Last month, news broke that Apple was suing the French activist group, Attac, to bar it from future protests and asking for €3,000 in compensation. Today, the ruling is in. Not only can Attac continue to peacefully protest in Apple Stores, but the group will also be awarded €2,000 for legal fees.

Apple filed the lawsuit after several protests at Apple Stores staged by Attac (the Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and Aid to Citizens).

The latest incident included 100 members of the group peacefully protesting Apple’s tax practices by occupying the Paris flagship Apple Store last December. Apple said it filed the lawsuit because of concerns about employee and customer safety.

Attac shared the details of its win on its website today (via Mac Generation).

The group said that the decision to reject Apple’s requests were important as the organization only works peacefully in the favor of public interest.

As for what’s next, Attac is gearing up for more action to promote its positions on “tax justice.” If we had to guess, the next protest will likely be the group’s biggest yet.