While Ross and Rachel got together right at the end, and Monica and Chandler lived happily ever after, fan-favorite couple Joey and Phoebe were the only Friends duo that didn’t get together. Despite the actors who play them, Matt LeBlanc and Lisa Kudrow, even wanting the characters to get together, the writers were always against it. And while what the fans, and even what the actors want, isn’t always going to sway the writers of a show, almost sixteen years later, fans are still talking about how they wish the two had gotten together. Do we have unfair expectations and should be okay with men and women just having deep and intimate friendships? Or did the pair have so much chemistry that it’s impossible they wouldn’t have gotten together?

We’ll let you decide. Check out 10 reasons why we think Phoebe and Joey would have been the perfect couple and should have gotten together.

They were both undervalued


Everyone on the show, and most of the viewers, thought of Joey and Phoebe as the stupid ones, making bad decisions, and being clueless. But Joey and Phoebe were just on their own level, having intelligence in different ways. Funny and insightful at random moments, the two characters are on their own wavelengths and as a couple, they would truly be able to understand each other the way no one else could. Instead of trying to get validation from others that don’t understand them, they could give each other validation, despite their lack of standard intelligence.

They are both kooky characters

Whether Phoebe was singing smelling cat and trying to record it, or Joey is sporting Rachel’s maternity pants so he can eat Thanksgiving dinner comfortably, both characters have their fair share of kooky moments.

The characters played by their own rules, and somehow they both make it through life fairly unscathed, despite the weird messes they get themselves into. When you’re on another planet, you need someone to follow you there with you. Phoebe and Joey are already on each other’s level, so they wouldn’t need to do too much adjusting. 

The actors wanted them to be friends with benefits

Lisa Kudrow and Matt LeBlanc revealed that they always wanted Joey and Phoebe to be friends with benefits. The Friends’ actors said they tried to pitch the idea to the writer, saying they could refilm some old scenes to make it seem like the characters had been sleeping together all this time, and have the reveal at the end of the episode be Ross, Rachel, Monica, and Chandler catching them step out of a broom closet. However, the writers weren’t having any of it and weren’t fully on board with the obvious chemistry between Joey and Phoebe.

Joey dated Phoebe’s identical twin sister Ursula

While we aren’t implying that all twins are the same, and aren’t separate people, we can’t say the same for Friends, since Ursula being Phoebe’s twin sister was obviously a gag.

Nevertheless, the show shows us that Joey is attracted to Ursula (and in that case probably Phoebe) and that while Ursula tries to ghost Joey, Phoebe, who actually cares about him, poses as her sister to give him the proper break up he deserves and to let him down easily. Phoebe can’t stand to see Joey get hurt, and is worried right away when she finds out he and Ursula started dating. Which leads us to the next point…

They always had each other’s backs

Whether it was Phoebe teaching Joey how to speak French, despite his clear inability to learn the language, or Joey’s attempt to teach Phoebe how to act for her role as an extra on Days Of Our Lives, the two Friend’s characters were constantly trying to help each other out. Joey even offered to marry Phoebe when she thought she was pregnant. When she forgets to tell Joey about an audition, Phoebe steps in and tries out her acting chops again, pretending to be his agent to fix the mistake she made. Whether they are helping each other out because they care about each other, or because they messed up in the first place, Phoebe and Joey were always there for each other.

They kissed more than once!

As previously mentioned, Joey and Phoebe have constantly had chemistry and have flirted a lot during the show. But they didn’t just flirt, they kissed more than once. At one point, in Season 8, Episode 2: The One With The Red Sweater, Phoebe is pregnant and Joey offers to marry her to help her raise the child. When she accepts, they seal the deal with a kiss.

Before that, in Season 7, Episode 14: The One Where They All Turn Thirty, to fulfill Phoebe’s wish of having the perfect kiss before turning 31, Joey kisses her. Isn’t that the most romantic thing?

They have monthly dinner plans

Despite the characters not being able to go a week without seeing each other, often hanging out in Rachel and Monica’s apartment, or Joey and Chandler’s, Phoebe and Joey still go out of their way to see each other outside the group setting, having monthly supper plans that they put a lot of effort into. While chemistry is important, having a partner who’s reliable, dedicated, and who puts effort into seeing you is super important. While Joey and Phoebe often seem like commitment-phobes, they don’t have a hard time committing to each other. This quality would translate well into a romantic relationship, which isn’t that far off from their current dynamic.

They always had fun together

Joey and Phoebe never needed to do much to have a good time together. Whether it was at their monthly dinners, or pretending to be Ken Adams and Regina Phelange, or when Phoebe is teaching Joey French and he can’t for the life of him say “Je m’appelle Claude”.

As previously mentioned, Joey and Phoebe are on each other’s levels, and so can laugh together and have a good time. They always get into shenanigans together. When trying to convince Ross and Rachel to get back with each other, they set each of them up on a horrible date. While planning, they each do their evil plan laughs, egging each other on.

Joey Was Phoebe’s Back-Up Plan If She Never Got Married

Even though Ross was also one of Phoebe’s back up plans if she didn’t get married, we know that Joey was the better back up plan. Ross and Phoebe never would have worked together, they were too different, and Ross never really could get on Phoebe’s level. Even though they kissed, and even attempted to have sex on the pool table, the instance was quite awkward, and they laugh about how bad of an idea it was, acting as nothing happened once everyone else arrived. And anyway, we all know Ross and Rachel were fated to be together.

Monica and Chandler got together, and so did Rachel and Ross, so that leaves Joey and Phoebe

Joey and Phoebe shouldn’t have gotten together just because their friends all got together. And yet, wouldn’t their hangouts have been even more fun if they could go on triple dates? After this whole list of reasons we thought they should be good together, the couple also just makes total sense. Even though Friends had complicated moments and intense breakups, and things didn’t always go perfectly, the show ended with many bows wrapped up nicely. So why shouldn’t Joey and Phoebe have gotten together? It would have created the perfect symmetry.