If you want to get quickly up to speed on the basics of creating an Apple Watch app following the release of WatchKit, developer Nick Walter has put a free 50-minute video tutorial online. You can also sign up for a full online course for just $39 on Kickstarter – saving $161 on the likely launch price.

Walter gained a certain amount of fame recently when Forbes reported that he made $66,000 in one month following a similar Kickstarter campaign for a course in making iPhone apps … 

As with the Apple Watch course, Walter offered Kickstarter backers unlimited access for $29, before launching at the full price of $199.

The course will be released in December, leaving plenty of time for app development before the Apple Watch goes on sale sometime in the spring. You can view the free video below, which should give you a good sense of whether you want to sign-up for the full course.

One developer we spoke to, though, did say that the approaches taken in the video don’t always represent best practice and that if you want to develop an in-depth knowledge, you might be better off keeping an eye out on iTunes U.

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