a couple still affected their friendship. Whereas with Joey, the crush element was there but it wasn’t as serious. Rachel and Joey got to know each other as people and became good friends over the years, expecting nothing more than friendship from the other. It gave them the chance to have the kind of friendship that Chandler and Monica had before they got together. We’re kind of sorry we never got to see their potential play out, especially if it meant they’d be like Chandler and Monica.

Ross: Eternal Love

Ross always loved Rachel. Even when they were broken up, he still harbored some level of love for her. In which case, they really were each other’s true loves. While Ross saying the wrong name at his wedding to Emily (Helen Baxendale) was a definite no-no, its deeper meaning is the root of how much he loves Rachel. That’s why they were on and off for so many years, and why they had Emma together. On some level, the two will always love each other, regardless of their history or wherever they ended up.