Monica Geller was no picnic. She was the most difficult member of the group of six. It certainly doesn’t take away from the fact that she was the mother of the group, but Monica certainly could have eased off on occasion. Her occasional eye-rolls, uncomfortable decibels, and bullying Ross with his secrets were easily some of her most annoying qualities.

Needless to say, she was more than capable of getting on everyone else’s nerves – including ours. Join us as we recount several instances where Monica was just a wee bit too annoying on Friends.

Year-Long Dig In Cairo

Monica always spills Ross’s secrets. We’re not talking about the times when they mutually blurted out each other’s secrets – we’re referring specifically to the times when she was outright mean to Ross. If Ross said he’d scored 1450 on his SATs, Monica told Phoebe what his actual scores were.

When Ross advised Joey not to lie on his resume, Monica immediately asked Ross about the year-long dig in Cairo. They were brother and sister, Monica could have and should kept quiet for his sake.

Chandler Would You Like Some More Orange Juice

Monica’s decibel levels were abnormal. Janine was right, she was incredibly loud for such a small person. Her signature “I know!” excluded, Monica spoke loudly to the discomfort of everyone. Every time she became defensive about taking someone down, Monica’s pitch became unbearable. Poor Chandler tried to teach her how to speak perfectly. But he failed, too.

You Can’t Have It Both Ways

Monica is the kind of wife who’d instruct her husband Chandler not to join her in the housework, and then proceed to taunt him over it later. When the social services lady was scheduled to visit their residence, it was very clear Monica was the only one cleaning. However, Chandler harmlessly said “we” when asked who cleaned the house.

An irked Monica asked, “We?” Chandler immediately told her she couldn’t have it both ways.

Made Chandler Into a Pink Bunny

Monica derived an odd pleasure from doing what she did to Chandler. In terms of costumes, Monica instructed him to dress by as a pink bunny for Halloween. Poor Chandler was chewing on a carrot while everyone appeared to laugh at him. “You did this to him?” asked Rachel. Monica replied, “It’s either a pink bunny or no bunny at all!”

Bought Chandler The Pink Turtle Neck

Speaking of forcing clothes on her husband, Monica bought Chandler a pink turtle neck once. Not that there was anything wrong with the color, but Chandler just wasn’t comfortable wearing it. Chandler excused himself by saying he was allergic to wool. In Monica’s defense, the guy in the catalog seemed to pull it off! Monica once made fun of Ross’ pink/salmon shirt, but she sure bought Chandler a pink turtle neck. Talk about a double standard.

Was Mean To Phoebe

Monica was a bit of a downer at the Halloween party. Maybe it was the Catwoman costume? Either way, she just wasn’t herself. She judged Phoebe on two occasions – for developing a crush on her sister’s fiance and for her street temper. But more than anything, she gave Phoebe a really mean eye-roll as soon as she entered her apartment.

The initial exchange of words was with Phoebe – “So we meet again, Catwoman!” she says to Monica, “So we do, Supergirl,” comes the reply. As soon as Phoebe gleefully told her, “It’s me, Phoebe!” Monica’s face was something else.

Made Rachel The Birthday Flan

On Rachel’s birthday, Monica listened to no one but herself. She made her a disgusting example of the jelly-like traditional custard dessert, flan. Needless to say, it didn’t look appealing at all. Monica should have listened to people who didn’t approve. Joey told her it looked like goo. Naturally, she didn’t listen.

Rachel wasn’t happy with the idea either. She wished for her cake/flan to be destroyed in the end. And she was thrilled to see that indeed happened during her make-a-wish moment. Oh, what gelatinous fun.

Went Along With The Doctor-Reverend Lie

How could Monica do that to Erica? The woman who was giving them their baby deserved to know what the two of them – Monica and Chandler – did for a living. There was an apparent mix up in the files that led Erica to think Monica was a Reverend, and Chandler was a doctor.

Not only did Monica go along with the lie, but she also added an extra touch herself. “My flock is good, they take of themselves by this point. Good flock. Flock, flock, flock!”

Serving A Questionable Orange

Monica Geller, the mother hen of the group, got so sick of being a hostess by the end of ten seasons. It was as if she didn’t want to do much with her friends. Her life was more about moving to the best of the Chesters and being a mother. Which is fine, Monica had a lot on her plate. What’s not fine is the fact that she got sick of being a hostess. Didn’t she say she loved to play house since she was a girl? She once said she must be the hostess.

By season 10, we missed the Monica who arranged parties for her friends or cooked them meals. Instead, we saw a woman that just wanted to get out of Emma’s birthday party. But the cardinal sin had to be serving “smoked oyster casserole with a breakfast cereal crust, kidney beans in their own juices, and for dessert, a questionable orange.”

Enough! A Monkey Could Have Made ’em!

The vein on Monica’s head kept getting bigger and bigger in Season 10. In “The One With The Late Thanksgiving,” Monica almost kicked Chandler out of their apartment. Everybody was late to the Thanksgiving party she didn’t want to host in the first place. So she bolted the door from inside and kept her friends salivating outside.

Chandler joked with his friends from another side of the door. He’d excitedly prepared a bowl of cranberry sauce for the meal. He liked to mention it over and over again, and it was perfectly harmless until Monica disrespectfully told him, “Enough! A monkey could have made ’em!” Loud voiced and disrespectful, as we’d come to expect by that point.