Fears that terrorists may be planning attacks in Paris during the Euro 2016 football tournament have led the French government to create an app that sends location-based terrorism alerts to users, helping them steer clear of affected areas.

SAIP (Système d’alerte et d’information des populations) is an iPhone and Android app that uses geolocation data to identify people close to trouble spots and to send them automatic alerts with advice on what to do. The app is available in both French and English.

The French Interior Ministry said that it also hopes that app users will use the alerts to spread accurate information on social media, where initial reports can often be confused and incorrect.

The iPhone app can be downloaded from iTunes, while family & friends with Android phones can be pointed to the Google Play store.

The Verge notes that apps aren’t the only new anti-terrorism technology the French will be deploying during the tournament: security forces also reportedly have the ability to intercept and take control of any drones flying in restricted areas.