A report from Business Insider has brought attention to the free app ‘Trigger’ and its unique abilities. Known for providing real time finance alerts with custom conditions, the app can now alert you when Donald Trump tweets about stocks in your portfolio.

Many politicians use twitter, however, no one seems to use it as fiercely and regularly as Trump. He is well known for tweeting his opinions and his influence has turned the heads of CEO’s. After he tweeted about Boeing’s work on a new Air Force One, their market value dropped about $1bn, even though Trump didn’t provide evidence to back up his claim. Boeing’s stock has since bounced back, however, illustrating the short term effect his tweets can have.

CNN’s Samuel Burke discovered some changes that tech leaders have recently put in place at their companies:

Trigger’s new ability to give real time alerts about Trump’s tweets may help some folks get more rest while still staying on top of their duties. Their app is also useful for setting up alerts for whatever is important to you.

Trigger works like IFTTT by creating recipes with your desired conditions, but specialized to finance. You can make your own trigger from scratch or browse and use triggers that others have made. The goal of Trigger is to help you make better financial decisions. You can even link your broker to trigger trades. Here’s a few more shots of the free app.


No matter how you prefer to use it, Trigger may be worth checking out if you like to stay on top of your portfolio, AAPL stock, and finance related current events. Trigger was released last month and is a free download in the App Store.