An Easter egg in the 1998 slasher sequel Bride of Chucky teases Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and Michael Myers all living in the same universe. While they aren’t the dominant force now that they once were, slasher franchises undoubtedly ruled the 1980s, and still had some life left in the 1990s. The unholy trinity of slasher villains were of course A Nightmare on Elm Street’s Freddy Krueger, Friday the 13th’s Jason Voorhees, and Halloween’s Michael Myers. Outside of those three existed a secondary but still popular tier, which included characters like Hellraiser’s Pinhead, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’s Leatherface, and Child’s Play’s Chucky.
Surprisingly enough, Chucky ended up having more longevity than his counterparts, at least when it comes to maintaining his original continuity. Disregarding the unrelated (and unsanctioned by series creator Don Mancini) 2019 remake, Child’s Play has told its story over seven films and three decades, and plans to add to that with an upcoming TV show. By contrast, Freddy, Jason, Michael, Pinhead, and Leatherface have all been retconned, rebooted, and/or remade, in some cases multiple times.
In Bride of Chucky’s opening sequence, the groundwork is laid for Chucky’s resurrection after seven years on the toy shelf. However, the opening also contains an Easter egg sure to make any slasher fan smile.
Bride of Chucky Easter Egg Teases Shared Slasher Movie Universe
Sporting a more outwardly comedic bent than the prior Child’s Play films, Bride of Chucky set out to revive the series’ popularity in the post-Scream era. Bride of Chucky contains a lot of Scream-style pop culture references and meta humor, such as when John Ritter’s character gets nails fired into his face, and Chucky drops a Pinhead reference. The biggest such moment comes early on, when Chucky’s ex-girlfriend and future bride Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly) goes to pick up the parts of Chucky’s destroyed doll from a police evidence locker.
Tiffany collects Chucky, then kills the guard she bribed to retrieve him for her. Before she does though, Tiffany walks past other cases containing various evidence collected by the police. Seen in these cases are Freddy Krueger’s knife glove, Jason’s Hockey Mask, Michael Myers’ iconic white mask, and Leatherface’s chainsaw. The sequence is brief, but its implication is unmistakable: A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre all really happened within the Child’s Play universe, meaning that all five cinematic slashers could conceivably one day run into each other. It’s not too wild a stretch, as Freddy and Jason have already shared a movie, while Jason and Leatherface have battled in the comic realm. With Marvel Studios’ MCU dominating the box office, one wonders how much money is being left on the table by not creating a slasher shared universe as well.
More: Child’s Play: Chucky’s Child Explained