Fox Business News’ Charlie Gasparino, noting that his “sources are solid on this”, reports that Apple’s Board of Directors are concerned about Apple’s pace of innovation and the product pipeline coming from the company. From the video above, Gasparino states that this “does not mean that Tim Cook is out of a job or that there’s a job search inside Apple”, however, the Board is expressing deep concern about the lack of notable products coming out of Cupertino.

He also notes that “the stock price is down 35% from its all-time high” and no major, innovative products have been released to the public since Steve Jobs was at the helm. The iWatch is mentioned multiple times in the video as an upcoming breakthrough product, but it doesn’t seem like the Board – comprised of J. Crew’s Millard Drexler, Al Gore, Bill Campbell of Intuit, and several other notable executives – appreciates the slow-paced timeline.

Whether or not this will affect the product pipeline and if Apple’s executives will be pressured to release products faster than originally anticipated is still to be seen, but it looks like the Board still trusts Tim Cook to steer the company in the right direction.