While Friends might have been about people forming a surrogate family during their struggles as young people in the real world, Ross and Monica were actual family members within this group. Their relationship was on such friendly terms that you’d even forget they were siblings.

However, having grown up together and being quite close in age, the two would revert to their familial status at various points, leading to hilarious moments that fans love to watch. Ross and Monica showed how you can be an adult but still retain that childishness one only shows in front of family, and these 10 times were the funniest when it came to these two.

Disastrous Dinner With Their Parents

There are many theories over why Judy Gellar might have hated Monica; whatever it may be, we saw her give Monica a torrid time when she and Jack came over for dinner. Here, Monica attempted to have Ross take some of the heat by announcing that Carol was a lesbian and had divorced him for that reason.

The scene made us wait the whole time for Ross to lay this news down, but it was well worth it as just when you’d think it was Ross’s turn to face his parents’ ire, their mother then turned over to Monica to admonish her for keeping this secret. Poor Monica still wasn’t off the hook even though she had nothing to do with Ross’s situation.

The Time Ross Crushed Monica’s Hand

Monica was always motherly in personality, and it didn’t matter that Ross was her elder sibling as she would still assume a parental role with him whenever Ross was feeling uneasy. After Ross developed an allergic reaction to kiwi, Monica took him to the doctor.

At the hospital, Ross’s phobia of needles kicked in and he had to hold Monica’s hand to fight his fear. Unfortunately, he probably forgot he was a grown man, causing Monica to scream in pain once Ross’s hard grip pretty much crushed her hand. But hey, at least he got his “S’s” back, right?

Ross’s “Monica-Bang” Prank

Being the cool aunt that she is, Monica took little Ben in her arms and tossed him up to make the boy laugh. Although she succeeded, she also ended up banging Ben’s head hard against the ceiling, causing a noticeable bump.

When Ross uncovered the injury through Monica’s poor attempt at concealing it, he set up a prank on Monica by telling her that Ben seemed to have lost his mind. Ross began imitating Ben’s supposed movements by demonstrating that his left foot was running faster than his right. This led to Monica believing she might have “wrecked” Ben, only to find out that Ross was just pulling her leg.

Squabbling Over Little Things

Ross’s relationship with Rachel meant he started spending most of his time at hers and Monica’s apartment, which the latter didn’t take too kindly with. By this point, they reverted to their preteen status as Ross would make funny imitations of Monica’s voice while she threw schoolyard insults his way.

The most juvenile arguments were when the two squabbled over who got to use the bathroom, and which channel they would watch on TV. Ross kind of won the series, though, as he fooled Monica by making her believe she was sharing an intimate conversation with Richard when it was actually their mother on the phone.

Telling Each Other’s Secrets

Monica and Chandler were the strongest couple on the show, who would never break up for silly reasons that we’ve seen on other sitcoms. However, Chandler still wasn’t prepared for the unraveling of secrets when Monica and Ross started sharing them.

Here, the two went on a no holds barred lashing of the other sibling, as we found out excruciating secrets like Monica being unable to tell time until she was 13, or Ross staying up late all night to watch Golden Girls. It ended up making both siblings lose face, but at least we got to learn the hilarious fails from their youth.

Wrestling For Supremacy

Monica was undefeated in wrestling contests between herself and Ross, which the latter attributed to her being much larger in size back then. You’d think being in their thirties by that point would mean they were too mature to settle their score by wrestling, but they clearly weren’t.

When challenged by Monica to put his money where his mouth was when Ross claimed he was too strong for her, the brother and sister instantly locked horns and were evenly matched as their wrestling contest went out of hand.

Fighting For The Geller Cup

Ross and Monica’s competitiveness know no bounds, but it reaches its peak when they’re set against one another. The fiercest things ever got was when they competed in football for the Geller Cup, an ugly troll doll the two highly coveted.

During their renewed rivalry, the siblings took to dirty tactics like being too rough on the field and smack talk meant to hit their personal insecurities. However, the funniest moment came at the end of the episode where Ross and Monica remained in the playground after dark while continuing to fight over the ball. That too when it had started to snow.

The Horrifying Realization Of Ross’s First Kiss With “Rachel”

Despite their constant arguments, Monica and Ross were siblings who were best friends, with their relationship even reaching cringeworthy levels at points. The most embarrassing, but also hilarious, moment was the realization that Ross’s first kiss with Rachel wasn’t even with the latter.

After recollecting the night he’d kissed Rachel in his dorm room when he believed she was asleep on his bed, Monica was horrified to recall that it had in fact been her on the bed. Equally thunderstruck, Ross was aghast as his fond memories of finally kissing Rachel back then turned out to be the worst realization. This did well to remind us to never kiss and tell.

When Monica Tried To Hide Chandler From Ross’s Fury

Ross became the final friend to learn about Monica and Chandler’s relationship, which he didn’t take half as well as the others. Once he saw them through the window of his apartment, Ross bolted over to Monica’s to beat Chandler up.

Here, Monica made the worst attempt to seem casual by only slightly opening the door and calling him “bro” to avoid arousing suspicion, although Ross saw through this and tried to attack Chandler. It had a heartwarming conclusion, however, as Ross would hug Monica and Chandler once he found out they were in love, alternating his mood instantly from anger to delight.

Their Dance Routine

You know you’re an awesome sibling pairing if you’ve got a dance routine at the ready, and these two not only were fit for the occasion, they absolutely nailed the performance. Looking to appear on TV, Ross and Monica would the stage by beginning their dance.

Flapping their arms around, jumping around maniacally, and having no care how they looked, the siblings might not have been successful in getting to TV, but they certainly made this their most hilarious moment and one of the highlights of Friends overall. If nothing else, at least they got honorable mention in the brother-sister dance category.