A Japanese TV crew approached a booth at the Foxconn plant in the suburbs of Taiyuan in Shanxi Province and asked a woman manning the booth about the 18,000 people Foxconn is recruiting for the next iPhone (video here at 7:10 via Macotakara). She said something about “being built for June.”

That plant is hiring many workers (and facing strikes from current workers) for iPhone production, according to local reports.

While she seems to imply that Foxconn is ramping up for a June production or release (or it may not), we are not convinced this is a credible source with knowledge of Apple’s plans.

  • Report: Foxconn is recruiting 20,000 workers for next iPhone production, facing strikes (9to5mac.com)
  • Photos: Apple CEO Tim Cook tours Foxconn plant during his trip to China (9to5mac.com)