Hit sitcom Friends was a ratings juggernaut and had a seminal impact on pop culture throughout its decade of being on the air. What made the show so consistently watchable was the excellent writing as well as the chemistry between the cast. One of the most popular characters on the show was Joey, the extremely handsome, often extremely broke but always extremely helpful and loyal friend who dreamed of becoming a movie star.

Joey was always something a babe magnet, with his famous line. “How you doin’?” making its way into the popular lexicon. But not every pickup line from Joey was gold. In fact, these 10 lines were downright inappropriate.

Stripping In The Kitchen

In a flashback, we see that shortly after Joey moved in with Chandler, Monica invited him over to her apartment for some juice. Completely misreading her signals, Joey proceeded to quickly strip off all his clothes while her back was turned and stood stark naked in her kitchen.

It would be inappropriate enough in any regular situation, but imagine how terrible a neat freak like Monica must have felt to have a strange naked man in her spotless apartment.

Hitting On Rachel’s Sister In Front Of Her

One time Rachel’s sister Jill came to visit her, and naturally, Rachel was eager to introduce her to her friends. When it came to Joey, he was already prepared with a leery grin and was just about to utter his favorite pickup line, ‘How you doin’?’ with an extra dose of suggestiveness behind the line when Rachel cut him off mid-sentence.

The warning look on Rachel’s face and Joey’s embarrassed expression upon realizing he had been about to hit on the little sister of one of his best friends right in front of her really sold that scene.

Making A Pass At Emma’s Future Friends

Ross was recording a video on Emma’s first birthday, to be watched by her on her eighteenth birthday. When it came to Joey’s turn to record a message, he thought for a second and then decided to send a flirty message, not to Emma, but her eighteen-year-old friends who would some day watch the video.

Ross cut Joey off before he could say anything too creepy, but we do now know, thanks to that scene, that Joey will probably still be single eighteen years from now and hitting on Emma’s barely legal friends.

Hitting On Monica

Monica became the wife of Joey’s best friend Chandler, but that never stopped Joey from acknowledging how attractive Monica is. One time he had a dream about Monica being with him instead of Chandler.

Another time, Joey mistakenly thought Monica was suggesting they have an affair. While he turned her down, he made sure to tell her he did so with great reluctance, and that if they were to do it, it would be really good. We’re pretty sure Chandler would have a problem with that kind of phrasing.

Telling A Fake Story

When Ross came to Joey with help in getting laid, Joey unveiled his secret seduction weapon: A fake story he had made up about backpacking across Europe that caused women to want to have sex with him.

Obviously, telling lies to women to sleep with them is a pretty skeevy move and the concept of a particular set of words and a story that compels women to sleep with someone sounds dangerously close to a mind-control fantasy.

Asking For Pictures

During a blackout in New York, Joey and Chandler are stuck out in the darkened hallways of their building, searching for a stray cat that had attacked Ross. They happen upon a couple of female roommates who were using candles to light their apartment, and getting all sorts of hot and sweaty in the process.

Chandler wants to stay and talk to them, but Joey reminds him finding the cat is more important. He explains to the girls that they are in a hurry, so they would really appreciate some pictures of the two. The girls were not amused.

Offering A Woman His Underwear

One time Joey put on a pair of women’s underwear to prove how secure he was in his manliness. He started enjoying the experience a little too much, enthusiastically talking about the variety of choices women have when it comes to underwear. He then hurriedly decided to take his underwear off in the men’s room at the coffeehouse and hit on a woman immediately to recover his male point of view.

While talking to a woman sitting nearby, Joey offered to pay for her meal, carelessly putting his hand in his pocket and drawing out his underwear by accident. Trying to play it off as a seduction tactic, Joey said the underwear was for the woman while offering it to her. The mixture of horror and disgust on her face said it all.

Using Ross’s Son

One time, Joey offered to take Ross’s son Ben, who was an infant at the time, out for a ride around the city, with the express intention of using Ben to meet women.

Not only is there something off about using a child to try to hook up, but Joey and Chanelder grew so engrossed in flirting with the women they met on a bus that they forgot Ben was on the bus until it left. A mad scramble ensued to get Ben back without Ross finding out.

Hitting On Potential Female Roommates

After Chandler left to live with Monica, Joey needed to get a new roommate. The ad he put out in the papers was careful to specify the roommate needed to be female and non-ugly which is bad enough.

Then when the candidates arrived, he proceeded to ask them a series of inappropriate questions that should definitely have made any woman lose all desire to live with him or ever even talk to him.

Coming On To Rachel As A Joke

Joey found an erotic novel in Rachel’s room and proceeded to make fun of her over it mercilessly by pretending to hit on her while quoting lines from the book.

Rachel was outraged that he had entered her room without permission, and also repeatedly asked him to stop teasing her through her book. Joey persisted with his jokes even though Rachel was clearly uncomfortable until she finally came on to him aggressively in return, at which point he lost his nerve and finally left her alone.