For eleven seasons, Frasier was one of the smartest, most successful, and most beloved sitcoms on all of television. Though the series originally served as a spinoff of sister sitcom Cheers, it truly went on to become a success and a critical darling all on its own - and became about much more than just the character of Frasier Crane in the process.

It’s hard to find any season of the series that is truly bad, which is a rare feat for any sitcom in this day and age. And with such high quality writing and acting on display for each of the series’ many seasons, Frasier also contains some of the best episodes in sitcom history, too. Here, we’re comparing the best episode from each of the series’ seasons.

Season 10: “Daphne Does Dinner”

From the moment she enters the lives of the Crane men, it’s clear that Daphne Moon is a part of the family. She may not become a true member of the family until she and Niles are married, but it really takes until the hilarious tenth season episode “Daphne Does Dinner” for that to become abundantly clear.

In this episode, Daphne takes it upon herself to host a dinner party with Niles, in the tradition of Niles and Frasier’s lavish and usually chaotic dinner parties. It suffices to say that not a single part of Daphne’s plans go off as expected, with the party coming to quite an unexpected end when her mother and the guest of honor come crashing through the ceiling on the Crane residence bed.

Season 8: “Taking Liberties”

Frasier’s eighth season is arguably the weakest of the entire series, but there’s one particular episode that stands out among the rest, due to significant plot development and the introduction of a guest star that was sadly never used again.

In the first case, “Taking Liberties” finally finds the end of Niles and Mel’s sham of a marriage, allowing for Niles and Daphne to begin leading their romantic life in the public eye. And in the second case, Victor Garber appears as the hilariously uptight and proper British butler Ferguson, whom Frasier briefly employs.

Season 5: “The Ski Lodge”

Many of Frasier’s greatest episodes revolve around the basic comedy of errors and miscommunication format. But this series takes this familiar trope of comedic storytelling and elevates it to an entirely new level of art. One of the best episodes to highlight this fact was the fifth season entry “The Ski Lodge.”

This episode finds various romantic miscommunications taking place while the core characters take a trip to a ski lodge, during which Niles and Daphne, in particular, find themselves embroiled in various love triangles, and Frasier feels undesirable and alone.

Season 6: “Three Valentines”

Another thing that Frasier does so well is balancing multiple plots within a single episode, even if the plots never overlap in any way. The sixth season episode “Three Valentines” essentially functions as three one-act plays within a single episode, and all of them are just as enjoyable as each other.

The first act finds Niles inadvertently setting Frasier’s apartment on fire while preparing for Valentine’s Day festivities. The second storyline follows Frasier struggling to read mixed signals on what may or may not be a date. But the third plot, arguably the sweetest of them all, finds Daphne and Martin spending the holiday together and sharing their own kind of love for one another.

Season 7: “RDWRER”

The relationship between Martin Crane and his sons, Niles and Frasier, is the heart of the series, even though it may be more fraught at times as a result of years of distance and differing personalities and levels of culture.

The seventh season entry “RDWRER” finds the three men embarking on one of their most memorable adventures, as the two snobbish sons accompany their working-class father on a Winnebago trip, and ring in the New Year together in the most unexpected of locations.

Season 2: “An Affair to Forget”

The marriage between Niles and the never-seen Maris was hardly ever a healthy one and was definitely a storyline the series took entirely too long resolving. But sometimes, the relationship allowed for the series to come up with some real gems, including the second season entry “An Affair to Forget.”

Frasier becomes convinced that a caller’s husband is having an affair with none other than Maris, leading to an episode filled with secrecy, jealousy, and detective work, that culminates in a hilariously over the top fencing duel between Niles and the alleged lover.

Season 1: “Author, Author”

Niles and Frasier might eventually come to care about one another quite strongly, and certainly end the series as the best of friends. Yet their relationship in the series’ earliest days is far icier and riddled with conflict.

But sometimes, conflict in relationships can lead to some of a series’ most hilarious storylines, as in the case of the first season classic “Author, Author.” While attempting to coauthor a book on sibling relationships together, Frasier and Niles only wind up unearthing years and years of repressed trauma and anger, leading to some hilarious moments of physical humor.

Season 9: “The Return of Martin Crane”

Frasier might be a sitcom, but the series was never afraid to cover truly emotional ground when it needed to. Some of its most emotional subject material came as a result of the relationship between father and sons, especially concerning Martin’s history of being shot on the job.

The ninth season episode “The Return of Martin Crane” covers flashbacks to Martin’s shooting, while paralleling his return to the workforce as a security guard. It’s impossible to watch the episode without being moved, especially in its final moments when Martin shows his sons a rare display of affection before going to work.

Season 11: “High Holidays”

Not many sitcoms can claim that they’re just as hilarious in their final season as they were in their first. Frasier, of course, is not like every other sitcom. The hilarious, holiday-themed eleventh season episode “High Holidays” perfectly attests to this fact.

After realizing that he never had a rebellious streak as a child, Niles decides to experiment with a pot brownie, in order to see what it’s like to walk on the wild side. Of course, Martin winds up eating the brownie instead, leading to a hilariously high Martin and Niles believing the regular brownie he’s ingested is actually laced with pot, causing him to act ridiculous, too.

Season 3: “Moon Dance”

The relationship between Niles and Daphne is one of the most beloved parts of the series, no matter how long it might take for the two to finally get together. But the third season’s episode “Moon Dance” is one of the first times the series offers a glimpse at what a relationship between these two could be like.

And boy is it a sight to behold. Daphne accompanies an already beyond smitten Niles to a high society ball, in the hopes of improving Niles’s public image after Maris is seen with another man. And though it seems like the truth of Niles’s feelings might come to the fore during this evening, his hopes are quickly dashed when he realizes that Daphne believes his passion was merely all for show.

Season 4: “The Two Mrs. Cranes”

By far the best episode of the series, the fourth season premiere “The Two Mrs. Cranes” is the rare episode that manages to find a perfect use for each of the series’ main characters. After learning that her deadbeat ex-boyfriend is in the area looking for her, Daphne asks Niles to pretend to be her husband, in hopes that it will ward him off.

Along the way, however, she realizes that her boyfriend is now no longer the loser he once was, and she wishes to get back together with him after all. What results is a major comedy of errors, including the addition of Fraiser and Roz as a married couple, and the introduction of Martin as a retired astronaut.