All you have to do is input a seed keyword or ASIN to uncover thousands of competitive and relevant search terms.

Think Carefully About Your Product’s Title

Indeed, if a product title is long, many people will only scan the first part of the title. So, you need to make it very clear what your product is in the first few words of the product title, adding additional relevant keywords after that. Your title should include the following features: brand name, product type, key features in a few words, size, color, and quantity if relevant. These are the things for which searchers will be scanning.

Use Product Details to Include Other Important Keyword Terms

Once you have perfected your product title, write the copy for your product details. You have more space available here, so you can use many of the other keyword terms you couldn’t fit into your product title. But again, you want your text to sound sensible, flow well, and not appear as keyword stuffing.  Use product details to expand on your product’s best features. Include bullet points to emphasize features and to ensure you use text economically. Your product details should expand on your title, answering any possible questions they may have. While you are perfecting your product details, make sure that you include a series of high-quality product images, preferably taken from different angles, depending on your product. Sure, your imagery is not directly related to the keywords you use, but it makes the work of your copywriters easier if people can visualize your product, giving them fewer unanswered questions.

Add Additional “Hidden” Keywords

Sellics has suggested ten rules for these “hidden” keywords:

Don’t exceed the 249-character limit (technically a limit of 249 bytes, and some characters take up two or three bytes) Use only relevant search terms and key phrases Cover all possible keywords but avoid repetition Use hyphens to match different spelling variants Don’t use the ‘platinum keywords’ field for words Avoid brand names, irrelevant, and ‘filler’ words Don’t include product names, ASINs, or UPC codes Separate keywords with spaces instead of commas Other punctuation marks should also be omitted Never use offensive vocabulary or false claims

You can find relevant keywords by either inputting a seed keyword or an ASIN. 

Helium 10 SellerApp Viral Launch Seller.Tools MerchantWords JungleScout ManageByStats: Wordsmith Seller SEO: Listing Lightning AccelerList SixLeaf Product Listing Optimization

4. Use the Expanding Keyword Approach

You begin this approach by using any keywords you already know and want your product to rank. You then expand on these terms to find longer phrases that potential customers are likely to use. Begin by brainstorming the different terms that a customer is likely to use to find your product. Then think about how else they would describe the benefits of your product. Then you can use one of the keyword tools we’ve mentioned above to find additional keyword phrases to expand on the terms you’ve selected. Some of the tools, like Helium 10, include frequency counters to indicate the popularity of a search term. Once you have found additional high-frequency keyword terms, you can use them in your product titles, descriptions, and as “hidden” keywords. 

5. Focus on Complementary Products to Your Product

6. Focus on the Keywords Your Competitors Use