Today, a team of designers and developers unveiled an incredible new Mac app dubbed “Freezeframe” that lets you save different workspaces for later. The app essentially takes a snapshot in time of your windows and tabs and lets you return to them through a handy menu bar icon. It’s like Mission Control on steroids.

Freezeframe can freeze your window arrangement and save it for later. The app drops that snapshot into a menu bar list. You can quickly and easily switch between different frozen frames using the menu bar item. The app even lets you search for files, apps, sites, and text within your freezeframes. It also appears as though you’ll be able to share freezeframes across devices.

It’s unclear how Freezeframe actually works, but if it lives up to the marketing, it is surely going to become an essential macOS tool. A beta is coming soon, and hopefully, we’ll be able to give it a test drive. You can see how Freezeframe works in the embedded tweet below. Frankly, the app looks kinda magical.

The app is being built by designer Jason Yuan and developers Tyler Angert and Szymon Kaliski. They say the app will be released later this year, although they haven’t announced pricing. You can sign up to get notified when the app is ready for download on the Freezeframe website.

Refrigerate your workspace.

— Freezeframe (@getFreezeframe) February 8, 2021