One of the best parts about Friends was Monica and Chandler’s relationship. They were the definition of friends to lovers and the most drama-free couple of the series. They were a breath of fresh air next to all the drama surrounding Rachel and Ross, their relationships, and their history.

However, he wasn’t her only (serious) relationship throughout the show’s 10 seasons. All her romances, including the one with Chandler, had their ups and downs and rational and illogical moments.

Monica made some bad choices when it came to her one-episode love interests, especially with characters like Ethan and Timothy.

Her multi-episode boyfriends weren’t the best, either. There were problems with dating her father’s friend Richard and going from zero to sixty with a man who had feelings for her long before she did.

Then, in London for Ross and Emily’s wedding, Monica turned to Chandler for comfort, and that was the beginning of her endgame. Their relationship wasn’t perfect, but they were definitely “relationship goals” compared to the others on the show.

In the end, Monica’s relationships all had one thing in common: they all had areas in which logic seemed to fly out the window.

Here are 20 Things That Make No Sense About Monica’s Relationships On Friends.

Chandler’s Apology Proposal And Monica’s Reaction

When the others found out about Monica and Chandler’s relationship, they immediately began talking about their future. They were quite a few steps ahead of them, and Chandler panicked. He wasn’t always a fan of commitment.

Then, to make up for his reaction, he decided to apologize with a big gesture: a proposal. It was outrageous, and really, Chandler lucked out that Monica knew what he was doing. A proposal is a big deal, but Friends didn’t treat Chandler’s first one like it was.

Instead, Monica talked Chandler down, and then everyone started joking about it. That was it, and Monica and Chandler never talked about it again.

Really, the couple should have talked about it in private, on-screen. Instead, they simply resolved the issue in front of the others.

The Adoption Agency Mix-Up

When Monica and Chandler learned how difficult it would be to have a child naturally, they decided to adopt. Joey’s past romantic entanglements almost derailed their home visit, but they got past that hiccup.

However, when they went to the adoption agency, they realized that they mixed up the files. Rather than point out the mistake immediately, they went along with the lie, Monica more eagerly than Chandler.

In the end, they admitted to the deception, but it all managed to work out.

However, none of that made sense. Monica and Chandler shouldn’t have lied because they should’ve been worried about how it could affect them when they were caught. There also should have been consequences — or discussion of consequences — for the lying.

The Lies To Hide Monica And Chandler’s Relationship

Monica and Chandler hid their relationship from the others in the beginning. When Joey found out, he ended up helping them keep their secret.

When the others found things that would’ve revealed their relationship (an item of clothing, a video camera, and a personal photo of Monica), they said they were all Joey’s.

When it got to be too much for him, Joey lied and said he and Monica were together in London. He claimed that Monica wanted to be with him again and placed the blame on her.

While it made Joey look good, it was ridiculous that Monica and Chandler (but especially Monica) went along with it. At that point, they should have just told the truth.

Chandler Almost Left Monica On Their Wedding Day

Everyone was waiting for Chandler’s commitment issues to kick in when he and Monica got married. When heard her call them the Bings on their answering machine, they did. He ran out, leaving an apology note, but the others hid it from Monica. They tracked him down and brought him back in time to be there for the ceremony.

However, Monica did find out, during the wedding. Though Chandler’s sweet vows helped, it was still something the couple should have discussed, even after they got married. They never did.

Instead, everyone became focused on the fact that Rachel was pregnant. She had originally claimed the test had to be Monica’s because she wasn’t ready to share her news yet.

Monica And Chandler’s Lack Of Knowledge About Each Other

Monica and Chandler were friends for years before they got together. Then, they got married a few years before the series ended.

Yet, throughout the 10 seasons, there were still things they discovered about each other they should have already known.

Chandler hid his dislike of dogs from everyone except for Joey. The others only found out because Phoebe hid a dog in the apartment.

Then, Chandler finally asked about a closet Monica kept locked, in which she kept various items. Even before he lived with her, he lived across the hall and was always over at her apartment. How did he not notice it was locked until that episode?

Also, Monica should have known not to tell Chandler about a funny guy at work; being funny was obviously his thing.

Chandler’s First “I Love You” To Monica Was Forgotten

Soon after Monica and Chandler started dating, he learned why he lost a toe at Thanksgiving with the Gellers years ago. To apologize for her role in the event, Monica put a turkey on her head and danced. In response, Chandler told her he loved her.

That was the first “I love you” either of them said in their relationship. He tried to pretend he didn’t say it, but Monica heard him and acknowledged it.

Then Joey came home and reacted to Monica, and that was the end of the episode.

Since Chandler wanted to act like he didn’t say it as soon as he did, his lack of follow-up was understandable. However, Monica’s wasn’t. That’s a big step in a relationship, and it should have been discussed.

Monica And Richard’s Attempt To Just Be Friends

Monica and Richard’s relationship originally ended because she wanted kids and he didn’t see any more in his future. It was a mature way to split them up, with neither being at fault.

However, when they ran into each other again, they tried to just be friends. Then, they tried to add a romantic aspect to their friendship, while still seeing others. They just completely ignored the very real issues that were still a factor.

They realized that they couldn’t just be friends or casually together, and that was the end of that. Considering how well Friends had written their breakup, it just didn’t make sense to throw that away for a one-episode return to that relationship.

Monica Ignored Chandler’s Behavior To Keep His Proposal A Secret

Chandler was determined to keep his plan to propose from Monica, going so far as to act like it was the last thing on his mind. He told her he wasn’t ready yet, then acted like he didn’t ever want to get married.

Monica was left thinking that the future she envisioned for them wasn’t one that her boyfriend shared.

In the end, Joey told her everything, which led to Monica proposing to Chandler. Though the next episode picked up on the same night, the series never addressed Chandler’s actions or how they affected Monica.

Friends also didn’t even bother to have Chandler comment on how he felt about how his actions led to Monica going to Richard and thinking about their future. It was a mess.

Chandler’s Time In Tulsa

Remember when Chandler accidentally accepted a job in Tulsa because he fell asleep during a meeting at work? Monica was supposed to move to Tulsa with him until she was offered a much better job in New York.

Then, while in Tulsa, a coworker made a pass at Chandler, and he rejected her advances. However, it was unclear if he ever told Monica about that.

The couple also never discussed their long-distance relationship other than to acknowledge they didn’t have much time together.

That arc ended when Chandler quit his job (without talking to Monica, though she was fine with it) and returned home. The story then became about him finding a new job, and neither he nor Monica discussed his time away, like a married couple should have.

The Chandler Mixtape Re-gift

Both Chandler and Monica forgot to make each other’s Valentine’s Day gifts once and re-gifted. Monica gave Chandler a sock bunny Phoebe made. When he called her out on it, she made it up to him.

He, on the other hand, found a mixtape in the closet and gave it to her … without listening to it. He even had time to do so, after they exchanged gifts. Instead, he seemingly just hoped for the best, which was a mistake. It was a mixtape Janice had given him, with messages of love throughout.

The episode also shouldn’t have ended as Monica learned the truth because she was right to be angry. Rather than explore that, he tried to make it up to her the same way she made her misstep up to him. Her justified anger was played for laughs.

The Kissing To Hide Chandler And Monica’s Relationship


When Monica and Chandler first started dating, they kept it a secret from the others. However, Chandler slipped up and kissed Monica as he left for work one morning.

To cover up his mistake, he then kissed Phoebe and Rachel. When they caught Chandler and Monica kissing again, he did the same thing. The excuse was that it was something he picked up during their trip to London.

Monica shrugged it off. No one’s reaction to the move from Chandler made sense.

Furthermore, Chandler then made a joke about the others walking in on them being together. Sure, he wasn’t well-versed in being in a relationship, but even so, he should have realized that was a ridiculous statement.

Monica’s Attempt To Hide Her Relationship With Richard From Her Parents

When Monica and Richard first started dating, she kept it from her parents. Then, she told them at her father’s birthday, after everyone was talking about Richard’s younger girlfriend from the city. It was such an awkward moment, especially since Monica also called out her parents for their moment of togethernenss in the bathroom during which she was hiding in the bathtub.

How she or Richard expected to hide their relationship for long considering they were both important people in the Gellers’ lives was a mystery.

That wasn’t the only time Monica hid a relationship from her parents, either. She was also worried about how they’d react to her dating Chandler. It wasn’t a good character trait to have.

The Jokes About Monica And Chandler’s Relationship

No one really seemed to take Monica and Chandler’s relationship seriously, even when they were together for years.

Rachel insulted their relationship when she was angry with Monica about making her move out. Phoebe remarked that they’d find someone for Monica, when she and Chandler were married.

Even Monica’s parents didn’t think it was going to last, as they spent the money that had been set aside for her wedding.

However, all of this was based on past behavior, like Chandler’s fear of commitment. No one really saw that with Monica and Chandler’s relationship. Yes, Chandler had one minor freak out after everyone found out, but there was nothing in front of the others that suggested they wouldn’t last.

Furthermore, neither Monica or Chandler ever defended their relationship against those comments. It was all done for laughs.

Monica Seemed To Get Over Pete Pretty Quickly

Initially, Monica didn’t see Pete as anything but a friend. Then, she did, and the two dated — until he insisted on trying to become the Ultimate Fighting Champion. She couldn’t watch him lose and get hurt like he was, and so she ended their relationship.

Considering she thought he was about to propose — and she’d been thinking about their future together — when he told her his UFC plans, she seemed to get over their relationship very quickly.

Monica had made the right decision, but it was strange not to see her more upset about him not being in her life anymore. Friends didn’t need to show her mourning the loss of the relationship like she did with Richard, but she had claimed to love him.

The Off-Screen Conversation About The Truth About London

While Monica and Chandler were planning their wedding, she admitted that she was looking for Joey the night that started their relationship in London. Chandler felt like her second choice and said he needed time to think about what he’d learned.

Then, he spoke with Joey, whom Monica and Chandler wanted to officiate their wedding. The friends had a nice chat, which included a sentiment from Joey that would have been perfect for the ceremony.

Meanwhile, Monica and Chandler’s conversation occurred off-screen and they just told the others they’d made up. That was something that fans should have been able to see for themselves. It was an important moment in their relationship.

Monica Thought Dating Richard’s Son Wasn’t A Horrible Idea

After Monica and Richard’s breakup, she was worried about going to see him as her eye doctor. She lucked out that he wasn’t in the office, but his son, Timothy, was. For some reason, she didn’t see anything wrong with inviting him over for Thanksgiving dinner.

Both tried their hardest to ignore the Richard of it, but that didn’t last. It never went beyond a kiss, fortunately, and both seemed to regret even letting it go that far.

However, Monica should have realized that since she was trying so hard to avoid Richard that seeing his son was the wrong move. Did she think their relationship could go anywhere when she’d have to spend time with his father if it did?

Everything About Ethan

Both Monica and Ethan lied about their ages, but his lie was much, much worse. First, he said he was a senior in college, then he eventually admitted that he was in high school. Unfortunately, he didn’t confess until after he and Monica had been together.

Monica knew she couldn’t continue a relationship with him, even though that was his hope. Instead, being with someone so young was too “icky” for her.

It was an unnecessary storyline, especially since it didn’t have any impact going forward. Neither Monica nor Ethan should have lied. However, Ethan was the one more in the wrong, considering how young he was. Did he really think Monica would be okay with dating a high school senior once the truth eventually, inevitably came out?

Monica’s Conflict About Richard And Chandler

Though Richard was an important person in Monica’s life, she moved on from him romantically before she and Chandler got together. She even assured Chandler of that when they were dating and he worried about her meeting Richard for lunch.

However, then Chandler didn’t want Monica to know his plan to propose and tried to keep it secret by pretending marriage was the last thing he wanted. At the same time, Richard offered her everything she wanted — and Monica decided she needed time to think.

While she likely didn’t need that time, it was strange that Chandler knew about that and neither brought it up. It was like once they were engaged, their previous problems were promptly forgotten.

Monica’s Quick “I Love You” To Pete

When Monica first met Pete, she didn’t see him as anything but a friend. He, however, had feelings for her, feelings he did a poor job of keeping hidden. She did eventually realize she saw him as a romantic partner, and the two got together.

Shortly after they started their relationship, she was saying “I love you” to him like it was no big deal.

It was a strange (and quick) turn, and it was likely due to everyone thinking Pete was going to propose. Instead, he was planning to train to become the Ultimate Fighting Champion. However, if they were saying “I love you,” a proposal wouldn’t have seemed as sudden as it would have been.

Did Monica Believe In Soulmates?

During her wedding vows, Monica called Chandler her “prince” and her “soulmate.” She spoke about turning to him for comfort in London at another wedding and how she’d “found everything [she’d] been looking for [her] entire life.”

Then, not even a season later, Phoebe met the man she thought was Monica’s soulmate. She introduced them, and Chandler had to watch the two get along. However, once Monica realized how bothered he was, she told him she didn’t believe in soulmates.

Did Monica just forget her wedding vows? Considering how much time she spent on them and how significant vows are, it just didn’t make sense.

So, did Monica consider Chandler her soulmate, was she lying in her vows, or was this simply a continuity error?