Monica is the high strung control freak who keeps all of the members of the Friends crew in line. She is often the one who sets the rules and makes sure everyone abides by them, especially when it comes to cooking and cleaning. Fans cried with Monica as her heart was breaking during her break up with Richard and they shed tears for her once again during her and Chandler’s infertility struggles.

While most fans of the show feel they have Monica pegged, there are still some secrets they may not know about the wound-too-tight chef. Here are the 10 things even diehard fans didn’t know about Monica:

Courteney Cox was Supposed to be Rachel

Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston are the perfect matches for their characters, Monica and Rachel, but what if  the roles had been switched? What if Jennifer Aniston had played Monica while Courteney Cox played Rachel? As weird as this might be to picture, it was the original plan for the show.

The role of Rachel had first been offered to Courteney Cox and producers wanted Jennifer Aniston to audition for Monica. Courteney Cox declined the role of Rachel though as she was more drawn to Monica’s strong personality. Fans will agree that Courteney Cox made the right decision.

Courteney Cox is a Neat Freak just like Monica

No one could play the strict but nurturing Monica better than Courteney Cox and this may be because Cox has a few things in common with her character. One of the ways Courteney Cox is similar to Monica is that she is a neat freak just like the character.

Other cast members and creators of Friends lovingly remember Cox always having the cleanest dressing room. She would even clean and tidy up the other cast mates’ dressing rooms as she didn’t like being in them when they were disorganized or dirty, similar to Monica constantly picking up after her friends.

Only One to Not Receive an Emmy Nomination

Most fans would agree that no one could have made a more perfect Monica than Courteney Cox, but perhaps the deciders of the Emmy nominations disagree. Courteney Cox is the only one out of the six Friends cast mates to not receive an Emmy nomination for her role on the show.

Lisa Kudrow and Jennifer Aniston were both awarded Emmys for their performances while the men of the group, David Schwimmer, Matt LeBlanc, and Matthew Perry, all earned Emmy nominations for their characters. Poor Monica, out shined yet again by her medical marvel big brother.

Courteney Cox is Older than David Schwimmer

On Friends Courteney Cox and David Schwimmer play everyone’s favorite brother and sister team. The two won over fans’ hearts with their loyalty to each other even when they were bickering. Schwimmer plays Ross, the protective big brother, while Cox plays Monica, the never-good-enough-for-their-mother little sister.

In reality Cox is the older of the two as she is over two years older than her supposed big brother. Even if the roles had written the other way though, with Cox has the oldest sibling and Schwimmer as the little brother, these two still would have been a fan favorite sibling duo.

Had the Biggest Dating Age Gap

While Joey is the resident dating expert on the show, Monica had her fair share of dating adventures throughout the course of Friends’ 10 season run. Joey might have gotten more dates than Monica, but her dating pool had the biggest age gap. Monica’s first big relationship on the show was with Richard Burke who was 21 years or a whole person who can drink older than Monica.

But before there was Richard in season 2, there was young Ethan in season one. Ethan was 9 years younger than Monica at the time of their relationship as he was only 17 years old and a senior in high school. That’s an age gap of over 30 years between Monica’s two former lovers.

Last Names Changed to Arquette in Honor of Courteney’s Marriage

In season 6, episode 1 “The One After Vegas” fans might have noticed a mysterious name change during Friends’ opening credits. Everyone suddenly had the name “Arquette” added to the end of their name.

The reason why this random name change happened was because Courteney Cox had just tied the knot with her then-husband David Arquette. But this was not the first time the name “Arquette” appeared on Friends. In season 3, episode 3 “The One with the Jam” David Arquette made a guest appearance as Malcolm, Ursula’s stalker who briefly dated Phoebe.

Monica had a Total of 5 Jobs During Friends

There were definitely some ups and downs for Monica when it came to her career as a chef. Monica worked hard at her job, but there were some setbacks before she finally landed her dream job. She started as a chef for a restaurant called Iridium, but was unfortunately fired which forced her to become a waitress at a ’50s themed diner, Moondance Diner.

She was briefly a caterer who wrote a food critic article which landed her the head chef job at the Italian restaurant, Allesandro’s. Monica had a rough go of it at Allesandro’s, but all of her hard work eventually paid off when she was hired on at the prestigious restaurant, Javu. Way to climb the career ladder!

Had a Candy Cabinet on Set

Courteney Cox and Monica both earned their titles of “Candy Lady”. In season 7, episode 9 “The One with All the Candy” Monica tries to earn her neighbors’ friendship by making candy for all of them thus earning her the title of “Candy Lady”, but Courteney Cox in real is also deserving of this esteemed title.

On the Friends set, Cox had her own little candy cache known as Courteney’s Candy Cabinet. Butterfingers are the actress’s favorite go to candy bar and US Weekly once claimed Cox was a addicted to candy bars. Everyone is allowed to have one vice.

Jennifer Aniston is Coco’s Godmother

Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston play the two best friends Monica and Rachel on Friends that eventually become sister in laws. While it’s nice to see such a solid female friendship on TV, it’s even better when it’s a genuine friendship that transcends the show.

Cox and Aniston are real life best friends and the pair are so tight that Cox assigned Aniston as her daughter’s godmother. Jennifer Aniston has been there for the now teen, Coco, since birth and continues to love her and want the best for her goddaughter. What a beautiful friendship these two incredible women share.

Monica Wasn’t Supposed to be with Chandler

While Ross and Rachel took up most of the relationship spotlight on Friends, there was another couple that captivated the hearts of many. Monica and Chandler’s relationship had fans cheering them on all the way to the end. Fans were giddy excitement when the pair first got together and they cried for the hopeful parents as they struggled with infertility, but through it all they remained strong and stable.

But what if this touching relationship had never happened? Originally it wasn’t supposed to happen at all. The main love interest of the show was intended to be Monica and Joey with Chandler not even being a main character. Fortunately for fans, the creators changed their minds when they saw the undeniable chemistry between Courteney Cox and Matthew Perry. Creators have the show believe Monica and Chandler would still be happily together today.