Friends - the smash hit sitcom aired on NBC from 1994-2004. It started with the four of the main characters, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe seated in a coffee house, debating over what a real date was. A heartbroken Ross Geller was soon to join them. Ross’s “I just want to be married again” was met with the entry of Rachel Green.

The character progression in Friends in the case of some went from good to bad, and in others from bad to worse. Here are 5 characters who got better as the show went on and 5 who got worse.

Better: Rachel

Rachel Green made her entry as a wet bride, she’d run out on her wedding. She was someone who changed her major in college because there was no parking by the psychology building. In the beginning, Rachel’s achievements were nil at the bottom. She’d lived off of her father, and was to become Dr. Mrs. Barry Farber- DDS. She left the life of comfort to become independent.

Rachel’s father offered her a Mercedes if she left her little adventure in New York behind. Rachel didn’t back down, she started as a waitress at Central Perk. She worked her way up, from sorting hangers, to a personal shopper to a fashion executive at Ralph Lauren. Moreover, she became responsible, a caring friend and a single mother. Her character arc was wholesome.

Worst: Joey

Joey Tribbiani’s emotional intelligence was showcased early on. He called out Ross for kissing Chandler’s mom, invented the word ‘Friendzone’, spoke of the trail and consoled the women whenever they needed a friend. Yet, he was dumbed down to a whole new level by the end. What was up with the whole French-speaking business?

Joey moved in at Chandler’s, opposite Monica. He left his father’s pipe-fitting business to get into the acting business. He was passionate, held his own, took odd jobs to survive himself and he frequently lectured the gang. At the end of ten seasons, Joey became an overly dependent guy, dumb as a rock and a man-child. How smart do you have to be to guess you put cream in your coffee? Not paper, or ghost.

Better: Judy Geller

Monica was underappreciated by her mother, Judy Geller. She was introduced as a condescending mother, cruel about the flatness of a child’s pillow. Judy Geller turned Monica chaotic and twirly every time. At first, Judy never had any faith in her daughter. She was always waiting for Monica to screw up. She liked to call it- to pull a Monica.

Judy matured into a loving mother. It was partly because Monica had it all together by the end. But Judy also gave up her controlling ways around her. She did was more than happy to learn Monica had moved in with Chandler. Of course, she picked on little details but she wasn’t the cruel Judy we knew.

Worst: Phoebe

The quirky Phoebe was a fan favorite in the first couple of seasons. She wanted world peace, good things for the rainforest, felt bad about cutting down trees in the prime of their lives. When Phoebe sensed people were in trouble, she tried to cleanse their aura, or sing ‘raindrops and roses’ to them.

Phoebe Buffay, the girl who grew up on the streets of New York transitioned into someone unrecognizable at the end. The woman who was scared to tell Monica she’d moved out of her apartment was the woman who ratted people out unethically. She spilled the truth about London, she excluded Chandler from her wedding. Phoebe didn’t think twice before going to Ben’s school for free tickets!

Better: Jack Geller

Jack Geller was introduced to audiences in “The One With The Sonogram At The End.” He started with body-shaming his daughter, Monica. Jack reminded her she was chubby and all alone as a kid. The man thanked God for his little Harmonica didn’t turn out to be like women who wanted to have it all.

Jack Geller got better in the coming episodes. He visited Monica after she broke up with Richard. He wanted to make sure she was doing okay. Jack felt terrible for wrecking Monica’s childhood stuff. He apologized to Monica, assured her she was loved as much as Ross was. Jack may have favored his son unconsciously, but he did make up for it by giving Monica his Porsche.

Worst: David, The Scientist Guy

In the entire series, none is a worse character progression than David. In the beginning, he was smart, intelligent, and caring. Phoebe and David quickly begin a serious romance. It ended when David broke her heart and left for Minsk.

He kept popping up in her life, to see whether she was single or otherwise. He always hoped to run into Pheobe, to ruin her peace of mind, and intrude in her life. It was clear in “The One With All The Cheesecakes,” Phoebe was still smitten with him. At the end of their 7-year reunion, David asked Phoebe to clean his beakers. Somehow he kept lingering outside of Central Perk, hoping to run into Phoebe. David was unfair, and selfish each time he waltzed into Phoebe’s life.

Better: Janice

Janice was Chandler’s on-and-off love interest, known for her trademark voice and laugh. She seemed to have a thing for Chandler. To Chandler, she was always a safety net. Chandler dumped Janice twice in a year, reducing her to tears each time.

Janice made sure to return the favors in “The One Where Heckles Dies” and “The One With The Giant Poking Device.” She left Chandler dumbfounded both the times. Later, Janice may have followed Chandler to almost to Yemen and invited herself over to his wedding. But those plots were scriptural. She was in love with Sid, with whom she had a family. When Chandler tried to get rid of her by telling her he loved her, she bravely walked out on him.

Worst: Richard

Monica’s first serious love interest, Richard Burke was no different than David. He walked out on Monica and kept popping back in her life. Richard was stupid enough to get involved with a girl as young as his daughter, only to break her heart in the end.

He knew Monica was looking for her soulmate in him. What was Richard thinking all the while he was with Monica? That a woman 21 years younger to him, wouldn’t want to sacrifice on the prospects of kids? Richard waited too long to tell Monica about his preferences. Only pop back years later to tell Monica he wanted to do it all. Richard knew Monica was with Chandler, yet, he tried to break the two of them up.

Better: Ross

Ross was introduced as a successful guy, who had it all together except for a soul mate. At the beginning of the series, all he wanted was to be married again. Little did he know he was up for major transitions. There was a point when Ross thought having a roommate at a certain age was kinda pathetic. Ross moved in with Joey and Chandler due to the changed circumstances in his life. He lost a lucrative job at the museum, went on a sabbatical.

Ross bounced back to become a college professor. He learned to embrace his inner nerd by the end of the series. Ross got all worked up when Mr. Zelner said he worried about his son who was always reading and collecting rocks. Ross reminded Zelner his son would be fine.

Worst: Monica

The mother hen of the group was just tired of looking after her friends by the end. Sure, it wasn’t her responsibility to keep the gravy train running in, but no one had asked her in the first place. Monica became an unidentifiable version of herself by Season 10.

The second Monica settled with Chandler, the mother hen in her was gone. She declined to do Thanksgivings twice, almost backed out of Emma’s birthday. For a show centered around friends, later-Monica was all about babies, Chandler and the new house.