He’s one of the most sarcastic characters in the history of television and he’s given us plenty of reasons to think that he’s nothing more than a big joker. Still, one thing that often gets missed about Chandler Bing is just how big of a heart the guy actually has throughout the series.

He’s one of a kind in so many ways, and today, we want to run through 10 instances where Chandler Bing proved himself to be the sort of stand-up guy that had us all rooting for him to succeed and find love from Season 1 right through to Season 10.

Inviting His Dad

The relationship between Chandler and his father had been touched on throughout the show, but never explored – until Monica wanted to meet him and invite the guy to their wedding.

Chandler seemed hesitant at first, but eventually, he was able to swallow his pride and invite his dad to the wedding. It was one of the most touching moments of the season, and it showed the kind of growth and maturity that Chandler could demonstrate. In many ways, we probably all have Monica to thank for that switch in his character.

Financing Joey’s Career

For a long time they hinted at it, and then eventually, they outright said it: Joey has a lot to be thankful for when it comes to how much Chandler has helped him over the years.

Being an actor in New York City is always pretty difficult, to the point where it soon became clear that Joey could only get to where he was with the assistance of his best friend. The fact that Chandler was able to, and actually went through with funding Joey for so many years is a credit to Chandler as a friend.

Chandler Finally Cries

The storyline was a little bit silly but after seeing what Ross did to Rachel, at the end of an episode where we weren’t quite sure whether or not he was going to show his emotions, Chandler finally burst out crying and showed a little bit of his vulnerability.

As the years went on we saw him cry a few more times, but the fact that he was able to shed a few tears at this moment was lovely. Even though we’re pretty sure the intended reaction was laughter, which was understandable because they made the whole thing quite entertaining.

Committing To Janice

Despite being very ‘on-again, off-again’ with Janice over the years, Chandler managed to finally get into the mindset of wanting to settle down – with Janice being the girl he wanted to do it with.

Alas, when he tried to commit to her by making a series of what he thought were thoughtful gestures, the alarm bells were clearly ringing for Janice, who was still going through a divorce at the time.

Still, it gave us the famous line: “I’m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love!” What a guy.

The Proposal

Despite his initial plan to ‘woo’ Monica going up in flames, we still got to see Chandler pour his heart out to the one he loves in the name of finally popping the question.

He was down on his knees letting the woman of his dreams know that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her, and we absolutely loved every single second of it. The best part was that it came in the wake of his scene with Richard, too, which proved once and for all that he wasn’t afraid to fight for his girl and that he was clearly the right guy for Monica.

Dressing As Santa

Ross called everyone asking for a Santa costume so Chandler borrowed one from a guy at work. How nice is that?

The whole thing wound up descending into utter chaos, because of course it did, but this was a great moment. Chandler didn’t need to go out of his way to do this, but he did so mainly as a result of wanting to help out his friend. What a guy.

We’re not entirely sure whether it was our favorite costume of the entire episode, because he had stiff competition, but it definitely got a chuckle out of us.

The Advertising Job

We weren’t so sure that Chandler was going to get the job he was after in advertising, but throughout the course of the episode, it was clear to see that Mr. Bing wanted that role more than anything.

Then, when he was offered the position of a junior copywriter, we saw his passion come out as he finally got the chance to do something that suited him perfectly.

We also really enjoyed the fact that Joey wished for Chandler to get the job, too. What an absolute treasure that man is.

“I’m In Love With Monica!”

Ah, what an episode.

Phoebe and Chandler went back and forth in an attempt to ‘seduce’ one another, even though we all knew it probably wasn’t going to work.

The reason it didn’t work was that Chandler was obviously with Monica, but nobody expected him to blurt out that he was in love with her.

It was one of the first times we’d ever seen him confidently declare his feelings for someone that he was in a relationship with. It was surprising, but it just proved why they belong together.

The Velveteen Rabbit

Chandler was super into Joey’s girlfriend Kathy, and while they were wrong to kiss when she was still with Joey, there was one moment before they officially got together that really warmed our hearts.

Chandler bought Kathy a special copy of her favorite book, The Velveteen Rabbit. However, instead of giving it to her himself, he decided to let Joey have it – because, you know, it’d just look a little bit weird, otherwise.

Kathy wound up being a not very nice human being, but this was a clear sign of what Chandler was willing to do in order to be a good friend.

Saving The Adoption

After lying and pretending to be different people in the name of winning over the birth mother of the child they were trying to adopt, it seemed as if Monica & Chandler’s hopes of adopting a child had been and gone.

Then, after being persuaded by Chandler, Erica finally said yes to them and the moment they’d been waiting for had finally arrived.

It was fitting that after all this time, it was Chandler Bing who stepped up and proved that he would do anything to make sure his beautiful wife became a mother.