In the midst of the U.S. government’s interest in Apple and other large multinationals that “avoid” paying taxes in the U.S. or repatriating funds stored abroad, notes that the French society of authors, composers, and music publishers (SACEM) has announced that Apple owes around 5 million euros in unpaid taxes.

The funds apparently come from unpaid royalties on iPad sales for 2011 that France and other EU countries, such as Germany, collect for devices capable of transferring and displaying copyrighted material:

The news comes as reports claim France is beginning to crack down on tax schemes of large companies with plans to force  Apple, Google, and others to disclose details of foreign business activities and tax practices:

“Just to give an example this would make sure that a company cannot declare no revenue in France while having hundreds of staff there and declare a lot of income in the Cayman islands with only one employee.” 

Late last month EU Tax Commissioner Algirdas Semeta called for an end to tax havens for large technology multinationals. At the time he claimed ‘loose agreements’ between companies and some EU countries “actually allow aggressive tax planners to shift their profits through EU member states to third countries and to avoid taxation in general.” He has not yet, however, proposed specific legislation to prevent the practice.