The most surprising thing about Friends is the fact that Monica and Joey stayed completely platonic for the entire series. While a potential relationship between the two of them has been teased several times, nothing has ever come to fruition. This is pretty odd considering it was revealed in season three that Monica and Joey did in fact have chemistry when they first met.

Of course, things can change but it’s hard to imagine those feelings going completely away. Especially since they never even gave a romantic relationship a shot. Fans may never see Monica and Joey go on a date but we’ve dug up the 10 reasons why they would have made the perfect couple.

Monica And Joey Have Feelings For Each Other

This is a pretty big statement, but it’s true that on some level that these two have feelings for one another. The season three episode, “The One with the Flashback”, reveals how Monica and Joey first met and it’s also revealed that Monica and Joey were initially attracted to one another.

Something like this usually sets the tone for the friendship so it’s surprising that Monica and Joey never got together. While this pair was completely platonic for all 10 seasons of Friends, those initial feelings may have never fully gone away.

Joey Loves To Eat

Everybody knows that “Joey doesn’t share food!”. This is exactly why Monica and Joey would be a great match. Monica loves to cook and show her love through food and Joey loves to eat. We can only imagine that Monica and Joey’s relationship would thrive thanks to their shared love for food.

Of course, a season seven episode hypothesizes that Joey would become unhealthy if he and Monica ever got together, but we’re not so sure.  Monica’s cooking has got to be healthier than the sandwiches and pizza he was already eating on the daily.

Monica Loves Joey’s Job

Monica is a big fan of the fact that Joey is an actor since it means going to big soap opera parties and meeting famous celebrities. If Monica and Joey got together, Monica would definitely be Joey’s number one fan. She’d be his plus one to all of his celebrity events and they would have the best time together.

Between the two of them, these functions would never be boring. Of course, Monica might ask some celebrities to sign her bra, but Joey already knows what he’s getting himself into by bringing her along.

Joey Would Do Anything For Monica

Throughout the series, it becomes increasingly obvious that Joey is willing to do just about anything for Monica - such as nearly urinating on her foot to ease the pain from a jellyfish sting. One of the biggest sacrifices Joey makes for Monica is keeping her and Chandler’s secret.

Joey hates keeping secrets but he stayed loyal to Monica regardless because he’s a stand-up guy and good friend. We can only assume that this is the kind of loyalty that Joey would bring to the table if he and Monica were to date.

Joey Wants To Date His Best Friend

While Monica and Chandler are admittedly an adorable couple, Joey and Monica could have been even better. When Joey starts to see Monica and Chandler together, he gets jealous and wishes he had that kind of romantic relationship with Monica. However, he eventually chalks up his jealousy to wanting to date a close friend in general, not necessarily Monica in particular.

However, Monica was easily the best match for him. Not only are Monica and Joey best friends, but they’ve previously shared great chemistry and they hadn’t given a relationship a fair chance yet. It’s very likely that they would have been the perfect couple.

Joey Is Protective Of Monica

Joey has always been a good friend to Monica and has always been relatively protective of her. For instance, Joey instantly attacks Chandler and comforts Monica when he believes that Chandler is cheating on her. This moment was pretty telling of Joey’s feelings for Monica considering Joey is close friends with Chandler and still chose Monica over Chandler.

It truly seems as though Joey just wants what’s best for Monica, even if that means that he’ll never get to be with her. It doesn’t get much sweeter than that.

Monica Brings Out The Best In Joey

Joey tends to be a bit of a player but it seems as though Monica makes Joey want more for himself. She often pushes Joey to do what’s right and she holds him accountable for his actions.

There’s no doubt that Joey could benefit from having Monica around a little more and the same could be said for Monica about Joey. They’re good influences on one another and at the end of the day, Joey and Monica always seem to help each other be the best version of themselves.

They’re Both Photogenic

If for no other reason, Monica and Joey would be great together because they’d have the best engagement and wedding photos around. In season seven, fans learn that Chandler struggles with taking a good photo. Monica and Chandler try time after time to get a decent photo for their engagement announcement and it’s just not working out.

Finally, they let Joey take the photo with Monica and of course, it came out perfect. We can probably assume that all of Monica and Joey’s future photo opportunities will be as flawless as this one.

They Both Like Sports

Sports definitely bring out Monica’s competitive side, but that works out because Joey loves sports. Specifically, Joey loves the New York Knicks. While we’ve never seen Monica play basketball, it’s probably safe to say that she would play it with as much passion and determination as she plays football.

We can definitely imagine Monica and Joey going on a successful date to a Knicks game and bonding over their love for competition, beer, and gameday snacks. If this isn’t a match made in heaven then nothing is.

They Balance Each Other Out

It’s no secret that Monica and Joey are very different people. Monica is a little more tightly wound and is definitely more organized, whereas Joey is messy and goes with the flow. However, it’s these differences that make them perfect for one another. Hopefully, their qualities would rub off on each other and they’d be able to meet halfway.

Even though fans never get to see what Monica and Joey’s relationship would look like, we can only imagine that it’d be full of good food and lots of compromises.