Chandler Bing and Rachel Green are two characters from the beloved sitcom Friends that fans never really expected to get together. While the show teases a romantic connection between the pair in the occasional flashback, Chandler and Rachel never actually gave dating a shot. This is pretty surprising considering Rachel dated both Ross and Joey. So why not Chandler?

Chandler and Rachel’s friendship only progresses throughout all 10 seasons of the show and their love for one another, romantic or not, is pretty obvious. Keep reading to learn the 10 reasons why Rachel and Chandler would have made the perfect couple.

They Both Have Corporate Jobs

Both Rachel and Chandler have corporate jobs throughout the majority of the series. They work long hours and have been known to put their jobs ahead of personal relationships. Having similar outlooks on their career is definitely an advantage in a relationship.

Fans can only imagine that if Rachel and Chandler got together, there would be minimal conflict when it comes to making time for one another considering they maintain a similar work-life balance. It also seems as though there would be minimal conflict in the financial aspect of their relationship as they each make decent salaries of their own.

They Both Struggle With Relationships

From the very beginning of the series, fans learn that Rachel struggles with commitment. Viewers learn this about Chandler as well as the series progresses. Up until Chandler and Monica started dating in season five, both Chandler and Rachel had a hard time maintaining relationships. This is what makes them perfect for one another.

While Chandler may not always say the right things, he is loyal and Rachel can always rely on him. On the other hand, Rachel can be flighty at times, but Chandler is understanding and together they can easily get through any rough patches.

Chandler Was Initially Attracted To Rachel

It wouldn’t be the craziest thing if Chandler and Rachel got to together, considering they have a flirtatious history. Flashbacks throughout the series show Chandler’s interest in Rachel and it often seemed to be reciprocated on Rachel’s end. For instance, fans see Chandler flirt with Rachel at a college party and Rachel acted pretty excited to have caught Chandler’s interest.

This is fairly important as it shows that the two do have some level of chemistry. Fans would have loved to see Chandler and Rachel get together in the series, especially after watching several flashbacks teasing their potential relationship.

Chandler Thinks Rachel Is A Catch

One of the sweetest moments between Rachel and Chandler is when Chandler is consoling Rachel about a relationship that didn’t pan out. He gives her a hug, tells her she’s a catch and invites her to a hockey game. It’s hard to believe that Chandler and Rachel didn’t give a romantic relationship a shot just from this moment alone.

It’s clear that Chandler is fond of Rachel and it definitely seems to be reciprocated on Rachel’s end. It’s hard to ignore the chemistry between the two, even if they don’t get too many adorable moments like this one.

They Both Like Pampering Themselves

Fans know how much Chandler likes his bubble baths. In season five, bath salts and a toy boat become two of his favorite things. Viewers have also seen him and Rachel head to the nail salon together where they both enjoyed getting a manicure.

We can only imagine that their relationship would be full of plenty of self-care activities such as facemasks, massages, and of course, more bubble baths. It makes sense that they would enjoy doing these types of things together as they have plenty in common and would never run out of things to talk about as they relax.

They Really Care About Each Other

There’s definitely no shortage of love between these two even if they didn’t get their own storylines very often. For instance, Rachel helped Chandler through the process of getting over his relationship with Kathy, and Chandler always works hard to make Rachel laugh whenever she’s feeling down.

Fans get a glimpse at how much Rachel and Chandler mean to one another when they say their goodbyes at the end of season 10. This strong friendship definitely would have made for an even stronger relationship. It’s too bad fans never got to see what that would have looked like.

They Have Similar Taste In Food

Figuring out what’s for dessert would never be a problem for this pair. Chandler and Rachel’s love for cheesecake is widely known throughout the Friends fandom. They love cheesecake so much that they’re willing to steal it from their neighbors just to get their hands on it. They’re truly the Bonnie and Clyde of Friends.

Rachel and Chandler are even up for fighting over their beloved cheesecake and then shamelessly eating it off the floor. This just proves they have similar priorities as well. If this doesn’t scream “perfect couple”, then we’re not sure what does.

They Are Honest With One Another

The best part of Rachel and Chandler’s friendship is how genuine it feels. They keep things very real with one another and never tiptoe around each other’s feelings. For instance, in a season five episode, Rachel made it a point to call Chandler out and let him know how uncomfortable she feels about him kissing all of the girls every time he leaves a room.

It’s clear that Rachel never has a problem calling Chandler out when he says or does something inappropriate, which shows just how comfortable they really are with one another.

They Understand Each Other

Rachel and Chandler can relate to one another on multiple levels. Not only do they each struggle with managing romantic relationships but they also struggle with their parental relationships. Due to being children of divorce, they’ve both had to learn to cope with seeing their parents in a different light and make an effort to spend individualized time with them.

This duo definitely understands each other in more ways than one which is what makes them such a great potential match. Not to mention, Chandler is great at winning over parents so he would have impressed Dr. Green in no time.

Chandler Looks Out For Rachel

Chandler has looked out for Rachel since the beginning. In season three of Friends, Chandler encourages Rachel to take the plunge, quit her job and send out resumes for a job that she’s more passionate about. He convinces Rachel that she won’t ever feel motivated to find a new job if she doesn’t quit her current job first.

While this may not have been perfect advice, it came from a place of love. Chandler has always wanted what’s best for Rachel, which is definitely an essential element to the perfect relationship that Chandler and Rachel could have had.