Being Rachel Karen Green was no child’s play. The woman made it on her own in New York City. She started out as a waitress, climbed up the pole to become a fashion executive at Ralph Lauren. Amidst all of this, Rachel battled an unfulfilling dating life, she lost her lobster, single-motherhood, and changed a few homes.

Rachel Green will always be a fan favorite. But there are annoying things she’s done that fans tend to overlook. Today we count the top 10 of those instances on Friends.


Where was HR in all of Rachel getting fired because she had a job interview with Gucci? In “The One With Princess Consuela,” Rachel gets fired from her job because Zelner overhears his conversation with a certain Mr. Campbell from Gucci. Rachel is seated near her boss’ table, she fears if her boss sees her, she may get fired. So she pretends to be on a date.

Rachel pretends Mr. James Campbell from Gucci is her date. “He’s cute..” she says to Mr. Zelner by finishing off with “Thank-you!” Rachel should have acknowledged she was sitting for a job interview with Gucci. There was nothing wrong with that!

Ross, Please, This Is A Hospital, It Means Something Here

Rachel’s father has a heart attack in “The One Where Joey Speaks French.” The overgenerous Ross offers to accompany her to Long Island to stay with Mr.Green at the hospital. As Rachel enters the hospital, she asks around for her father. Ross stands right beside her waiting to introduce himself.

“And I’m Dr. Ross Geller”, goes Ross. Rachel impolitely cuts off the poor guy, saying “Ross, please this is a hospital. Okay? That actually means something here.” Sounds funny, except it is a disrespectful gesture towards someone who has done you a favor.

I Just Assumed Phoebe Would Be The One To Go

In “The One With The Kips,” Rachel is worried she’s going to be fazed out from the group. Ross’s wife Emily has asked Ross not to see Rachel anymore. That meant that they couldn’t be in the same room with each other.  Ross was Monica’s brother and Chandler’s old college roommate. So Rachel feared she would be the one leaving the group instead of Ross.

Phoebe tried to console Rachel by saying Kip didn’t even have to be Kip. She admitted they handled it all wrong and it was a long time ago. But Rachel chooses to respond to that by saying, “It’s just a matter of time before someone had to leave the group. I just always assumed Phoebe would be the one to go.”

He Got Me A Little Bottle of Chanel

Rachel rekindled her romance with the evil orthodontist Barry. This was after she dumped him at the altar in front of their family and friends. In “The One With The Evil Orthodontist,” Rachel was having lunch with Barry at the Russian tea-room, she had that chicken where you poke it and all the butter comes out. So basically she was having a great time.

What appalled the most was Rachel accepting one of Barry’s gifts. She told him not to but he bought her a bottle of Chanel. Wasn’t this the Rachel who’d decided to hell with Barry’s flowers, expensive gifts to take control of her own life? She pretty much sold her soul that day for the bottle of Chanel.

Reading Monica’s Receipt Without Asking Her

Monica borrowed Rachel’s coat in “The One With The Breast Milk.” She was out having lunch with Julie. It all started with a little trip to Bloomingdale’s with Julie. You got to give Rachel this one, for it was like cheating on her in her house of worship.

After Rachel took back her coat, she fished into the pockets, took out Monica’s keys and a receipt worth $53. Rachel had no idea it was Julie whom Monica had lunch with. It very well wasn’t her business, but she didn’t stop. She pried too closely till she learned it was actually Julie. Rachel didn’t for a second believe Monica happened to leave the receipt in her jacket. She felt Monica wanted to get caught, instead.

Mindy’s Maid of Honor

Why Rachel agreed to be Mindy’s Maid of Honor is beyond comprehension! Rachel may have given her a nod before she and Mindy deduced what was going on with Barry, But, it was wrong on so many levels. The first of which, Mindy was her best friend who had agreed to go out with a guy dumped by Rachel. Second off, Mindy and Barry had their little thing on the side when he was betrothed to Rachel. Third off, the confrontation at Barry’s clinic got nothing but ugly!

Ross reminded Rachel she didn’t need to go to her ex-fiancè’s wedding. But Rachel didn’t listen because she promised Mindy she would. Mostly because she wanted to be in the same with ’those people’ and feel good about herself. Not so much about Mindy then.

Went To London To Stop Ross From Getting Married

Rachel flew to London to she could hear Ross say he still loves her and let’s forget about the British chippy. For once let’s forget Rachel left a heavily pregnant woman all by herself to fly to London. She knew she would be messing with Ross’s head and ruin his wedding. But she did it anyway, knowing she had lost her chance and it was too late.

She spent her entire in-flight time yakkety-yakking to a fellow passenger about how she was to fly to London to tell his man she loved him. Hugh Laurie rightly called her a horrible person.

Eighteen Pages, Front And Back

Rachel wrote Ross an eighteen-page letter, front and back. This letter was an attempt to get Ross to owe responsibility for screwing up their relationship. She went on for five pages about how Ross was unfaithful to her. It’s also disturbing how and when Rachel decided to handover the letter to Ross. First, she got him to break up with Bonnie, she handed him the letter at five-thirty in the morning. The letter may not have been a problem, but its timing definitely was.

Even after Ross owed to everything, recognized how Rachel was the most important thing to him, Rachel couldn’t just let it slide. She went on and on. “Once a cheater, always a cheater, time was all that you needed to gain a little perspective..”

I Don’t Want The Name Emma

Rachel totally stole Monica’s name for her baby girl. She did it at a time when she was emotional, so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to name-grab.

Monica didn’t even want to give away the name, but after she did, Rachel started sobbing and saying she didn’t want the name. “Do you have any other totally perfect names that you’re not gonna use?” asked Rachel. Monica was eventually coaxed into giving away the name.

Gave Bonnie The Razor

“You could see the moonlight bouncing off her head!” Bonnie was voluntarily bald before she met Rachel. But her unfortunate meeting with Rachel at the beach house cost her her hair. In “The One At The Beach,” Rachel said she loved Bonnie’s bald look. She advised Ross’s girlfriend Bonnie that she should shave her head. Rachel defended herself by saying it was Bonnie’s idea, she just gave her a nudge. But that wasn’t the case, she actually gave her the razor!

Rachel balded Ross’s girlfriend because according to her, it wasn’t easy for her to see Ross with someone else. But on countless occasions, it looked like Rachel didn’t ever want to see Ross happy with another woman. Like the time he almost got married to Emily, or with Jill or the saleswoman Katie.