Fashionable, ditzy, and a great friend are all ways that fans would describe Jennifer Aniston’s Friends character Rachel Green. Since the show was on the air for ten seasons, fans got the chance to really get to know her, and some might have even wished that she was real.

Every episode of the sitcom is packed with funny jokes and unforgettable lines of dialogue. There are tons of catchphrases like “Pivot” that have become part of the pop culture landscape in the years since the show went off the air. Every character on Friends is funny in their own unique way. Here are some of Rachel Green’s best quotes.

“No uterus, no opinion.”

Rachel began the series as a woman who let her dad take care of her and was about to be married to a man who would take care of her for the rest of her life. But Rachel grew as a character throughout the series and became a more independent woman.

It’s a relatable and strong quote for any woman who is frustrated when a man tries to tell her what to do when he really doesn’t know what he’s talking about or can’t fully relate to the specific situation.

“Why can’t parents just stay parents, you know? Why do they have to become people?”

Although the friends don’t interact with their parents too often on the show, it still comes up from time to time and most of the friends become parents themselves by the end of the series. Sometimes it is difficult for children to see their parents as complete people with lives outside of their children.

It’s a funny and relatable line because of course, all parents are people, but their children mainly see them as just their parents.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did my back hurt your knife?"

Although Chandler was the friend best known for his sarcastic comments, Rachel had her fair share of quippy one-liners like this hilarious one. She puts a spin on the saying that describes a friend betraying you by elevating it even further.

She suggests that she’s still at fault even though from her perspective her friend betrayed her by asking if her back hurt the knife her friend stabbed her with.

“You know what? I just shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions anymore.”

Although most of the friends on the show struggled with life and their careers, Rachel was arguably the one that had the toughest time. Everyone else was pretty confident in their career choices, like Joey choosing acting and Monica being a chef, whereas Rachel took a while to figure out her fashion career.

It’s a relatable story as most people have issues figuring out what they want to pursue as a career, not to mention Rachel’s at times messy personal life. It makes sense that she would just want to operate on auto-pilot for a bit.

“We are dessert stealers. We are living outside the law.”

Chandler and Rachel find the most delicious cheesecake sitting outside the apartments, but it’s not being delivered to either of them. The two decide to steal the dessert and decide not to tell their friends and instead keep it between themselves.

Rachel says this relatable and hilarious line to describe their life of crime that isn’t really that terrible — except for the people who ordered the cheesecake in the first place.

“It’s a metaphor, Daddy!”

Though it seems Rachel would be the ditzy one when Friends first premiered, it turned out she was a smart cookie. Remember, she completed a New York Times Sunday crossword without help.

Viewers get an idea of Rachel’s characteristics when she speaks to her father about being a shoe. For a man who’s a highly skilled surgeon, he doesn’t seem to know the concept of matching human reactions to those of footwear.

“How do you expect me to grow if you won’t let me blow?”

Out of the sextet of friends, Rachel and Chandler were the two who matured the most over the years. One example of this is in a season 2 episode where Rachel reads a favorite book of Monica’s and Phoebe’s, Be Your Own Windkeeper.

She tries the book’s philosophies on Ross when he asks about going to a movie. In frustration, she forcibly speaks the quote. Not only is it a sign of a changing relationship between the two but also a line of innuendo that rocked the live studio audience.

“You’re so pretty.”

Rachel likes to use the word “pretty.” Case in point, a short and poignant moment between her and Joey in the episode “The One With the Jam.”

To get over her loss of Richard, Monica decides to make jam. Unbeknownst to her, Joey loves jam. At Central Perk, he slathers it on a scone and recalls a time when his mom dropped him off at the movies with a jar of jam and a spoon. With a sweet smile, Rachel strokes Joey’s head and says, “You’re so pretty.”

“I can be very generous, or very stingy.”

In the season 4 episode “The One With the Cuffs,” Chandler and Rachel get into a bit of a pickle. It turns out Chandler was seeing Rachel’s boss, and he ended up handcuffed to her office chair while she did something else. Upon discovering Chandler in her office, Rachel is asked to remove said handcuffs.

She’s undecided. She wants to help her friend but also keep her job. So, she comes up with a proposal. If Chandler stays, she’ll say his private parts were generous. Chandler agrees and is ecstatic — until Joey ruins it for him two hours later.

“Who is FICA?”

Rachel didn’t work a day in her life until she left Barry at the altar. While she always wanted to work in the fashion world, she needed income to survive. So, she took a server job at Central Perk. Getting her first paycheck, Rachel was excited…

…until she saw how much they removed from her paycheck. Especially the person named FICA. If there’s a good side to this, her friends left sizable tips that day.

“He’s so pretty, I want to cry.”

Although Monica and Phoebe do have active dating lives throughout the series, it’s definitely true that Rachel seems like the biggest flirt and the most boy crazy. This quote is a good example of how she feels when she meets someone she’s interested in.

Rachel is the most charming when she’s being honest and speaking from the heart… even if she’s simply saying that she finds a certain guy to be really attractive. Sometimes that is as deep as it gets with this character. It’s all good, though, because the friends all balance each other out — and once she starts dating Ross, his nerdy personality perfectly complements her own.

“How do we end up with these jerks? We’re good people.”

This Rachel Green quote is one of the best because it’s just so relatable. After Rachel says this, Monica responds, “I don’t know. I think we’re some kind of magnets.” And Phoebe answered (in her classic Phoebe way), “I know I am. That’s why I can’t wear a digital watch.”

It’s always tough to watch a character struggle to find The One, but thankfully for Friends fans who have seen every episode about 100 times, they know that Rachel and Ross do end up together.

“Yes, I was four-years-old and I was on the swing and then all of a sudden my hair got tangled in the chain…”

When most people think about a bad childhood memory, they think about an embarrassing moment at school or when they were teased for something that was truly silly (like carrying a certain backpack). When Rachel Green talks about something that happened back when she was a kid, she tells this particular tale.

“And to get me out my mom had to — had to cut a big chunk of my hair. And it was uneven for weeks.”

This is such a great Rachel Green quote because fans know that she is totally serious. After all, her hair matters a lot to her (and her haircut even became a massive trend).

“Oh, that’s okay, girls tend to not like me.”

It’s always nice when a character says something that is not only funny but also very wise. That’s the case with this quote from Rachel Green, which definitely had to be on this list of her best sayings.

This quote works on two levels: Rachel is self-aware that some women aren’t big fans of her, but it also seems like she’s saying that other women are jealous of her. Every character on Friends can be a bit self-absorbed at times (even Ross, who seems like the most insecure of the group), and Rachel takes the cake here.

“I’m gonna go get one of those job things.”

While there are countless “poor little rich girl” characters in film and television shows, Rachel Green feels very unique. She does have some trials and tribulations since she breaks up with her fiancé before the show begins, and since she works as a waitress and does struggle, fans don’t feel like she simply gets everything handed to her.

Rachel could have simply said, “I need a job” or “I’m out of money.” Of course, that wouldn’t be funny, but it would definitely get the point across. The fact that she says “I’m gonna go get one of those job things” is perfect.

“Does this look like something the girlfriend of a paleontologist would wear?”

Rachel is so obsessed with fashion. After working as a waitress at Central Perk, she gets work at Ralph Lauren and Bloomingdales, which is definitely not too shabby. This is a particularly great quote because it proves that even when Rachel is madly in love with Ross, she’s still honoring the part of herself that is super into clothes.

It’s refreshing that Rachel won’t change even when she’s in a relationship. Although this is a funny quote, Phoebe’s response might almost be better. She says, “I don’t know, you might be the first one.”

“Thank you for my beautiful earrings, they’re perfect. I love you.”

What starts off as a super sweet and romantic moment between Ross and Rachel (aka one of TV’s most iconic couples) becomes something totally hilarious very quickly. After Rachel thanks Ross for her gift, he says, “Oh, now you exchange them if you want, okay?” and she replies, “Now I love you even more.”

Fans have to hand it to Rachel: she stands up for what she wants even if what she wants is better earrings/ones that she would have picked out herself.

“Everyone I know is either getting married or getting pregnant…”

This quote from Rachel Green is like all the memes that people have been posting on social media for years, and that’s what makes it so perfect. It can be really tough to look around and think that everyone else has got their life on track while you don’t feel like you measure up.

“… or getting promoted, and I’m getting coffee! And it’s not even for me!”

Rachel shows a lot of humanity in quotes like this one since she shows fans that she’s not where she wants to be and she doesn’t know what to do about it. Feeling stuck is something that many people can relate to.

“Oh my God. I’ve become my father. I’ve been trying so hard not to become my mother, I didn’t see this coming.”

This line is definitely in the running as one of the funniest Friends quotes, period. Everyone has joked at least once about turning into their mother. The fact that Rachel jokes about becoming her dad is just priceless.

Even if someone wants to grow up and be totally separate from their parents, they can’t help but maintain some of their personality traits or habits. It’s pretty much impossible to leave all of that behind, and Rachel manages to say that in a totally hilarious way.

“It’s like all my life everyone’s told me, ‘You’re a shoe! You’re a shoe! You’re a shoe!’”

At first glance, this quote is confusing. Confusing but really funny… which might be the best way to sum up Rachel Green in general. Everyone knows someone like Rachel who can be a bit ditzy but who always cracks them up because of the unique things that they say. Rachel says this particular quote in the pilot because she’s decided not to marry Barry.

“Well, what if I don’t want to be a shoe? What if I wanna be a purse or a hat?”

Even if it doesn’t make much sense for Rachel to say that she’s a shoe, fans can’t help but smile at this quirky quote, along with anything else that she says.