French site iPhoneSoft cites a source working in Cupertino in claiming that Apple is considering an iPhone 6c to replace the ill-fated iPhone 5c – a report likely based on a misunderstanding …

The report says that Apple is considering a 6c as a new entry-level phone to launch alongside the iPhone 7s and iPhone 8.

The idea makes no sense, both because the 5c was widely reported to be a flop when it launched, and because Apple already has a replacement entry-level phone: the iPhone SE.

While the iPhone 5c didn’t make it into the top-selling phone lists, and vanished without trace, the iPhone SE sold well and topped customer satisfaction ratings. It appealed to its primary target market – those looking for a cheaper entry into the Apple ecosystem – but also those of us who prefer a more compact phone and like the classic design.

Apple started making the SE in India earlier this year, and also introduced a new storage tier, likely in response to its success in selling to those drawn to the device for its size rather than its price.

While reports of an updated SE have so far been sketchy, the smart money would seem to be on Apple creating this at some point next year. In a reader poll, some 54% of you would be interested in a new model. This isn’t, of course, a scientific survey – iPhone SE stories are clicked on mostly by those with an interest in the model – but does reflect enthusiasm among existing owners at least.

So no, there isn’t going to be an iPhone 6c, but there will almost certainly be a new iPhone SE sometime next year.