We may have had 10 fantastic seasons of Friends that seemingly wrapped things up for the group in the most perfect way possible, but that doesn’t mean that the show covered absolutely everything that the fans wanted to know. Because Friends has such a dedicated audience, every little detail on the show gets picked up, so, when something isn’t covered properly or a big plot point is never answered, it leads to questions from those people. The main characters of the show are amongst some of the most beloved in television history, and that is why people still talk about it to this day.

Do Phoebe And Ursula Make-Up?

Throughout Friends, it is fairly clear that Phoebe and her sister Ursula do not see eye to eye. Then, when Ursula steals her sister’s name to use is for a second career in porn, it really puts a serious strain on their relationship.

When Phoebe learns about the situation, she heads down to the production area and decides to get the checks mailed to her in order to at least make money from the situation, although we never find out if Ursula learns about the situation and confronts her. However, it is clear that they don’t get along after this, as Ursula isn’t seen at Phoebe’s wedding, which leads the question of whether or not the pair ever did reconcile and patch things up, or if they remained distant.

Why Does Ben Never Meet Emma?

Having children with different parents is complicated, and because of that it is expected that those siblings won’t get to spend as much time together as if they were from a traditional family of the same parents, but that doesn’t explain the situation with Ben and Emma.

Ross has Ben with his ex-wife Carol and then has Emma later on in the series with Rachel, which means the two children are half-siblings. Yet, for some reason, they are never shown together throughout the entire series. While Ben might have been busy with his moms during many parts of the show, the fact Friends never show them together is strange. From Emma’s birth to her 1st birthday party, Ben is always absent.

What Does Rachel Do For Work?

The reason that Rachel almost gets a plane to head for a new life is all down to work: with a brand new job waiting for her in Paris, she makes the decision to get off the flight in order to have a life with Ross to try and make that relationship work. However, she does so seemingly quitting her job, leaving her unemployed when she returns home to tell Ross that she loves him. While you might think that she could just go back to Ralph Lauren, Rachel had stated that she couldn’t go any further with that company.

This leads the major question as to what she actually ends up doing for work. While she will obviously have found something with her obvious skillset, it is one of Friends’ mysteries that we never find out about.

Who Takes Apartment 20?

Friends drew to a close with all of the gang leaving their keys (which they never used) for apartment 20 as they walked away for the final time as Chandler and Monica prepare to start a brand new part of their life with their children.

However, Joey still lives across the hall where he always has been, which means whoever takes that apartment is going to get to know him, which leads to the question of who ends up living there? Will whoever ends up taking the apartment also become part of the group and end up being friends with Joey? Will they totally change the classic layout everyone knows and loves, there are just so many questions without answers.

What Happens To David?

While he might not be a main character, he is Phoebe’s other very serious relationship outside of Mike, and therefore he does play a significant role in the series at various points, which is why many people want to know what happens to him.

When David shows up again to try and get Phoebe back in his life, he is left devastated when she makes the decision to choose Mike over him, and this isn’t the only bad thing that happened to him. David loses a toe, the love of his life, and he is broke after achieving nothing in Minsk, which leaves fans to wonder what exactly happened after Barbados and whether or not he gets his life back together.

How Do Chandler & Rachel Forget Each Other?

The memory of many of the Friends main characters is questionable at best, with different things being forgotten and then remembered throughout the series, and an example of that is in the very first episode when Monica introduces Rachel to Chandler.

The pair act as if they have never met before, but that couldn’t be further from the truth; they actually met back when Central Perk was a bar, with Rachel even dreaming about him on the way home. However, they also met twice at Monica’s parents’ house during Thanksgiving when both Chandler and Rachel were guests, and it is revealed that they kissed at a college party. So, why did they forget each other?

Do They Stick Together?

This was always going to be a massive talking point after the show because fans had been so emotionally invested in the group, and they had been so close as friends that people would always wonder whether or not they actually stayed close as they grew older.

However, this was made even more of a talking point during Joey’s spin-off series in which he claimed that he had no reason to stay in New York as his old friends grew up, got married, and had kids, which left fans sad that the group may have split. Of course, the only way this will ever be answered is by some form of movie or series to clarify what exactly happened after the series.

How Old Are They?

There are some major inconsistencies with Friends throughout the entire show, and one of the biggest ones is the age of all the main characters, with the group seemingly stating different ages and having different birthdays at different times.

While it might not be the biggest issue in the world, you would have thought that the show would’ve kept on top of thing such as how old the main characters were, but that certainly isn’t the case, and, because of that, fans have varying ideas about how old each character really is.

What’s On Phoebe’s Record?

Phoebe is a very mysterious character. She’s quirky, and that’s part of her charm and why she is so different from the rest of the group. It is also why fans have a lot of unanswered questions about her—in particular, about her past.

One of those is what is actually on her criminal record? During Phoebe’s relationship with Gary, the police officer, he claims he looked at her record, stating she has done some “weird stuff,” but then it never gets expanded upon. While we know at one point she mugged Ross, nothing else ever comes up, which is a shame, as it could have led to a lot of fun jokes throughout the series.

Will They Marry?

While Rachel does get off the plane to admit that she is in love with Ross, with the pair seemingly having their ‘happily ever after’ moment, we actually find out if they work out this time, with their history together never managing to create a successful relationship.

One of the big questions that fans wish they knew was whether or not Ross and Rachel ended up getting married in the future, truly embracing their lives together. However, that is something that we never get an answer to on the show, as all we are left with is knowing that they are back together and that they are going to make a go of things. While that’s enough for some, for others, it isn’t.