Friends is one of those shows that you just can’t get enough of, and many fans would happily argue that its 10-season run was too short. During that time, not only did this lovable New York bunch provide us with countless fun and memorable moments but they also enriched our vocabulary with dozens of quirky phrases. Today, we can count the amount of catchphrases used by Friends in dozens, as each character had at least a few. For example, Monica would react to every news with “I know!” while Phoebe would yell “Yay!” whenever something positive happened… and we already know “Joey doesn’t share food.”

However, there are some phrases that have become even more popular over the years. We constantly encounter them on social media and in daily conversation. So even if you’re not a fan, you’ve surely heard at least one of these in public, because these are the 10 most iconic phrases that were made mainstream by Friends.


We assume that, after watching “The One With The Cop,” you also started using this phrase every time you move a piece of furniture. And we don’t blame you. Ross yelling “Pivot!” has become one of the show’s most iconic moments.

Moving or re-decorating is almost always stressful. But after watching this episode and recalling Ross’ idiotic chanting of the word “Pivot!” followed by Chandler’s “SHUT UP, SHUT UP!,” you’ll at least be doing it with a smile on your face.


This one’s going to be on Ross’ expense. According to Ross Geller, Unagi is “a state of total awareness”… except it’s not - it’s a type of freshwater eel. You see, Ross hilariously mixed up the term “Unagi” with another word used in Karate. Honest mistake, right?

Despite this, Friends fans were happy to accept Ross’ ridiculous interpretation of the word, while Rachel and Phoebe came up with one of their own - “salmon spring roll!” And we still remember them today.

Va’ fa Napoli!

If you still haven’t decided what your favorite swear word is, consider this one. Literally, the phrase would mean “go to Naples,” which, we guess, is the Italian equivalent of “go to hell?” However, “Va ‘fa Napoli,” is actually a polite version of the Italian phrase “vaffanculo,” which would allegedly mean “go do it in your butt.”

Yeah… But hey! It’s a vulgar insult that will make you sound sophisticated and worldly. And probably no one except hardcore Friends fans will know what you’re talking about.

moo point

… Just “like a cow’s opinion; it doesn’t matter. It’s moo.” In other words, it’s pointless - at least that’s how Joey misinterpreted the popular phrase “moot point.” We all know that Joey is not the brightest of the bunch, so we won’t hold this one against him.

In fact, we have to admit that his version is actually more fun to use. Heck, disarming your opponent with confusion by accusing them of having a “moo point” may even win you an argument! Just don’t do it in public.

You’re my lobster

As of the most popular phrases to come out of Friends, you MUST have heard “You’re my lobster” at least once in your life. Maybe you even had the opportunity to say this to your soulmate instead of the cliche “I love you.” That’s exactly what Ross did in “The One With The Prom Video.”

Actually, the phrase was first used by Phoebe convincing Ross that him and Rachel were endgame. According to her, “it’s a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life.” In any case, this phrase is good to keep in your arsenal for when you meet that special someone (who’s a Friends fan, of course) and you really want to sweep them off their feet.

No Uterus, No Opinion.

Coined by Rachel Green, this phrase has gone to become popular among women who use it as a powerful argument in any topic regarding pregnancy, or abortion. Rachel first used the phrase in “The One With The Secret Closet” to quiet Joey and Ross who were “mansplaining” how to use the epidural during childbirth.

If it’s not clear enough, the phrase would mean that if you’re not a woman, you’re not allowed to have an opinion. We can’t think of any counterarguments for this phrase, and we can’t deny its use has become mainstream.

The Friend Zone

Out of all the Phrases that Friends has made mainstream, this one takes the cake. “The friend zone” is used everywhere from TV and Cinema to everyday conversation as THE go-to phrase to describe someone in the situation where a person refuses to view them as anything other than a friend.

According to Joey’s expert opinion, this is exactly what happened to Ross who waited too long to make a move on Rachel, which put him in the “friend zone.” Luckily, he managed to escape it. That said, let’s take a moment of silence for all the brothers and sisters in the friendzone.

We were on a break!

The only good thing that came out of Ross’ famous mistake was this phrase. In fact, “we were on a break!!” has gone on to become an internet sensation, as fans still fiercely debate whether it’s okay to sleep with someone immediately after a “break up,” even decades after “The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break” first aired.

We have to agree that relationships are complicated. Still, we highly recommend not using this phrase in the presence of your better half.


… It’s not so much the phrase itself as it’s the way Janice says it. But if you’re a Friends fan, we bet you couldn’t read this without hearing Chandler’s ex-girlfriend’s raspy voice in your head. It’s hardly surprising, given that Janice’s first words on-screen were almost exclusively “Ohhh! Myyy! Gaaawd!”

Fun fact: the phrase has been mentioned a total of 1069 times throughout the course of the show. But the surprising thing is that Janice only said this 16 times. However, it was so annoying that the bunch associate Janice with this phrase, and so do we.

How you doin’?

What happens when Joey Tribbiani spots a girl he likes? First comes the “seductive” look, and then the lauded “How you doin’?” It’s cute, it’s funny, and because of Friends, it’s become the greatest pick-up line ever… depending on whom you ask. And while we’re not sure how well the phrase would work in real life, we bet that at least some of you tried it.

Another fun fact: Joey uses this phrase in the show only 19 times, and it has worked almost every time, becoming iconic among Friends fans in the process.