As we all know, Friends is a comedy that follows the lives of six New Yorkers, who have close ties with each other. They have an unbreakable bond that only got stronger as the seasons went on. However, that doesn’t mean there haven’t been times where their friendship has been tested- especially when several individuals have almost ruined the group dynamic for their own agendas.

Intrigued to know more? From Richard’s return to Ursula Buffay’s feud with Phoebe, keep reading to discover which were the 5 rivalries that were the best and find out more about 5 that made no sense.

No Sense: Ben & Ross

Probably one of the most pointless rivalries occurred between Ben and Ross. This occurred in season 10 when Ross has to meet up with Charlie’s ex-boyfriend Ben to discuss a work grant in “The One With Ross’ Grant.” However, Ben refuses to give it to him unless he breaks up with Charlie.

When Ross refuses to, Ben then acts in an unprofessional manner during the interview when he asks Ross questions unrelated to the grant. To everyone’s surprise, Charlie seems to care more about her ex wanting her back than Ben’s attempts to sabotage Ross’ career.

To be fair, it did seem like they were just trying to find a way to rush the reunion between Ross and Rachel. It was just a shame that this had to be her exit storyline.

Best: Susan & Ross

One of the most enjoyable relationships was between Ross and Susan. At first, the relationship between them was strained, after Ross found out that Carol cheated on him with the commercial director. Susan also struggled with Ross and Carol’s relationship after they discovered Carol was pregnant.

However, the pair managed to put their rivalry to bed once they realized that they had to make it work for Ben’s sake. After this, there was a huge growth in their friendship with Ross and Susan even sharing a dance at her and Carol’s wedding. It would have been nice to see the pair share more moments like this, overcoming the rivalry.

No Sense: Mark & Ross

One of the worst rivalries on the show revolved around the love triangle between Mark, Rachel, and Ross. Fans may recall that this was the catalyst in the breakup between Ross and Rachel as the paleontologist let his jealousy get the best of him. For instance, when Ross first met Mark, he ended up littering Rachel’s office with cards, flowers and love bugs.

After the couple split, Mark eventually asked Rachel out on a date - much to Ross’s dismay. Although the date didn’t work out, Ross’s jealousy of Mark was still prevalent by season 10 when Rachel and Mark met up for dinner. This rivalry just brought out the worst qualities in Ross that many fans have said they hate.

Best: Emily & Rachel

One of the most memorable scenes in the entire series has to be when Ross said Rachel’s name at the altar. Especially since fans had watched Rachel discover she still had feelings for the paleontologist and struggled with the thought of Ross getting remarried. With this new twist, what would it mean for the Rachel, Ross and Emily love triangle?

It turns out that Emily would go ahead with the ceremony, but her resentment for Rachel grew. Emily ended up telling Ross that he had to cut Rachel out of his life if he ever wanted to make their relationship work, which he initially agreed to. However, he soon changed his mind and the pair broke up. Rachel also disliked Emily, which was evident most in “The One With The Ride Along” when she persuaded Ross not to reconnect with her.

No Sense: Rachel & Jill

Another pointless rivalry that occurred in the series was the one between Rachel and her sister, Jill. In season 6, fans were introduced to Rachel’s younger sister, Jill, who appeared to be spoiled and entitled. She decides to visit Rachel after their father threatens to cut her off.

However, the sisters soon come to blows when Jill takes an interest in Ross. After Rachel asks Ross to cancel his date with her, Jill doesn’t take it well and decides to seduce Ross to spite the fashion executive. Jill only appears in a total of two episodes, leaving on bad terms with Rachel after Ross rejected her. Who knows if they made up after this because fans never see her again.

Best: Phoebe & Ursula

One of the most consistent rivalries the show presented was between Phoebe and her twin, Ursula. The twins’ estrangement started when they were children, with Phoebe revealing that Ursula used to destroy her favorite toys. The resentment grew further when the sisters ended up being separated after their mother’s death, with Phoebe living on the streets and Ursula going into care.

From then on, Phoebe and Ursula have treated each other as acquaintances, with Ursula often insulting her sister every time they meet-up. Although Phoebe did try several times to reconnect with her sister, she soon stops trying in season 8 when she realizes how manipulative Ursula can be in “The One With The Halloween Party.”

No Sense: Gunther & Ross

The grudge Gunther held towards Ross did provide fans with a few chuckles. However, it is one that didn’t make sense when you think about it. Gunther’s hatred for Ross derived from the fact that Ross dated Rachel whilst he harbored a “crush” on her. His resentment grew further when Ross became the father of her unborn baby.

It seemed like Ross was oblivious to the reason for this mistreatment until the season 10 finale when he overheard Gunther confess his feelings for Rachel. Even so, you can’t help but respect Ross for not snapping at Gunther for the way he treated him, especially since it wasn’t his or Rachel’s fault that she didn’t feel the same. Gunther needed to get over his obsession.

Best: Richard & Chandler

The love triangle between Chandler, Monica, and Richard had to be the most intense storyline of season 6. This all came about in the episode “The One With The Proposal” when Chandler decides he is going to propose to Monica. However, his plan is hindered when Richard turns up at the restaurant with his date.

Although Chandler has a back-up plan, Richard continues to throw a spanner in the works when he tells Monica that he is still in love with her and is willing to start a life with her. When Chandler hears of Richard’s proposition, he confronts the ophthalmologist over sabotaging his relationship. Another feud fans would have liked to see get closure.

No Sense: Chandler & Joey

Out of the entire gang, Chandler and Joey have the best friendship. However, there were often times when the pair’s friendship would become strained after they engaged in a romantic rivalry. The first time this occurred in the episode “The One With The Football” when Joey and Chandler compete to win the affections of a woman they meet in the park.

Yet, the hardest thing to watch was the season 4 storyline where Chandler betrayed Joey by kissing his girlfriend. Joey was heartbroken by Chandler’s actions, refusing to talk or acknowledge him for breaking the bro code. He only changed his mind when he saw that Chandler was willing to let Kathy go for him. Ultimately, this was the last time they ever pursued the same love-interest.

Best: Ross & Monica

The best rivalry has to go to the Geller siblings, Ross and Monica. Some of Friends most memorable scenes involved the Gellers coming to blows, notably the iconic football game they had at Thanksgiving where Monica and Ross competed for the family cup. Let’s not forget the time the pair decided to wrestle with each other to see who was strongest in “The One With The Inappropriate Sister.”

There were also moments between the two fans hated, particularly the scenes where Monica admitted she felt like she was living in Ross’ shadow after her parents favored him over her. Ultimately, this would explain why Monica is naturally competitive. Despite these issues, Ross and Monica have worked on becoming better siblings by continuing to support one another in hard times.