The classic Friends is one of the most iconic and influential sitcoms in recent memory.  Granted, it’s a product of the ’90s and certain plotlines, jokes and outfits wouldn’t fly today, but there’s really no denying the power of the show. Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey fans continue to adore them, sixteen years after the show’s conclusion.

The relationships between the gang are the primary reason for the show’s success.  Great friends as they supposedly were, though, these relationships were beyond strained at times. The popular duo Joey and Phoebe, for instance, had moments and issues that true friends maybe wouldn’t have. Let’s take a look at a few.

She’s Attracted To Him

Among colleagues and friendship groups around the world, this dilemma keeps coming up: can people share a close platonic friendship without something romantic blooming? It’s sometimes seen as all but inevitable, and true enough, Phoebe expresses her attraction to Joey on several occasions throughout the show’s run.

Phoebe has been inexperienced and unlucky in love her whole life, and confides in Mike Hannigan (the man she eventually marries) that she’s never had a serious boyfriend (her beloved Scientist Guy aside). This is sure to have left her a little confused, unclear of what she really wanted from Joey.

He’s Attracted To Her

To make matters even more complex, of course, Joey is certainly attracted to Phoebe right back. Near the series’ conclusion, Joey’s doomed relationship with Rachel is explored for a while, so he only has eyes for her. But while he’s never especially overt about his attraction to Phoebe, there are elements of it there throughout.

After all, when she dresses to the nines for an important party, he tells her that she looks “stop-eating hot,” which, as we know, is the highest level of hotness. If you’re going to use smooth lines like that, there’s no denying your feelings. All these sorts of issues lead fans to wonder why they were never a couple, and cloud the issue of whether they were meant to be “real friends” or something more.

She Doesn’t Have The Patience For Him

Now, we all know Joey’s whole shtick. He isn’t the brightest bulb in the box. Most of the Joey-related comedy on the show stemmed from times when he misread situations, couldn’t follow a conversation, or said or did something silly.

Knowing him as well as the group does, then, they could have done much more to help him and boost his confidence. In Season 10’s “The One Where Joey Speaks French,” Phoebe offers to help him learn to do just that for an acting part. Joey fails to grasp the language and Phoebe just explodes on him, refusing to help any more and sweeping things under the rug at the audition later. She could have been a much more patient, kinder friend.

They Have Different Priorities

As we all know, many people’s middle names are only used in two instances: on official forms and when they’re in deep darn trouble. When Phoebe stormed into the apartment in search of Joseph Francis, the actor knew he’d done something wrong. “What are you middle-naming me for?” he demanded to know.

Here’s what she was middle-naming him for: he had left Phoebe a note stating that he couldn’t make dinner because he had a date. For Joey, this wasn’t a big deal at all, but Phoebe was outraged that he’d stood her up like this. While they soon cleared things up, the incident proved that there were some fundamental differences in the way the duo sees friendship.

Joey’s Brief Relationship With Ursula Was So Problematic

What does friendship truly mean? Everyone will have a different answer to that question, of course, but at its core, it’s about compromise. All close relationships will sometimes struggle with conflict, but it’s all about the way it’s resolved.

When Joey briefly dated Phoebe’s twin sister Ursula at the end of the first season, he and Phoebe both handled the delicate situation horribly. Had they been more communicative, as such close friends are supposed to be, things wouldn’t have been such a mess.

Phoebe Is Snarky About Joey’s Acting Career

Now, it isn’t news to anyone that Joey struggled for years as he pursued his acting career. A string of hilariously questionable performances in hilariously questionable TV shows, plays and the like didn’t really do him any favors.

The gang tries to support him, attending many awful plays and trying their best to encourage him, but in the end, their snide jokes must have gotten to him. In one instance, Phoebe tries to explain the basics of lying to Joey, pointing out that looking down as you tell the lie is a huge giveaway. Joey remarks that he should be good at this sort of thing, as he’s a “terrific actor,” only for Phoebe to burst his bubble by looking down theatrically and stating, “You’re a terrific actor.”

Joey’s Disastrous Guitar Lessons With Phoebe

In “The One With All The Resolutions,” the gang, appropriately enough, all makes New Years’ resolutions. Joey’s is to learn to play the guitar, so he enlists Phoebe’s tutelage. The quirky musician is happy to help, but tempers soon flare between them as they clash over Phoebe’s methods.

The biggest issue is that Phoebe doesn’t allow Joey to actually play (or touch) a guitar until she believes he is ready, which he doesn’t agree with. Again, an honest, friendly conversation would have resolved all of this, but they have an ugly falling-out instead.

 She Asked Joey To Be Her Backup… And Ross

It’s a familiar trope: two lifelong friends agree that if they aren’t married by a certain age, they will marry each other. In the show, the group calls this having a “backup,” but when they discuss the idea, they run into a problem: Phoebe has two!

Yes, the seemingly super close Phoebe and Joey are each other’s backup, but Phoebe also roped in Ross. When confronted about the situation, she simply states that “It’s just good sense to back up your backup.” The fact that she picked Ross (and Chandler too, by the sounds of it) as well proves that the duo simply may not be as close as we thought.

Their Disastrous “Frenaissance”

In “The One After Vegas,” Joey finds himself in hot water with Phoebe yet again. He drove to Las Vegas in her grandmother’s car, but was reluctant to drive it back again. At Phoebe’s insistence, he does so, bringing her along for the (super long) ride to give them some quality time together — to have a “frenaissance,” as Phoebe puts it.

After the initial friction, you might think that Joey would be on his best behavior, but he sleeps through most of the trip, leaving Phoebe to drive. He even invites a hitchhiker along, who takes over driving himself when the duo both falls asleep. Joey’s very apologetic about the whole situation, but claims that he now understands that Phoebe thinks that “staying awake is an important part of friendship.” He continues, “So I will strive to stay awake for as long as I know you.”

The Entire Mike Situation

Granted, given that this little disaster brought Mike Hannigan into her life, Phoebe probably didn’t resent it in hindsight. Even so, though, this was quite the terrible move on Joey’s part.

When he forgets that he and Phoebe had agreed to set each other up for a double date, he lies and pretends that a friend named Mike is coming to dinner. Not knowing anyone by that name, he goes to the coffeehouse and desperately calls out “Mike!” A man by that name responds. Joey looks him over and bribes him into pretending that he’s actually Joey’s childhood friend. The whole charade soon falls apart. While everything ended very well, this was still a shameful display on Joey’s part.