Ross Geller knew how to play the annoying guy very well. He was a professional at it, he knew his way around all things annoying. One of his habits was picking on Monica’s past, he’s called her a terror, little fatso on record. Ross liked to play his science card to sound smart, which meant picking on not so well-read of the group; Joey, Phoebe, and even Rachel.

Ross may have played both the good and the bad. But in between, he was annoying countless times. Here are the ten most annoying Ross instances on Friends.

Fat-shaming Monica

It’s undeniable that Ross was the best brother to Monica. But this older brother acted annoying quite often. Ross reminded Monica of her unhealthy eating habits such as eating macaroni off a jewelry box, or her excessive weight gain during her childhood. Ross didn’t just do it in front of Monica, but their parents and friends.

“Hurricane Gloria didn’t break the porch swing, Monica did,” exclaimed Ross Geller to their parents. He let us know once Monica was sent to her room without dinner, so she ate macaroni off a jewelry box.

She’s Not Rachem

Ross was in love with Rachel since like, forever. He remembered to buy her the same pin that her grandmother had, as a birthday present, told her how great a girl she was and what she deserved, and left her extra tip when the FICA guys took all her money. These were sweet gestures dwindling between friendship and love. If it wasn’t for the Italian guy or a cat, Ross would have maybe stepped out of the friendzone.

When Ross was brazenly divided between Julie and Rachel, he didn’t know which one to pick. Chandler suggested Ross print out a list of pros and cons, which Ross agreed to. There wasn’t a single redeeming quality for Rachel, except Julie wasn’t Rachem- Rachel.

Ross Acted Territorial At Chandler And Joey’s

After Ross was thrown out of Emily’s cousin’s apartment, Chandler and Joey let him in. It was all fun and games until Ross signaled his keep-it-down motion. It was bizarre to see an adult man control two adult men. The tip of the iceberg was when Ross wanted everyone to chip in for his air purifier.

Ross dictated Joey stay home and work on his writing. Since yesterday’s work didn’t reflect his best work, Ross suggested Joey put his time and effort into writing. He had to right in the first place.

A Science Camp For Emma

Jeez, Ross, your daughter is only one! Please do relax, let her grow up and decide for herself what camps she wants to attend. As soon as Emma said ‘Gleba’, Ross thought his daughter would turn to be a scientist.

At the surface, Ross’s hopes and dreams may seem innocuous for Emma. Come to think of it, they represent everything wrong with the parenting world. Projecting your ambitions on your child even when they are a toddler? Sounds crazy.

We Were On A Break

Even if you give benefit of the doubt to most parties for the we-were-on-a-break fiasco, the thing is, Ross turned it into a life philosophy. Even when Rachel got off the plane in the end, to be with Ross. Ross thought it would be a good idea to pop the ‘unless we are on a break’ idea.

One doesn’t have to agree with Ross to understand his point of view. He may not have cheated on Rachel. But one can’t help but wonder it didn’t take Ross a day before he slept with someone else. We mean, bullets have left the guns slower.

A Brain Transplant

Joey’s return stint on Days of our Lives looked a little bizarre on the surface. But then, it was a soap opera, who were we kidding? Joey was supposed to play a woman in a man’s body. Simply put, Joey’s character was to come out of the coma after they transplanted a woman’s brain in him.

Joey broke the news first to his friends at breakfast. He excitedly told them his character was coming out of a coma on DOOL. The bigger news was that Joey was getting a new brain. Rachel, Chandler, and Ross were perturbed the most by this news. While the first two took it with a pinch of salt, Ross called the whole thing ridiculous. He went onto asking more and more questions like it was some sort of a real-life incident. Know where to stop, Ross.

All That Bagpiping

Ross has difficulty believing Joey’s brain transplant but when it comes to his Bagpiping business, he thinks he aces it. It didn’t need any scientists’ brain to self evaluate how bad he was. Ross chooses to keep this Bagpiping business on the Q.T.

Ross produced the horrible screeching noise that sounded like someone was skinning a cat. Annoying would be an understatement for the dying cat parade. No wonder people called the cops on him.

The Music

Thank God for Jack Geller soundproofing the basement! In “The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line,” Ross plays his music in front of his friends. It’s him and his terrible keyboard noise, that he thinks is fantastic. The sound of a dog barking, followed by a moo, a doorbell, and gunshots. He’d left his helicopter sounds on another disk, so thankfully his friends didn’t hear that.

Ross didn’t take a hint from Chandler’s expressions. Again the lack of self-evaluation played its part here as well. Ross actually took Rachel’s advice and played in public. “Electrifying infinite time..” His music couldn’t get any worse, there were rats in the basement that were hanging themselves! Poor Monica had to wear earplugs.

What’s My Boy Doing With A Barbie?

Ross dreamt of a science camp for Emma. And a G.I. Joe for Ben to play with. Ross forcing a supposed masculine toy on his kid was recessive. So he was being raised by two women, he’d picked out a Barbie himself. A boy would play with a Barbie, his fragile male ego should have stayed intact. But no!

It was annoying to see Ross Stereotyping a mere toy, trying to snatch a Barbie from a kid. Sometimes Joe and dinosaurs don’t sell, don’t you get it, Ross?

Grammar Nazi

Grammar Nazi’s are downright annoying! Ross and Monica, both tried to correct people. It’s odd how Ross was appalled at the Y-O-U-R/ You’re business at the time of his break up. Why should that have been his first order of business with Rachel?

Telling people to draw a difference between ‘Who and Whom’ was another one of Ross’s habits. It drove his kooky sister Monica insane. Stop with the whom business, sometimes it really is who!