RockmeIt, a desktop browser available on Macs and PCs since last November, just hit the App Store last night (it was one we glossed over because of the earnings). If you’ve used the desktop version, expect quite a different mobile experience. RockmeIt is a browser focused on social media, which is all the rage these days in mobile.

Similar to the Skyfire web browser, RockmeIt lets you log into your social media accounts like Twitter and Facebook to stay on top of things while browsing the web. It’s also got a built-in RSS reader and it syncs everything seamlessly with your desktop. The app packs in a bunch of useful features, like saving articles for offline reading, rich sharing features and so forth. More features, screenshots and a video introduction after the break.

You can access your Facebook news feed and notifications, like and comment on posts, see your Twitter mentions, reply and retweet to tweets in your stream and add custom sites to get instant updates. You’ll love quick sharing of links, photos or videos to your Facebook and Twitter friends and seamless sync between the mobile and desktop version.

This means that anything you do on your iPhone gets automatically synced to your computer via the cloud and vice versa, including bookmarks, fav sites, View Later items, the number of unread items for the sites you’ve been following and more.

It’s really cool and totally free. Check it out in the below video and get downloading.

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