Friends will always be one of the best sitcoms out there, and all fans of the gang at the Central Perk have their favorite characters. For all the Ross lovers out there, we could all admit that he hasn’t had a perfect run throughout the series. All of the characters make mistakes, and Ross is certainly no exception.

In fact, he’s made quite a few, and while some of them are just incredibly cringy, others can definitely provide a pretty decent teaching moment. In case fans need a refresher and some life advice, here are 10 mistakes that Ross made that we can learn from.

When He Kisses Chandler’s Mother

This is definitely more on the cringy side of Ross’s mistakes, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. In the first season, when Chandler’s flirty and eccentric mother comes to visit, things get a bit steamy (and awkward) at a restaurant. While this is a mistake that definitely doesn’t sit well with any of the gang, especially Chandler, we can kind of learn from it.

The most obvious lesson would be not to kiss your friend’s mom. However, it’s also about thinking about your actions before you actually do them, and maybe considering how they would affect those closest to you. If Ross did that, this mistake definitely wouldn’t have happened.

Everything With Susan

Sure, it’s fair to be a bit annoyed at your ex-wife’s new boo, but Ross definitely takes it to extremes. From trying to one-up Susan to arguing over the baby’s first and last name to getting locked in a closet at the hospital, there’s a lot of mistakes that were had revolving around Susan.

One of the biggest takeaways from these mistakes is to get over the past, and that resentment doesn’t do anyone any favors. More so, though, one lesson from this is that a baby is super darn lucky to have three whole parents. Thanks for the wisdom, Phoebe, and convincing us that love conquers all.

When He Makes The List

All fans are definitely groaning at this one. In the second season, Ross makes a list. Obviously, he didn’t have bad intentions, but this list comparing the qualities of two women is totally offensive and shallow. Rachel definitely has a reason to be mad, and this mistake cost him a blossoming start to his relationship with her.

However, we can learn from this mistake. For starters, a pros and cons list about women isn’t a good choice. Mainly though, Ross should just follow his heart. We can all learn from that, and we can work on listening to what our heart wants instead of our brain.

All of the Jealousy (& The Break)

While this is definitely a recurring theme, this list will focus mainly on his totally absurd behavior about Rachel’s co-worker, Mark. This is also the reason that Ross and Rachel actually end up on a break, which leads us to another hefty mistake - kissing Chloe. Whether you were Team Rachel or Team Ross, this was definitely a disaster.

We can learn to not be jealous. If you love someone and they love you, there’s no reason to be jealous or to go to extremes to prevent anything from happening. Also, we can certainly learn to be explicitly clear with our partner about the rules when we’re “taking a break.” That seems like a really good lesson to take away from all this.

Ditching Joey At The Museum

In the fourth season, Ross gets Joey a job at the museum as a tour guide. This was a really nice gesture towards his friend, but fans will remember that there’s a bit of tension when it comes to lunchtime. The scientists aren’t to sit with the tour guides, because that would be a breach of the hierarchy of careers. Obviously, this offends Joey, who really does have a right to be angry.

The largest lesson from this hilarious mess is that friends are more important than any reputation or social custom. Sit with your friends, support your friends, and swallow your pride. Life is too short to worry about what other people think.

Everything With Emily

This definitely includes saying Rachel’s name at the altar, but it also includes Ross giving up on his friendship with Rachel for his relationship with Emily. Honestly, every part of this relationship is probably worthy of some regret. However, all of this comes with some pretty heartfelt lessons.

For starters, one really needs to think about who is most important to them. You should never give up on a best friend because your partner says so. Also, Ross again neglected to really follow his heart. He needed to stop trying to please Emily and do what really makes him happy. We can learn from this toxic relationship that we are all our own person.


This mistake is definitely just one that’s pretty hilarious. This iconic scene will never die, and fans of the show will always have another meaning to the word “pivot.” Honestly, though, the biggest takeaway from this scene in the fifth season is to swallow your pride (and your money).

Ross was too proud to just spend a little bit of money for a delivery. Obviously, this was a poor decision, because he ended up just not having a couch at all, despite paying for it. We can all laugh at this scene, but maybe we all learn to take a step back and think about whether or not we’re acting out of pride or spite.

When He Doesn’t Get The Annulment

This is definitely another mistake worthy of a groan and a face-palm. Obviously, you shouldn’t not get an annulment when you and your partner decide to do so. That’s probably a given, and this mistake is worthy of some embarrassment.

However, we can learn not to lie and deceive our friends. This one definitely also ties into pride, and shows us that being afraid of failure or hurting our ego should not be our biggest priority.

All Of The Appearance Changes

From whitening his teeth to leather pants to a spray-on tan, Ross should just be happy with who he is. These are all pretty big, hilarious mistakes that really didn’t need to be made.

The moral of the story is definitely just to appreciate who you are, and realize that changing yourself in absurd ways doesn’t make anyone happy. We can learn from this to just be happy with ourselves.

When He Dates Elizabeth

Everything about this was a pretty huge mistake. Yes, viewers everywhere were shaking their heads, despite how adorable and nice Elizabeth is. Still, Ross let his head run this entire relationship. He wasn’t smart about his job, his relationship, or ending it.

We can learn from this, and the biggest lesson is to be with people who you really connect with. You shouldn’t feel like you can’t be yourself or that person you’re with is stopping you from being you. Like Ross, everyone deserves happiness and a strong connection.