Friends first aired back in 1994 and has since brought some of the most relatable, lovable characters on TV to life. Over a decade after the series concluded, the cast of this beloved sitcoms remains popular and talked-about to this day.

Joey Tribbiani is undoubtedly one of the most iconic characters that ever came out of the show. Maybe the fame and love for this character weren’t enough to make his own spinoff a success, but the Joey is adored to this day, regardless. Being relatable, quirky, and a little on the slow side, Joey is often cited as being one of the most relatable characters on the show, and that means that he obviously made his share of mistakes in the series’ 10-season run.

Let’s take a look at some of Joey’s most infamous mistakes and how we can all learn from them, as he (usually) did.

Thinking Little Women Isn’t As Brutal As The Shining

In season 3 episode 13, “The One Where Monica And Richard Are Friends”, Joey and Rachel participate in a challenge where they read each other’s favorite books. Rachel reads Stephen King’s The Shining, and Joey - skeptical - reads Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. The Shining gives Rachel a good scare, but Little Women is shown to have a significant effect on unsuspecting Joey.

After experiencing the heartbreaks and pitfalls within the pages ofLittle Women, this lesson most certainly taught Joey not to judge a book by its cover.

Lying On His Resume


The revelation that Joey lies on his resume was not a shocking one by any means. As Joey himself states, everyone lies on their resume, but Joey just takes this a few steps too far. As noted in the twelfth episode of season 3, Joey’s resume is almost completely false, as he’s listed “dancing, horseback riding, and guitar playing” as things he can do. In this same episode, Joey faces a consequence of his countless resume lies when he realizes he has to dance in a Broadway show.

Hilarity ensues when Joey ends up getting roped into teaching a dance routine, which he unforgettably messes up spectacularly.

 Buying Useless, Expensive Items On A Whim

In the sixteenth episode of season 2, Joey moves out of his shared apartment with Chandler and gets his own place, thanks to his newfound richness due to his job on Days Of Our Lives. Joey was shown to more often than not, struggle with money, so he really took advantage of having some extra cash.

This luxury did not last long, as Joey was soon fired from Days Of Our Lives. In season 2 episode nineteen, “The One Where Eddie Won’t Go”, it’s revealed just how much Joey indulged when he had more money than he was used to. He’s forced to take back every fancy and useless item he bought, with the exception of the big white dog statue, thanks to Ross.

Falling For The Wrong Person

Joey is regarded as being successful in his relationships for most of the show, and his natural charm is often admired by Chandler and Ross. However, at the end of the series, Joey is the only member of the Friends gang to end up alone.

It’s a rather sad fate for such a beloved character, but it’s one that was easy to predict because Joey was portrayed very often to be very unlucky in love. Joey has fallen for a few characters and ended up getting his heart broken throughout the course of the series, but nothing compared to the disaster that was his romance with Rachel - a storyline often regarded as one of the worst ever to appear on Friends.

Unwittingly Getting Himself Fired

One of Joey’s most major, notable mistakes took place in Friends’ second season. In the eighteenth episode, titled “The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies”, Joey lets fame go to his head and says some rather insensitive things about Days Of Our Lives in a Soap Opera Digest interview.

This leads to the writers killing off Joey’s character, Drake Ramoray, and this, of course, is a huge blow for the struggling actor.

Letting His Ego Get In The Way Of Getting Hired Again

After he gets fired from Days Of Our Lives in season 2, Joey’s career suffers notably. For the next few seasons, Joey does odd jobs such as Burger King commercials and rather odd plays. He briefly stars in his own unsuccessful TV show, “Mac And C.H.E.E.S.E”.

In season 7, Joey gets word that the Days Of Our Lives executives are holding auditions for the character of Striker Ramory, Drake’s brother. Letting his ego get the best of him, and, as the casting director states, not “letting his big head fit down our small halls”, Joey does not get the role.

Letting His Fortune Go To His Head

In season 2, not only does Joey ultimately end up losing all of his newly- purchased belongings after letting his ego go to his head and getting fired but he also notably jeopardizes his friendship with Chandler. This is one of the most iconic relationships in the series, but it has been tested on multiple occasions.

When Joey decides to move out of his and Chandler’s apartment, the two become at odds with each other and their friendship becomes strained. In the end, Joey sees the error in his ways and realizes that friendship is more important than money.

Eating Way Too Much On Thanksgiving

In the ninth episode of Friends’ eighth season, Joey throws a fit when Monica announces that she doesn’t plan on cooking a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. When Joey insists that he can eat a whole turkey to himself, Monica gives in.

This, however, ends up being a poor decision on Joey’s part, as he does eat the whole nineteen-pound turkey and of course, is left with a stomachache.

Welcoming A Stalker Into His Life

Brooke Shields made a guest appearance in only one episode in Friends, but she made it unforgettable nonetheless. This episode was the twelfth in season 2, titled “The One After The Superbowl, Part 1”, and followed Joey’s poor decision-making in regards to having a crazy super-fan.

Joey invites Shields’ character, Erica Ford, into his life and ends up paying for it drastically and hilariously.

Unintentionally Letting A Guy Rob His Apartment

In the second episode of the fourth season, “The One With The Cat”, Chandler finally convinces Joey to sell the ridiculously large entertainment center he built.

Joey insists that he has to find the perfect home for his piece of “fine Italian craftsmanship”, but this backfires when Joey accidentally invites a robber into the apartment and soon finds himself locked in the entertainment center while the robber ransacks the apartment.