Get your free August content calendar

How to use it: Head to the final page in our content calendar PDF to find the caption generators and hashtags and match up the date with the one shown in the calendar. Save them inside Plann in hashtag sets, mix and match to your heart’s content and add in your own hashtags where appropriate.

How to use the captions and hashtags:

You can now download your own copy of the entire months caption prompts + accompanying hashtags sets in the document attached to the calendar. Follow the instructions on page 1 of the google doc, and start planning your content today!

Plann tip:

You can now further streamline your social media content creation process by scheduling an Instagram post and automatically resharing it to Facebook. Simply create a post for Instagram, and Plann will let you know if your post is available for automatic cross scheduling (Facebook have their own rules about what type of media can be posted, known as their API). Once selected, Plann will recreate the post for you, adding it straight into your Facebook scheduling workflow where you can leave it to post automatically or come back later to edit, review it or cancel.